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Posts posted by melandor0

  1. Removing OOC mid round in favor of just having LOOC was a massive success for Prison Station and there is nothing that leads me to believe Paradise would be any different. This will reduce admin loads, allowing them to focus on way more important things than policing the OOC channel. The LOOC channel is completely different since the local nature of it just inhibits you from instantly spoiling everyone on the server as to sensitive information.

    Removing the OOC channel rips an avenue of griefing out of the hands of griefers.


    Mel's is overclocked a bit, so it's not a direct comparison, but as you can see, the 6700k outperforms it by a significant margin.


    Fun fact: Our CPU runs at 4.4GHz only because my Mobo doesn't support OCing higher than that without messing with the BIOS - and I'm not that hardcore.


  3. Am I the only person that thinks shitcurity is an integral part of SS13? Am I the only person that enjoys feeling like the security force is really some african militia force that will beat my face for looking at them wrong? Well, I know that the answer is no because I have at least one friend as crazy as I am but really, having to watch your back around security makes rounds more exciting, so I wholly embrace our totalitarian overlords.


    These are my personal views and do not reflect any official stance on the behalf of paradise or any other staff members.


    "Ruining someone else's fun" has become a sickness plaguing SS13 at large. It's this idea that you can make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. I never had as much fun with SS13 as when people were allowed to die and sit the rest of the round out because without low points you don't have high points. If you never have a shitty round how will you ever know you're having a good round? No ups, no downs. Smooth sailing. In its current state I find Paradise a very boring affair. Nothing happens. Even the antags are afraid to get creative. I've seen people whine en masse at murderboners. Yes murderboners are uncreative but if they never happen then where's the suspense? When SS13 is deadly and unforgiving it is exciting, heartpounding. Let antags wreak uncontrolled havoc if they want, let antags do downright dickish things such as reprogramming the AI to kill everything that isn't a skrell. You can't eat your cake and have it at the same time people. So suck it up and realize that even if you get robusted a round isn't long enough that you have any reason to complain.


    Which brings me to another problem. Rounds are too fucking long. The current state of Paradise's rules restricting violence to the degree that it does has made the average round last until the shuttle vote. The shuttle vote should rarely happen. It should be the exception to the rule. It should be a moment that makes everyone go "we made it guys, good job". The longer the rounds, the more people get pissed off from being removed from the round, the more they complain that something needs to be done. It's a cycle that we need to break out of. With more antag freedom, and more freedom overall, rounds will become both more exciting and shorter. Death won't be such an issue when a round isn't 2 hours long on average.



    goddamn I give up trying to translate those to australian


    Most of Australia lives in UTC+10, also known as AEST

    Add 10 hours from the UTC±0 times to get your time.


    03:00 to 09:00 Thursdays AEST

    10:00 to 16:00 Sundays AEST



    Set hosting times have been put down for Prison Station.


    18:00 to 24:00 Wednesday CET (UTC+1) or 17:00 to 23:00 Wednesday UTC±0

    18:00 to 24:00 Saturdays CT (UTC-6) or 00:00 to 06:00 Sunday UTC±0


    As you can tell the Wednesday timeslot caters to Europeans while the Saturday timeslot caters to North Americans.


    These will be hosted on byond://nanotrasen.se:4444

    You can also join through nanotrasen.se by clicking on Installation 7734.


    Since tomorrow marks the first scheduled six hour session it will be held on Paradise's slot itself, port 6666.


    Paradise will be hosted on port 4444 in turn, for those who absolutely do not wish to participate.



    Set hosting times have been put down for Prison Station.


    18:00 to 24:00 Wednesday CET (UTC+1) or 17:00 to 23:00 Wednesday UTC±0

    18:00 to 24:00 Saturdays CT (UTC-6) or 00:00 to 06:00 Sunday UTC±0


    As you can tell the Wednesday timeslot caters to Europeans while the Saturday timeslot caters to North Americans.


    These will be hosted on byond://nanotrasen.se:4444

    You can also join through nanotrasen.se by clicking on Installation 7734.


    Since tomorrow marks the first scheduled six hour session it will be held on Paradise's slot itself, port 6666.


    Paradise will be hosted on port 4444 in turn, for those who absolutely do not wish to participate.



    I've been working on an offshoot of paradise code. A lot of smallish changes have been made, and I'll try to list all that I can remember at the end of this post. However, I'm making this post because I would like to take a ~2 hour chunk sometime in the near future during which we swap the code running on paradise with this project of mine. The reason is that I've ran tests and hit up to 30 players and had everything run pretty much as expected, but I'd like to do a proper high pop stress test, and a couple of hours on paradise would certainly suffice for this.


    So what's this code all about?

    It's been made to minimize the requirement of admin intervention. Anything that's far too easy to use to grief has been tweaked in such a way that anyone wanting to grief will actually have to put effort in, such as removing plasma from atmos. In the tests that I've ran so far we've actually had no admins and no rules at all and it's been successful so far. Maybe I had all good players even when we went public, or maybe my changes actually work as intended.


    For anyone wondering how this even worked just once - both security and non-sec stepped up and robusted those who were just obviously out to troll. Those who actually put some thought and efforts into their self-antaggery... well, they got robusted too, but it was still fun to see people acting with creativity when they didn't have to worry about BWOINK.


    So you want to run for two hours on paradise without admins?

    Not really. I know that you guys expect at least a certain amount of moderation. What I want to do is, for the duration of the test, all rules are suspended except those that deal with OOC issues such as hatespeech.


    So... when?

    Not this weekend but next weekend would be a pretty good timeslot for me. But this is ultimately up to you guys and our headmins.



    1. Dead players can respawn after a 10 minute wait as a prisoner transfer, appearing in the permabrig. You can also join as one when logging in, if you're masochistic.

