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Posts posted by TheMasterOfCoin


    There is good reason why narcissism isn't relevant in an argument and it's because it's about the person, not the argument - it's about winning and proving you are better. I know narcissism in great detail because I dabbled in it more than I'd like to admit when I first started roleplaying seven years ago, specifically on forums - it is always about winning. It's about showing your big internet muscles, it's not about being constructive - it's not about creating anything, you burn and destroy someone so that you can feel like you're a big man with your big boy pants.


    Your reply shows that hatred, that want to show that you are the big man in this argument, that nobody should ever mess with you. You aren't even talking about the idea, the suggestion - you aren't properly criticizing it and nor are you really creating anything new in your argument as you seem quite repetitive. But this is because your argument is emotional and is not guided by a want to better something or to honestly criticize something - but by you simply wanting to win.


    You may notice I don't address each point and it's because I decided to stop these kind of games a very long time ago, I don't engage in narcissism nor do I engage in arguments - I engage in constructive debates where people try to teach each other something. Regardless of if I could beat you at your own game, I would simply be making myself less of a person for doing so.


    @ Someone Else:


    There's capability to create something good here, regardless of the doubt being placed - you have Wizard rounds a plenty, this simply would be a Wizard round where the Wizard kills no one and merely roleplays with the crew. It has no capability to be worse than an actual Wizard round and has so far - never failed when done with other servers. The purpose of this event is for me to create an adventure for others to participate in and weave something new into what might normally be a somewhat mundane shift.



    I do not only play head of staff, I use to play command roles a lot long time ago - but once again that was a long time ago. I stopped playing for a while and I don't appreciate your insulting me Toroic, narcissism does not make you stronger - it makes you weak. Whoever the hell you are, you better get over your obsession with me - because I've not intention of dealing with your drama and don't want you to be stepping around like a damn shadow whenever I do something. It looks like your only issue is me, but that looks to be more personal than anything - so you shouldn't further comment on this thread.


    #Tip: Bullet points are not an advised method on forums and it is also advised that you try not to change your mind mid argument about an idea, it shows a lack of control over your thoughts. Try to stay in relation to the topic (The Idea), instead of trying your hand at defamation as opposed to actually criticizing my idea - which is what I want you to do in detail instead of... attempting to make something that could work well, burn because of some kind of emotional instability.



    Mainly posting this because I think it'll help me with my Event Request, which this helps support considering I'm not someone who posts on forums. Which is just how I am, I can't do Paradise forums as I'm completely committed to Roll20.


    Anyway this was a new character I made actually two days ago, took about a two short nights to finish it and a few scampering of quick edits. It's a Battlemaster for 5e, that is based off my Dark Templar from 3.5



    At the end of my journey, I can see through time. My eyes blinded with tears. I see the star of our hopes, the Emperor who once brought peace and prosperity to our House, who united tribes from all walks of life, I see an epoc of overall happiness and now... that all lies in ruin. The old gods had arisen, brothers picked up arms against brothers, mankind clung to each other's throats and nature took revenge by showering famine and plague upon us, leaving nothing but dead cities and pillaged settlements behind. The land is lifeless and barren... but maybe there is life on that distant forgotten land, where only few dared to venture - those who we would once call mad men. I am one of these mad men now.



    Erik came from the Island of Morldua, where he resided within the Stormlands, a Kingdom ruled by a great emperor - a place that not too long ago was simply a muttering of villages and ill prepared castles. Now under the rulership of a great emperor, united and strong, Erik's people had arisen to great lengths, with an economical strength that boasted over all other Provinces. Their military strength was not grand, though their Knights were one of a kind and were often used to deal with grave matters of state - kidnappings and the like. It would seem Morldua herself had been tamed by the Stormlands as other kingdoms would take after the Kingdom, favoring peace and trade over war and famine.



