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Posts posted by Nukkel

  1. I understand your frustration, nothing stops the beam the weapon shoots, it shoots super fast and it is strong aswell. I think the xray rifle should stay strong but debuffed to a certain level, make it indeed so that it takes a very long time to recharge it and that it can shoot lesser.

  2. Traitor, had to steal the nuke disk and the captain. And of course the captain had a blueshield with him. I told the captain I made the best weapon for our station and asked him if he could come and look while I bought a sleepy pen. Both the blue shield and the captain came and I stabbed them both with the pen, I dragged the captain into the maint, took off all of his stuff. Took his ID and nuke auth disk, weapon etc.. Then I left him to burn alive with a chemic I made. I went to the captain's office and stole his pinpointer. At the end of the round the security found out I had the nuke disk and there was only 1 minute left before the shuttle left, I ran to arrivals and went into the single person shuttle with only 3 seconds left for departure, security came rushing towards me, they tased me and I thought they would retrieve the nuke disk. Which would mean that my objective would be failed. Nope, the shuttle doors closed as they just wanted to come in and I escaped happily.


    In my opinion, the lore is reason enough to make a species what it should be and if it's not a good defense then that lore shouldn't be there or should be different, but that's a different argument for a different topic.

    Make it so only like special Kidan superiors have mesons in the lore, and the others are just guided, mindless workers. Lol.


    But yes, what Fox said - Kidan OP against mining mobs.



    OP? I am just getting rekt when I have to 1v1 a mining mob. I tried to attack a goliath, but just as any other race ; I stood no chance at all. Nothing



    The reason why I think that this is implemented this way is to keep rare rounds fun.

    If we get like 5 wizard rounds out of 10 it will become boring very fast and overused, now we can have these round a bit more IMO but not to much, keep them rare so that they stay fun!


    P.S we need a terminator gamemode.



    Bringing this suggestion back to life since I really want it, can anyone please decide if it can be ingame?


    You can't play security officer well.

    You can't play medical doctor well

    And you can barely play as a miner.


    Please give the Kidan modified glasses :/



    I love Kidan race but I have a few problems playing as one.


    I can't seem to play as a security well without the HUD glasses as I can easily be flashed and can't see what their arrest status are, same goes for mining. You can't get meson scanners on your face which make it difficult to mine. There is more I am not stating but overall its annoying that there arent glasses for Kidan to wear, it makes some jobs harden to do or even impossible.



    Granted, but now you can never again put a santa hat on anything in any way shape or form.


    I wish we had a standalone SS13 game soon, available everywhere, with all communities intact as a whole, full featured, non-laggy, optimized for all systems, easy to code for, easy to make models for, easy to make maps for, and grief/incompetency free.



    Granted, but the game itself will cost 60 euros, and all the jobs are DLC's of 10 euro's. Also if you want to make a map you need to pay another 20 euro's.


    I wish that this game was 3D!


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