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Posts posted by Boltersam


    114: Following the Changeling when it promises candy.

    115: Say you can punch harder than your Guardian. (Holoparasites)

    116: Parapen and kill your assassination target in front of Security.

    117: Charge in to fight a shadowling without lights. Unprepared greytider stronk! (Not.)



    So I looked it up, and the Horror Form was essentially the Changeling turning into "The Thing". Due to how expensive it is to actually use, I'm fine with the power.


    In fact, it could be an end-game goal for the Changeling to try to take out the station crew, or a select group such as Command or Security, and gain the horror form. After it completes the previous objectives, of course.



    I'll likely be implementing a number of TG's makeshift weapons over the next few days--the bola were the first start of that; more to come.


    The BOLA you say? I was going to suggest it when I saw this thread.


    Anyways, I have a suggestion, at least for antagonists. Hanging cables that can be constructed with cable, if you have an aggressive grab on someone, you can click on it to begin hanging them by their legs.


    Reason being? As a traitor I want to bola someone and drag them back to my lair that I use to sharpen my cleavers and store my meat. Then arrpee with them because sweet sweet roleplay, and I mean c'mon, what kind've serial killer doesn't have a room where he hangs things? Name one, and you'll get a prize.


    Oh, maybe spikes can be added to the cables by use of metal, so they slowly kill the person hanging from them by damage to the legs.



    BOLAS! Tg has em :(


    If they're added, I may or may not hunt down random Assistants in maint, then take them to some hideout and hang them from the ceiling. Because cliché horror movie serial killer.



    I'd like this, but there is one thing that is a must-have.


    If someone is dirty and you see them, there will be several derogatory messages such as:


    "X smells like they slept in a dumpster"


    "Y holds their nose as soon as they see you. Get a shower!"


    "Z is covered in filth!"


    "B grimaces as soon as they catch sight of you. Clean yourself up!"



    By the way, I have the suggestion for a shell. Yin Terraformer.


    The role of this one is essentially to establish a foothold after the Invaders clear an area, to start converting part of the station into a base to launch further attacks from. Big, lumbering, very lightly armed, but with many abilities similar to a cult Artificer, to create doors only Yin and their servants (the crew infected with the nanoplastic) can open. Possible structures could be turrets, resource and ammunition producers, rechargers (Sort of self-explanatory. The Yin won't want to keep returning to the ship for nanoplastic, recharging, or rearming.)


    Two theoretical structures could be a turret, and an implanting facility for their nanoplastic slaves, which will give them an implanted loadout of tools and basic weapons to support their Yin masterminds with.



    So, I'm seeing a lot of cult suggestions here, but they're all...Basically resprites. The only two things I saw that would be mechanically different and unique (Burning of paper and such as temporary runes exempted) is a choking gas rune, and Fire Walls.


    I'd like to suggest, that each cult gives its followers minor abilities, and some major abilities.


    Major abilities:


    Blood Cult: Can use a strong grab to drain the life out of someone, making the Blood Cultist stronger physically, small bonuses like increased damage by hitting people with objects, and your fists, but can stack up to a lot of strength.


    Fire Cult: A "Burning Ember" spell-like ability for them, a ranged attack with a 40 second cooldown, that does something like 10-15 burn damage, and sets people on fire.


    Miasma Cult: Choking cough, more of a larger radius attack, 60 second cooldown, creates diseased gas that causes slowness and a slow buildup of toxin damage.


    Machine Cult: Electrifying touch, 40 second cooldown, melee spell, stuns and does 10 "shock" (Burn) damage.


    I'll come back later after finishing some things up and suggest some unique runes and such.


    Minor Abilities:


    Blood Cult: Very slow, 1 per tick brute regeneration.


    Fire Cult: 1 per tick burn regeneration.


    Miasma Cult: 1 per tick toxin regeneration.


    Machine Cult: ability, Force Obedience, only usable on cyborgs. Overrides all laws with Cult runic writings and magic, forcing the cyborg to serve the cult.



    Let them be able to construct makeshift tools using scrap metal, and upgrade these makeshift tools too. Like a larger welder. Welds much quicker, but eats fuel like it's candy.


    double-ended wrench, longer wrench with a head at each end, two tile reach for wrenching things.


    multi-use-crowbar, a crowbar with the bottom tip altered to function as a screwdriver, can screwdriver and crowbar objects.


    Just ideas. But I want a little gremlin tinkerer with huge deadly experimental devices!



    First of all, it seems like a really cool thing to have.


    But. There's always a but.


    There are two reasons, two BIG reasons, why we couldn't have this.


    1. The coding, it would take a ridiculous amount of effort, for a single species.


    2. This means dionaea won't do their jobs. They'll just evolve into these things and run around doing anything they want, because "hey we get to do cool shit like this let's ignore our jobs 'n stuff!". It's a massive buff to a single race, and not only would way more people play them, but way more Dionaea would ignore their jobs.


    And, that's my two cents.



    Make several different anime themes. Magical girls, monster hunting girls (ridiculously huge swords and other weapons), regular with a dark twist (a yandere), occult (cult.), and I'm out of ideas.


    Maybe Sword Art Online? spawn random monsters from Mining all over and equip people with starter clothes and a regular sword, and for every monster killed they get a better weapon and armour. (bitch to code, but SOMEONE had to have the idea!)



    Why is it okay to say stealing the original ss13 code is a good idea, and it's also okay to wish to steal archangel's code, or lifeweb's code, but not Goon's?


    You steal Archangel's code, we will all go ahead and hunt you down to the ends of the earth. Archangel is a unique thing and it should stay that way, as well as Lifeweb and Goon. They're unique, they have their own thing, and they're fun. Things aren't fun if there's a bajillion copies, remakes, and plain copy-pastes of the thing.


    Yeah, I got pissed off when I saw this. I like Archangel to death, it's the first server to be overhauled to my favourite fandom, and stealing code is an assholish thing to do, even if SS13 was built off of stolen code, that doesn't mean you should do the same thing.



    This would be nice. but if you really plan to only have 9 syndies (including the borg) against the entire station, the entire station with advanced weaponry and breaching devices, the Syndie ship should have lots of defence systems. Turrets, flashes, reinforced walls, the works.


    Also, the greytide will be real.


    The assistants are the grunts of the Station force, they'll be the first in, last out. taking the majority of the bullets to the face for their much more important colleagues.


  13. On one hand, I see it as a weapon for turning police officers into a better defence force against large gamemodes like Nuke, it's also used when riots (revs, mutiny.) get out of hand and lethal force may be required. This is when the carbine is truly a suppression weapon, as you put it, and this change would give them the power to disable several people into pain crit at once instead of needing to methodically kill each one of the rioters off. A good change for rev and mutiny because it won't make Sec kill them when carbines are pulled out and burst fire is activated. +1.


    Why not give them something relating to spores? Like their spores contaminate the air around them and have a small effect on others, like if the air is thick with spores they cause people to cough.


    Seems like a cool race though, I love how drawings of mushroom people give them straw hat heads, it makes me imagine Shroom samurai!


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