    But such a Paradise could not last, as all good things must end. It started not long after Erik had his second child with his wife, the rattlings of new religion which took strong presence within both the Stormlands and the southern kingdoms. They were known only as the Craven, old gods that had once had strong presence in Morldua - during a time when war and pain were a plenty, but of course these details would be forgotten and all that would remain in the peoples eyes is that they were known for showering their followers with good luck. Of course this fact would come to light, as followers of the faith seemed to receive better crops, wealth and seemed even less likely to die than others, those who spoke out publicly against the faith found themselves dead the next morning, hung outside their house in a tree.


    It would seem a shadow had grown over the land as more and more of this new religion would come to light, books and scriptures coming from apparently nowhere detailing how to correctly follow the Craven - how to impress the gods and to become their champions. Many took to this, whether it was fear or simply greed, they took to it - grasping at a dark divine power in the hopes that they would - with their families arise to a better life... it was not long until the wars had started again. Many of the northern neighboring Kingdoms rejected the religion and of course, the Stormlands - a nation once known as the pinnacle of peace and prosperity was the first to take up arms against them.



    With a now bolstered military and embedded cruelty into their citizens, they ravaged the lands with the assistance of the Southern Kingdoms. Erik would go to war and in this war he would see all his brothers die, he would see recruits that he had been training for years - die in the mud, he would kill villagers in their huts. The anger of his fallen brothers taking over as the tide of war, as the righteousness that was once in him faded away - he was no longer himself, simply a wild beast awaiting orders. Powered not be religion, but by pain. He stood among his brothers, arrows in his back - awaiting death, waiting for what he had come to earn. Tears came from his eyes and blood soaked through his armor as he laid down to die - it was now as he laid down preparing to die that he had realized what he had become - moments later finally succumbing to his wounds.


    He awoke later finding himself not dead, but not quite alive - as he scrambled to his feet he felt different somehow - not undead, but something close to that. Had he died? Was he a ghost? He grabbed his flesh and squeezed, feeling quite physical he wandered the fields of dead men searching for answers. He found more wandering the fields, they too thought themselves dead - but for some reason they were not. None smiled that day, as it would seem the thought of life continuing after the wall seemed all but impossible. Though the kind of life that would prosper - is one that most would never want to see. Undead. They would come for them now, the overlords that had tricked them into killing each other had finally gathered enough blood - enough power to summon their armies and claim the island for themselves.



    Morldua was a plaything, an attack on the very essence of good as skeletons wandered the villages - killing all they could, under the direction of Horned Creatures which trudged along the background of the carnage. The middlemen between these skeletons and great overlords were the champions, the men that had given everything to the religion had now become enslaved to the Plane of the Dead - husks of their former selves, they only cared for two things - power and servitude. But those in the war that had been brought back to life - the things that the Horned Creatures had sought to torment even more, were something they did not plan enough for. With the assistance of Erik, he rallied those who had risen from the battlefield, before making an attempt to retake their lands.



    They killed scores of the undead and saved many, killing even a few of the Demons champions in the process of their war - but, this would not be enough, as they were not at battle with an army - but the dead they had buried in the lands. The demons would never run out of graves to defile and those who resisted them were few in number, with little in resources. Erik would be alone once again, among corpses - not dead, but not alive as he looked again towards his new brothers who had given their lives in their last effort to spit into the Craven's faces.Within a Keep lay the bodies of forty of his men, arrows littered the entire area, blood and bone decorated the halls and the courtyard, as it seemed that for every Knight that had fallen - five undead would perish as well.


    And in front of Erik would be the last Craven Champion of the Stormlands - his own mentor, with a sword embedded into his pale form he would mutter "Forgive me... brother." before dying on his sword.


    After The Island:


    After leaving what would now be called by outsiders - the Undying Isle, Erik seeked refuge in Faerun, though he would also find himself plagued with nightmares almost every night. As he seemed almost tethered to the place he had died, though the pain he experienced in his nightmares was not near enough to make him consider going back. For many years he braved Dungeons alone and sometimes with others in tow, searching for an answers about the Craven - for a way to exact his revenge.



    Name of Event: The Mirrored Man

    One Sentence Description: Single character side event with the purpose of creating non harmful story for select members of the crew, which through them - creates more roleplay for those they interact with and subsequently a very interesting round for everyone.


