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Posts posted by Sif


    Game should be harder, not easier.


    The game is already hard, there's only so much spaceacillin as there is and it gets used up quickly if we've got incompetent MDs which is pretty regular. I don't get this desire to take a shit on peoples heads and telling them to enjoy it.



    Having sterilizine offer immunity/prevent infections while it's in a patient would probably make it useful, since it would save doctors time. At .4 metab rate that would make a 50u pill last 125 seconds, or just over 2 minutes.In terms of balance I wouldn't even mind seeing the metab rate for the chem reduced a bit further, to .1 or .2 making a 6u pill last for a minute.


    In all the time I have done Surgery I have not seen that drug ever used, I saw Incision Management Systems and maybe a tube of Nanopaste before that. Most of the meds that get focused on are things like Silver Sulf, Synthflesh, Mannitol, Mutadone, Styptic Powder (earlier on), and various drugs like Oculine if we have people welding shit.



    I see most people here haven't played in medical in a long time.


    Firstly about the suggestion, though I agree with you medical doesn't need any buffs. It's balanced as it is.


    And now about that sleepers are "devaluated"... total bulls$*t. In most of my games a scientist run by upgrading everything (including the sleepers), waves at us and leaves. Upgraded sleepers have all the drugs you ever wanted to treat everything (well except internal damage), that means less strain on the chemist and also a way to "milk" omnizine... but that's another story for another time.

    Additionally, I've read that mass distributing hypos will make a strain on the chemist... well that's true if you have only one incompetent chemist. seriously it's not that hard to mass produce drugs (it takes about 20-25 minutes to stock the fridge with basic and adv chems for a lone chemist).


    Final note: tbh I barely use my hypo as CMO.. well I mainly use it if the patient has 2 tox damage or 3 brute because it's tedious to pull out a patch or inject him with charcoal.


    Even with fully upgraded sleepers, they still don't get touched unless I require omnizine to make strange reagent or I need to perform dialysis.


    They are most certainly devalued, anyone seriously injured will be put in cryo and anyone not so seriously injured will receive patches/pills from chemistry.


    I use my hypo an absolute metric buttload as the CMO. It can easily give a critical person to nudge to making it without dying, and if you fill it with charcoal it becomes an invaluable tool for the influx of patients you get after radiation storms or spiders.


    As CMO I find myself using the hypo only if we're having a troublesome critical patient that is about to die. That's normally people who have lost a lot of blood and need that extra jolt to ward off death. It's fun using the hypo and watching the effect it has on the people it's used on.


  4. If we're gonna make suggestions regarding surgery then I would like it if we added a few things in surgery too, like Nanopaste. That should be in Surgery by default but it isn't for some reason, there's a handful of people who have Assisted organs and R&D doesn't print out the item fast enough. It'd also be nice if we could have an organ printer, I know a server has one of them already but I can't remember which one it was. It requires you add biomass and it's very handy.


    If you made a hypospray that would inject without delay then there is no difference with a Syringe besides how much it holds, seriously.


    And it would be extra taxing on the chemist as was stated earlier.

    They would need to make even MORE of the same type of stuff in bottles instead of pill/patches instead of focusing on making a variety of medicines.


    The idea behind me wanting the Hypospray is how in Surgery we have to deal with patients that don't go through cryo or sleepers when shit gets hectic. We have to stabilize them first and get them in and out more speedily than normal. I understand that you guys are apprehensive with the overall idea but I am asking for a back and forth here. As I said earlier I imagine the item wouldn't be immediately added with all sorts of good settings aside from the safety mechanism and a few other details like delay injection part. And the biggest difference between the hypospray and the syringe wouldn't just be capacity it'd be the fact there's less clutter for doctors to handle.



    Hydrosprays are nice, but we really don't need them. Goon's hydrosprays are there because people are dying left and right and MDs need a fast way to administer a whole lot of drugs. Because chemists usually don't make chems, there's a plethora of basic healing chems available, reducing the impact wasteful use has. On Paradise, the only drugs we have in mass supply on round start are the ones found in the vendors. Hydrosprays would chew through a chemist's hard work, if not to mention the annoyance of now having to create important medicines in bottles as well as patches and pills.


    I don't remember the last time I had a doctor on Paradise work to get me out of crit beyond throwing me in the cryotubes, though. Goon medical is a whole lot more tense in that way.


    The medicines that would be most useful in the Hypospray aren't really that rare. Stuff like Mannitol, Saline-Glucose, and maybe a mild sedative.


