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Posts posted by Firstasatragedy


    I don't know what to tell you Keroman. I'm sorry you get called shitcurity even when you aren't, but that's part of the job. If you can't handle that, either grow thicker skin or don't play security.


    Of course I agree that committing major and serious crimes like sabotage and attempted murder are self-antagging. None of the examples you gave in your OP are examples of self-antagging, except for the guy who tried to kill the sec officer.


    Yes, I am fine with people trying to make security's lives harder as long as they don't ruin the round for anyone in security. Busting people out of the brig and not letting you arrest their friends doesn't take you out of the round. You aren't dead. You can still play the game. It just gives you more things to do. Again this does not ruin your round. If the situation is very dire with the antags, decent sec will ignore the so-called "self-antags" provided they aren't posing a serious threat to the station and focus on the real antags, not try to get everybody who broke the law.


    When I've played security I've dealt with the same things you have. There are security regulars who deal with this constnatly, and probably even get metagrudged from previous rounds, but somehow they manage to be alright.



    You're free to permabrig someone if they commit a crime that actually warrants it, but this discussion was about breaking an OOC rule so that's not really pertinent.


    Also somebody disagreeing with you isn't "bait." And you insulted me first.



    Uh, no. Sorry but minor annoyances aren't causing anything debilitating. Non-antags are allowed to engage in small amounts of mischief provided they don't ruin the round for anyone else. I get that you're easily frustrated when something inconveniences you, but most of the people on this server aren't going to ahelp over some guy helping his buddy escape security for a minor crime. I've busted people out of sec all the time and have never gotten ahelped about it. Even after the round people members of security will laugh in OOC about it. Learn to have fun. You don't need to get fannyflustered every time someone stops you from doing your job. As long as they aren't helping sabotagers and murderers get away it's perfectly fine.


    And I'm not playing the "fuck the police" line. I'm not saying security is terrible or deserves this treatment. This is a strawman that you have constructed. I am saying that it is not self antagging to cause inconveniences to security. If I break into the brig they can just use another cell, or get engineering to repair the one I broke. I also don't ahelp over minor violations of SoP, good on you for being presumptuous though.



    Keroman, I said in that post you quoted that you shouldn't do the thing I just said. My point was IC you're likely to get away with it. It's one of the advantages of security - most people won't challenge you. Re-read my post again.


    And yeah helping minor criminals escape security is not adding to the chaos and treachery to the station. Tthere's a difference between helping a guy who stole some shit from you escape security and helping a traitor who released the singulo escape security.


  5. You aren't cut out for sec. Quite frankly you sound like a baby. Just because people make life for security harder it doesn't mean it's self antagging. Beanbag shells aren't lethal and freeing prisoners ruins the round for nobody. You are also allowed to steal unimportant things like batons. And you're basically mad at the geneticist for having fun with his job. The only thing that's self-antagging is the attempted murder of that officer. Those other things you listed might make your job harder but they're not seriously fucking up the station. If you want to play sec you need to man up and face the fact that people will try to fuck with you since you have more power than most people on the station save for the heads. Besides your weapons, you have an overwhelming amount of authority. Like you can walk into a bar, tase a random person, cuff them, and most people wont try and stop you if you say they're guilty of a serious crime. Not that you should do that just for fun, but the point is that those benefits come with a cost. I help free people from security all the time and I've never gotten an admin PM out of it unless I use explosives to blow my way into the brig. It's part of the game.

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