    Map Changes: No.

    Code Changes: No.

    Suggested Number of Players: It doesn't particularly matter if there's lots of players, but it matters that it is a not a Nuke Ops / Rev / Slime round, - really just a round that guarantees that people will be firing guns everywhere like commandos or see the station in absolute chaos that would prevent anyone from roleplaying. Syndicate, Changeling, Extended, Borer and Vampire can work for this.

    Full Description of Event:

    As a note if you are questioning whether this works and are worried it will not work out, it's been tested before on other servers successfully. Generally speaking I have received a lot of praise for Gaunter and have so far not encountered any significant problem with this(It's extremely well thought out, keeping the players in mind). This is the exact format I use every time I do Gaunter and have so decided to try it on Paradise because it's a place of decent roleplayers, but also a place that is not overly constricting in it's allowance for creativity(For now.). Which makes it ideal to try out Gaunter, since the event itself consists almost entirely of just talking.




    Gaunter O'Dimm, Master Of Mirrors and the man who walks all worlds, all planes - he watches and torments select few who he deems interesting enough to toy with - as he has done since the beginning of time. It is on a fateful day that he would arrive on the station, invisible - yet visible, his voice lurking around like poison in the air. The wish granter, whom grants what others desire - exactly what they desire... but takes back in full measure, for his a Merchant of souls and requires just payment. Those would ask him of something, would than need to complete a quest in a set amount of time - or perish and feed him as such the contract would declare.



    I'd be playing Gaunter O'Dimm who's ID would list him as a Merchant(It needs full access) - though he would be very much invisible and hard to see, wearing full wizard garb while invisible in order to cast timestop, teleport and abrupt jaunt. With the assistance of an admin I would walk the station in search of souls to torment, once I find such a soul I'd offer them anything they desire(Within reason - they must be capable of paying off the debt with the quest I give them), the admin accompanying me would than spawn the thing they request(I mainly offer pre-made deals, so I can offer them strength which would be an Adrenaline Implant). Once they make the deal with Gaunter, I would find a second person to make a deal with - once I make a deal with them, I go back to the first person and tell them what I want from them(Admin teleports me there - though I am once again invisible so nobody will see it happen). What I want is pre-created before the event, so the quests are not made up on the spot and are a series I choose from within a word document, me choosing the one that I think would be most applicable to them.


    As a rule I don't create murder quests or quests to steal important items, though it is possible that I might organize multiple people who may of failed their quests and tell them their redemption is inside the vault - it is three pieces of paper that grant them freedom. Anyway the primary point is to create an interesting story and also some chatter on the radio about an invisible man talking to people, it's to create a grand adventure for all to partake in - to give them something extremely unique that will make them better roleplayers in the end for having participated. This kind of grand story telling and interest in particular people comes from time having spent DM'ing for Dungeons and Dragons games, where you absolutely had to create unique - physical stories that could draw people in for hours, as often the thing that built the game was simply the way you described things.


    TL:DR Invisible wish granter with utility wizard spells followers people on the station, granting them minor wishes in exchange for them completing a quest in future. Grand epic adventure for all, battle tested on other servers - tends to be really fun for everyone involved, including the admin helping me.


    viewtopic.php?f=42&t=7709 <--- Evidence to my ability to create enticing story.


    (Someone having their soul claimed)



    (Gaunter in his absolute true form - uses about ten absorbed souls, no intention of him turning into this ever. This is what he relies upon when fighting others of his kind).




    To be honest, I'm confused why Xeno doesn't own the Gateway? I mean probably because it almost never involves aliens, but - you know, if you added alien / artifact orientated maps. That'd be cool. Instead of sticking them out in the middle of nowhere mine town, where Archeologists will not go.


    To be honest, kind of gets annoying seeing Clowns and Janitors use the Gateway, instead of - you know, science.



    Going to keep this simple, as it doesn't need too much explaining.