  7. I love how I posted suggestions on how to possibly nerf that and it seems you two didn't read it at all. I said to make it not be instantly injectable but you didn't read that I see. I said to make it the Goon one so it couldn't be loaded with anything nefarious until emagged. I'm all for having it nerfed and letting the CMO one be the upgraded variant that has all the pretty gadgets and options. But the ones that we'd have would primarily be used for what we need. If we said no to every item because it'd be considered the deadliest shit ever then Virology would be gone by now.


    Get found with a syringe gun without a valid reason and appropriate authorization you will be brigged. And that emag function to remove any safeties sounds like something thats painful to deal with, someone coming up to you at full speed? Just inject five units of sarin and wait for them to start passing out. The wait for an injection is not long and its perfectly reasonable, and before you pull the "Parapen is silent and can be filled with any chemicals" style of argument, remember that the parapen has one use, while an emag has many many more uses, such as emaging drones, doors and even some computers can be emagged


    I'm not gonna doubt that, but I also believe the potential benefits far outweigh the risks. I think a compromise could be reached to where the hypospray could be made less powerful but just as useful in terms of storage capacity and the ability to mix drugs. That's the primary reason I want the hypospray, it'd allow us to inject a myriad of lower chems together to help stop all matter of damage and stabilize the patient long enough to get to surgery. As I have stated before I am looking for a reasonable solution for this, if the coders want to add a delay for the injection like you would with syringes but not as long that'd be fine.



    The hypospray is probably the strongest melee weapon on the station, giving one to everyone in med wouldn't end too well.


    If you have to lower the brute damage it can do then by all means, it's very useful for Medical. Not to mention with the Goon code it apparently has a safety mechanism installed that would prevent harmful chemicals from being added unless emagged.


    He means it's an unblockable stunner basically. Every click injects 5u of what ever you load up. Ether bottles spawn in medivends, hacked vends have toxins and various other chems can be acquired by nonantags that are lethal or screw you up bad.


    We also have Syringe Guns that let us load any syringe we want and hit you farther away. With the Goon hypospray they have safety features that don't allow you to load toxins in to it. Not to mention Antags have a far greater array of things to use then the hypospray. It'd be another thing to deal with for sure, but I imagine a compromise could be reached to help make this easier to live with. I mostly enjoy the hypospray for the simple fact you can make it far more customizable then you could with a regular syringe or even an autoinjector.



    The hypospray is probably the strongest melee weapon on the station, giving one to everyone in med wouldn't end too well.


    If you have to lower the brute damage it can do then by all means, it's very useful for Medical. Not to mention with the Goon code it apparently has a safety mechanism installed that would prevent harmful chemicals from being added unless emagged.



    Because giving every medical doctor who has no idea what a Hypospray is or what half the chemicals do in it is a good idea. The CMO's one is intended to be special as it's their job exclusive item, alongside with the compact defib. We don't need to give every medical doctor the ability to waste chemicals because they decided to inject thirty units of X to cure two points of toxin damage.


    That's a rather pessimistic view, you're forgetting that they wouldn't use hyposprays for things like that when you can just use pills. Hyposprays would be for things that need a broader treatment of chemicals to help stabilize a patient, I don't understand why you think that something that's supposed to be so prevalent can't be made unique for the CMO by upping the storage capacity.


    With the hypospray you can choose what you want to put in it and mix in various drugs that would inject at certain dosages. Which means you'd be careful with it and not have to go through several syringes when you could just use the one hypospray to either treat a patient with a broad spectrum of chems they'd need or a specific one that could be loaded and injected. The syringes have run their course, with Goons code out there and the amount of it that's been ported to Paradise I don't see why something that'd be as useful and enjoyable as this shouldn't be added as well?


    It's the next logical thing that could be added for Medical.



    Alright, this suggestion was brought up in Discord after I started watching Startrek DS9 for the first time I noticed how common they were. The medical system on SS13 was for the most part mirrored after Startrek. I'd like it if we added more of them and did something to replace the one the CMO has with either an upgraded one with more capacity or more options. When we brought up the idea we thought about making them like the Goon ones that have safety measures included.


    I feel like syringes are for the most part something that should be used in Virology, Chemist Lab, and Genetics. There's no other reason for them to be used when the hyposprays and autoinjectors are around. I'd like to see this debated and possibly implemented due to how much it'd make life easier for Medical and help make things a little more organized with the way we operate.



