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Posts posted by Psyentific


    Bumping this to request fluff suggestions. I want you to give me your favourite and least-favourite item in-game, personality traits, and habits. Stuff you have, stuff your characters have, stuff you see other people/characters have, stuff your dog does, whatever. The more actual creativity I can foist off on you people, the better.


    Fav/Least fav item: pAI's/Vomit grenades.

    Personality traits/Habits: Neat freak, Slob, Kleptomanic, Obsessive-Compulsive, Perfectionist, Greedy, Lazy, Bookworm, Shy, Aggressive, Nice, Cruel, Protective, Maternal/Paternal.


    That's all I got.




    Add spinning to small guns - middle-click while in-hand to do a trick and play a custom emote. Tasers, Detvolver, Traitor revolver, Stetchkin, Captain's Gun, HoS's gun, and E-Gun. Rarer guns get fancier tricks, with Traitor Revolver being


    . Fancier guns get a combo, so you can flip, spin, flourish, toss, switch hands, etc. If you spin a stetchkin, it has a chance to misfire. Pulse rifles get the fanciest flipspins.
  3. Bumping this to request fluff suggestions. I want you to give me your favourite and least-favourite item in-game, personality traits, and habits. Stuff you have, stuff your characters have, stuff you see other people/characters have, stuff your dog does, whatever. The more actual creativity I can foist off on you people, the better.


    AFAIK, the shuttles are:

    Science, which already has a bracket

    Engineering, which is right next to the engine and has a protruding airlock and a little nook

    Mining, which is the most trafficked, which again has a protruding airlock and a little nook

    Cargo, which has two airlocks and a timer displaying how long until it splats whatever's in the way

    Escape, which everyone knows


    ERT, which is special-case and fixed at one arrival point.


    It's fine man. Just stop hanging around active docking bays and git gud.


  5. Recommend adding metal rods and floor tiles as well, so you can fix floors and lay plating, but not build walls or windows. A burn patch and brute patch would probably be better than the medkits without the full-on robustness of a hypospray full of DD/Omni, assuming one could make patches into a borg module.


    Is this will be seen somewhere by the others like in records or inside syndicate uplink? Syndicate uplink can access records in read-only already. It would be neat to allow uplink show "compromising information" on crew here like quirks.

    Motives would be great fodder for Syndicate Information - sort of a "How to get this guy to work with you" thing. Heck, you could probably work it into that Syndicate Collaborator thing. "Our sources indicate that this person is skeptical of Nanotrasen. Try appealing to his [greed]."


    I was thinking it'd just be private information, like character notes for the player's use.





    Here's a mockup of what I'm suggesting. Add three categories to character selection called 'Likes', 'Dislikes', and 'Quirks'. Each category can have 2-4 short entries chosen off a pre-made list, and is intended to provide a quick prompt for fleshing out your character. No entries should have gameplay effects - it's pure fluff. Lists would be composed of jobs (ex. Captain), items (ex. toolbelt), habits (ex. stutters), personality traits (ex. paranoid), colours (ex. red) and species (ex. unathi). There should be significant overlap between lists, such that one character would like or dislike another's likes/dislikes/quirks.


    Edit: You could add another category for 'Motives', stuff like wealth, power, justice, cruelty, loyalty, duty, and Honk!





    We can see here that I've got a command jobban, but I can't tell who banned me, for what reason, at what time, or for how long. Most of these are information needed to make a proper appeal, or at least would be good to know.


    I suggest displaying the relevant information when [bANNED] is clicked on.



    We have a dilemma.


    Hair is an odd number of pixels across, meaning it won't be even and one side will be slightly larger than the other in terms of color space, mostly because the eyes are only separated by one pixel.

    If it's possible to have two different colours on hair sprites then it'd probably be better to go with a main/highlight colour scheme. See here. So you'd have a primary and secondary hair colour in chargen, and each hairstyle would have a primary-only variant and a primary-with-secondary variant, where the primary w/ secondary variant has some kind of highlight.



    Make small sharp weapons able to shank, how?


    Get in an aggressive grab, switch hand and start stabbing, should do more damage than the original item's force, cause more bleeding and more screams

    Adding new features to existing items is always better than adding a snowflake shanker just to shank a guy.