    2. Fueltanks set the person who lit them on fire, doesn't harm anyone else.

    3. Replaced singularity with supermatter engine.

    4. Starvation will kill you, through toxin damage, as your organs eat themselves.

    5. No OOC except pre-round lobby. LOOC still allowed.

    6. Atmos starts with empty plasma, n2o and co2 containers.

    7. Cargo can order canisters of all gases and crates of all metals and minerals, also tank transfer valves.

    8. Removed plasma and transfer valves from toxins research, they can order them via cargo.

    9. Removed the incinerator.

    10. Removed Drones

    11. Added AI turret controls to RDs office and AI satellite lobby (requires bridge access to use: all heads of staff can use them).

    12. Prison extended.

    13. Sec uses riot shotguns, not tasers. Limited ammo punishes mindless shooting. Also, no instant hit stun.

    14. Sec also uses nightsticks instead of stun batons - needs two hits to down someone. No need for a battery.



    From a gameplay standpoint I would prefer 15x15 because i think the current view range is quite large and 17x17 supposedly changes the gameplay because you can avoid agressive mobs. Maybe other stuff too?


    Changing AI behavior trigger range is relatively trivial. Why do you find 17x too large? Assuming a square is 2x2m that's 16m of visibility in each direction. That seems excessively nearsighted to me.



    If we're going to throw out the people's monitors have specific resolutions arguments, let's actually throw out that argument.


    It's an argument irrelevant of my resolution. We must assume that players are using 32x or 64x if they are arguing that they want the game to look better, because no matter the resolution or amount of tiles stretch to fill will look arse compared to setting 32 or 64.


    Now, assuming you ARE arguing for 15x purely on an aesthetic basis, that means your screen is precisely big enough to fit 64 on 15x, but not on 17x. For everyone whose monitors are larger than this 15x is wasting screen real-estate. For everyone whose monitors are smaller they are running 32x and unless they're on the smallest screen ever 15x is once again wasting screen real-estate with blackness.


    Don't try to pitch this as being about me: I severely doubt a majority of our playerbase is precisely in the resolution range of being able to barely fit 15x in 64 mode.





    This is my greatest reason in favor of 17x17. 15x15 just wastes space on my monitor. I run 64x64 (2x) so going 15x15 just makes my gameplay area smaller. It doesn't change how the tiles look AT ALL.


    The problem is stretch to fit, not 17x17. And all other issues can probably be fixed with far less work than was put in to revert back to 15x15...



    My behavior reflects badly on not just me, but the entire admin team. While I find that it was justified to be upset at the accusations levied at me, there was no reason to express my anger through calling Alex names.


    I'm sorry to Alex, and anyone else who was unfortunate enough to have their eyeballs assaulted by my outburst.



    I'd much prefer to keep this public, otherwise you could say I said something and then ban me for it.


    Then I'll cut this right here without shitting up the thread further, with you calling me a corrupt bully yet again. Have a good friday, and a good weekend as well.



    You go around acting like an admin with that mouth? Disgusting.


    I'm sorry if my words offended you, but I would honestly say that a few "bad" words are nothing compared to calling me a corrupt power-abusing bully. Would you not agree?


    Also, please, let us not spam this thread. Take it with me privately if you want to continue this.



    So basically, you, from a position of authority, have been going around telling people to vote no? So yeah, pretty much confirms that the poll is bust.


    What the fuck? No. At no point did I even hint at that. Are you dumb? I said I've been voicing my opinion. Loudly. This thread. The admin skype chat. The coder skype chat. The github PR threads. And no where else.


    Fuck you for insinuating that I've been using my position to fudge the results though. Dick.


    Arguing my point of view does NOT equate to telling people to vote no. I convince people with logic, I don't brute-arm them with authority. I'm sorry if I'm being hostile but holy fuck does the thought disgust me. I'm here to win through reason, not bullying.



    Someone just deleted my post saying this isn't true, so I'll merely just say it's not true without the further proof.


    I looked at the forum moderator logs - no one's touched any post made by you.



    Also, this poll went from like 15 to 3, to 16 to 19 overnight, something seems fishy here. It's honestly disgusting if someone intentionally sabotaged this poll.


    Or, maybe, I caught whiff of this situation and started screaming at the top of my lungs about how insanely bullshit it would be to downgrade to 15x again, and then more people started to notice as I went ballistic.


    I have a tendency to draw attention to topics like these.


    Also, fiddle with your byond/gpu settings. Or hard-set to 64x. Seriously. You're not missing much:


    (Completely unchanged pure cropped screencap (didn't want to show the admin logs in the chat window))



    but my monitor has 1080p resolution which is objectively better than 720p, which is objectively better than 480p and so on. I can't exactly say that 64x64 mode with 15x15 objectively looks better overall than stretch to fit with 17x17, since that is up to personal preference, but sprites definitely don't look how they're exactly supposed to in that mode, which I do notice and think it looks ugly compared to 64x64.


    I don't see why you would try and limit people with the better resolutions by giving them stretched and disfigured sprites to look at instead of what was intended.


    If you have a good monitor run 64x64 mode. I have 2560x1440 and I use stretch. Some things look weird, but SS13 is a horrendously ugly game to begin with so I don't care about the distortion personally. What I'm concerned about is the whole "stretched looks weird on my monitor on 17x, go to 15x so it looks less weird for me." completely ignoring those whose screen resolution looks less weird with stretch on 17x.


    But most importantly that 17x is far better for gameplay than 15x and if you care so much about these ugly as shit sprites you are free to hard-set to 32x or 64x. (Those who have helped sprite things for me I love you to death don't think I'm talking down to you I love you for helping me out I'm just saying this game isn't played for its looks)


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