    I am not entirely sure what you specifically have in mind for Surgery, especially considering this sounds like a mapping suggestion. I would gladly try to map it myself, but I have no earthly clue where or how you would want it, on top of that I would be basically mapping it according to a single person's idea of Surgery, which is not a good thing in most cases.


    Considering how much more simple it is to map for byond than code, I would suggest mapping up your own version to show off/PR to ask for opinions. Otherwise, the mere concept of this idea can be discussed to no end, but without an actual proof-of-concept it will only be talks.


    Yeah I know redesigning the entire map based off of one persons suggestion is asinine and I don't expect it to be done on my suggestion but this is how it start as you and I both know. A single guy kicking a can down the road and talking to his fellow players & the admin team as a whole about the idea and a debate kicks up and the most practical idea that is brought up and checked to see if it's feasible is usually what wins.


    My suggestion on where to move it as it stands right now would be moving it where the isolation rooms are by Virology. Seeing as there's several isolation rooms down there already I felt it'd make sense to use that space for the Operating Rooms and possibly add something like maybe another cloner or something a little more constructive compared to the Medicine Storage Area which does not get used at all.


    Im sorry, if i sounded hostile or anything, but its just my professional opinion.


    Also just in case, mentors are people who have offered to share their knowledge of the game to help newcomers or some other questions that might come up. Mentors are not staff, being able to bwoink people, does not give one the title of staff.


    I understand yer standpoint as a doctor trying to save people, but scientists workin in toxins are more likely to be attacked then OR if bombs are being made.


    Requesting the ORs to be moved is not an innocent and a small request, i would take mayor remapping of medbay, since its hard to fit 2 5x5 rooms somewhere else in medbay.


    My suggestion to ye is, that find some metal or a wrench and get metal from few table parts and use 4 pieces of metal to block off maint. access IF it has been breached once. Do not go around medbay blocking doors off "just in case".


    Yeah after those last few rounds I usually just ask AIs or Engineers to bolt the doors down and possibly electrify if if we've got maintenance antags nearby. I am gonna consider that idea of yours now and implement it going forward along with bolting the door.



    Oh... another "I ded plox nerf"...


    Wiznerd can just use teleport spell to get in, no problems. Tators have e-mags, takes 2 seconds to enter. Learn and live by hacking? Veteran player can hack a door open in 3 or less seconds, depends in lag and if byond is in a good mood.


    Getting into somewhere does not mean its over... Slings can communicate and im sure he said hes in surgery. Tator with emag can get into armory in 10-15 seconds if he starts from sec maint. Wiznerd just teles in. Slings are not interested in it cause they cannot use weapons. Vampire just jaunt...


    TBH, surgery is not that important of a Room. Ye can just set one up in the medical storage if ye really want. Magic of surgery is that ye need a table and tools. If yer dethralling Slings, ye really do not have time for N2O.



    ALSO! SLINGS and LINGS are 2 very different antags.


    You need a surgical table not to damage your patient more then he entered, roller beds and normal tables aren't as stable or dependable as surgical tables. Not to mention I am not doing this just because I am somehow angry at being rekt by antags, I just don't enjoy being so vulnerable as a Surgeon. Not to mention I am not the sloppy kind of doctor who just operate on people without being thorough with painkillers and whatnot. Doing it without N2O is pretty much a no-go for any doctor who takes themselves seriously. I had dethralled two people with N2O and sent them on their way within two to three minutes.


    I understand you probably deal with kids that probably drive you nuts and whatnot but being this hostile over an innocent request is pretty unprofessional. I've enjoyed my time here at Paradise and majority of the admins have been kind and courteous so I don't have anything wrong with the place as a whole but you're really souring that opinion with this display here.



    Removing maint access is really the only way to stop people getting in from there. And it's a damn useful maint access to have.


    It's also not a particularly secure location with irreplaceable tools or anything.


    It's not about irreplaceable tools, it's the fact that Lings, Wizards, and just about EVERY antag can breach Surgery within seconds. When they get through surgery like that so easily it's damn near impossible to continue doing surgeries after that. One round I was dethralling a Ling and its friend burst through and Linged me within five seconds of it getting through the door. It's far too accessible, it's far too important to just leave that exposed.


  16. For being one of the most important areas of the medbay it's far too easy to be breached in to. Anybody can get in to the ORs by breaching from the maintenance tunnels. They should not be that accessible for very obvious reasons, I think they should be located somewhere closer to the center of the medbay.


    Hey gang, I would like to thank you for hosting such a wonderful server and I am making this thread to finally introduce myself. I play atleast six different characters, some of you may know them, some of you probably won't.





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