    Honestly I'd prefer tgs 'Act like an Antag get treated like an Antag' rule in which shitty players who intentionally start shit to try and banbait get their comeuppance.

    This is a wonderful little rule, it neatly deals with the whole meta-thing surrounding antag/EoC. If the guy acts like an antag, he gets valid'd or perma'd like one, regardless of whether or not he's actually an antag.


    Mind, that implies that acting like an antag is kinda okay if you don't mind the consequences, which runs somewhat contrary to the whole "Self-antagging is v. bad" thing.


    Another option would be an escalation clause, sort of a three-strikes rule. That is, establish a valid method for the escalation of conflict, starting with harsh words, progressing through severity of violence, and ending in a final solution. Wherein each encounter can be abstracted to have some force level (ex. unarmed, weapons, stuns, lethal), and persistent encounters between characters within rounds can be escalated one step up in each encounter. This is kinda an unspoken thing already - if you keep coming at someone, it's reasonable to expect that he's going to take more and more drastic solutions to discourage you.


    So, guy comes at you, you exchange punches, someone fucks off. Later, guy comes at you, you welder at him, someone fucks off. Even later, he comes at you with a stunprod, you whip out your own and someone gets handed off to Security. Finally, someone winds up killing someone else.



    ZAS was flawed but better, people have been demanding it be brought back ever since we got LINDA, not just nostalgia when it's a desire for a return to when it was an actual gameplay factor instead of another impotent mechanic.

    Nevermind public opinion though, it should probably be a priority by now to give it a good overhaul given atmos' current de facto inertness, shits boring, give me spastic space wind all you want because anything is better than boring.


    This, basically. You'll never hear me say ZAS was good. It was lethal in stupid ways (ex. wallslamming), it lagged the server, it was too easy to weaponize/griff, any large breach would mean half the station lost all air, it lacked the granularity of FEA/LINDA (ex. flamethrowers, RCD holes), and generally it was a pain in the ass to play with.


    However, it was still there, and it still did stuff. Call it rose-tinted glasses, but being killed by atmos because I didn't grab magboots sounds like !!FUN!! to me. This is a marked improvement over the current largely-inert atmos code, wherein small breaches are trivial, even for the room they're in. Heat/pressure is acceptably lethal (due to more damage locations inherited from baymed) so I don't think simply juicing the damage is the solution. It's more that the threat is far too localized. I'm mostly complaining about the processing speed - that is, gas spreads and depressurizes agonizingly slow. There's *just* enough movement to make patching a broken window by standing on it and constructing a girder impossible. A broken space-window in the chapel, for example, will not significantly impact the rest of the chapel and the library and escape (ie adjacent rooms) can safely ignore it for an indefinitely long time.


    LINDA was based upon FEA, but optimized so that it would "sleep" so to speak, and not process, constantly


    This is basically what I'm complaining about. If LINDA processed more then I'd be pretty happy. But, atmos lag /shrug



    it's pretty easy to *not* murder someone y'know. just make a pair of cablecuffs and land a knockdown or something. stunprod stuns for just barely longer than it takes to cablecuff, and if you pull the guy while you cuff he then he won't get away. if not that, then you can carry the fight on into crit, then scream for the paramedic or drag him to medical.


    even actually dying is mostly an inconvenience unless you do it in an out of the way location (ex. ass end of maint, space), or someone hides the body. the first is situational and thus relatively easy to avoid, the second requires active effort on the part of someone else to keep you ripded, and that's no bueno. like, if someone hides your body you can definitely ahelp that shit and say mean words to him in looc.


    rules are fine fam. even if you do wind up killing the guy, just fucking clone him or something.



    I rather have a boring human only wizard than to have a glitchy plasma man wizard where it ruins the round of a player.

    this tbh


    unless we get race-specific wizard/nuke/ert/squad gear, it's better just to force-human them and provide for altering their names and appearance. nuke and wizard do names, mirrors and wardrobes do appearance.



    Maybe have the traitor item be a switch blade and the make-shift version a shank?

    When ever I hear shank, I think of grizzled prison toothbrush with toilet paper as a handle.

    Not something I believe the syndicate would send to it's agents.

    this sounds like a really fun way to murder someone. for best results, pair with tabling.


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