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Posts posted by Maxismasterson


    You're not supposed to chat, you're not supposed to talk to each other.

    This goes against the "as little as possible meta information to mentors as possible" and just makes more senseless spam for admins.

    There is a LOT more mentors online at times, 5 people talking on top of our existing logs would be very counter productive.


    Guess that makes sense.



    I was your holoparasite earlier, too, but sorry I couldn't help more

    You should've intervened when the arrest was being made. Parasites can pull their hosts.


    I told them not to. Honk.



    I do feel radium is a bit of a cheap way of just insta curing viruses. I feel it should be way more dangerous to use radium over producing a legitimate cure.

    With radium being the man form of cure to a virus it takes away half of virologies job.


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