    The Gateway annoyingly goes to the beach and phoron station all the time, while you might think this is okay. When people gear up almost every shift, to do Gateway - and often spend about 20 minutes or so preparing, sometimes even longer then that. Then waltz into the Gateway and find, for the third time in the row, it's the beach or the phoron station - they kind of start to hate the Gateway.


    I'm not saying you need to make the Gateway constantly action packed, but reducing the chance of it going to the Beach or Phoron station would make it a lot less soul sucking to use the Gateway, when it constantly goes to the places nobody wants it to go to. It's just a suggestion, not really a big change on your part and it requires very little effort. Worst case scenario, everybody wants to use the Gateway. Not really too bad in my books.


  7. To be quite honest though, even when a Chaplain gets the chance to do something on a cult round. All they really do is just create holy water, which anyone can do to be honest - so with or without a chaplain, there's almost no difference. The Chaplain is kind of like the Clown to be honest, they exist - but they have no compelling reason to be on the station. It's like an aesthetic job.

  8. Honestly it's still worth a shot for SOMEBODY to put some decent effort into an event. Sure it might flop, but anything worth while has the risk of failing - we can't hide behind safety, life isn't fun when you stick to the safe side and neither is roleplay. Take a risk, make something with a story, something complex or interesting. I'm not talking about just spawning a death squad or doing something vanilla as hell, I'm talking about something that takes people away from the pain of repetition. Make a round feel different and give your players actual adventure with some proper mystery.


    I guess it makes sense if the playerbase is ruining things you guys try really hard to do. I never had that experience with Nutscript since players had to rely solely on administration running events, since it wasn't like SS13 where a script just made things happen for them. Guess people just don't appreciate the effort and are more reliant on the script on BYOND.


    Also just saying, I tried to doing a Cave Johnson thing and I was thinking - you know, maybe to not be self serving. But let other people do things like that, I know BarrelRoll would love to do it and he messages me all the time about doing a Cave Event. Sadly I can't actually do it myself because Administration never really authorize anything custom like that, but if you guys let other players - do something custom or just make something different of the rounds, that could be fun.


    Most people in command are really terrified of doing anything that is against the norm and in a way, people higher up if they feel safe - could do something to the rounds that might be like a custom event. You could just try it out, give someone permission to do something different, whether it be letting them do something odd with command or simply just letting them do something else then their traitor goals. What if the nuclear operatives took over the mining station and declared it their own independent station? I don't know. Perhaps allow the clowns to start a coup against the command staff, because of the long horrible oppression they have been facing?


  10. Those.... aren't events. There's not really a story to them or any real goal, it just sounds like admins messed around with some commands. The events people constantly attempt to get made in this board involve some kind of plot, some reasoning behind what happens and something for the players to achieve or do.


    Just saying, before you do this to your life, I need to tell you what it's like joining a Military force and what will happen most likely if you do.


    1. If you are female you'll be likely subjegated to sexual harassment on a constant basis, you will be stereotyped and treated poorly by officers because you are female and will possibly be raped, as the Marines/Army have the highest statistical rates for rapes for any job.


    2. You will be brainwashed and re-built from the ground up to obey commands, unless you are an officer. A rifleman will generally just learn how to obey, how to respond instantly and be able to move as a small cog in a massive, massive wheel. You need to decide if that's what you want to do, many people like receiving commands, they like to be told how they should live, breathe and move. If you don't like to be told what to do and you can't imagine yourself blindly following every command you are said, instantly without any hesitation at all - then becoming an enlisted soldier is not for you.


    3. You need to understand that if you are joining an American Military Force, the pay is low for enlisted and also for NCO's. I can imagine a CO's pay would be enough - but then again, the American military in general just underpays their soldiers. So you won't be making much money unless you go through Officers training and become a CO.


    4. If you want to fight and kill, go through instances of serious comradery, bravery and just action in general, becoming a Marine is not where you will find it. Most people who enlist very rarely get to be the Commando they wanted to be, there's very little action, you'll spend more time training then you will spend doing anything else, your training never stops and you constantly re-learn basics over and over again until it's drilled into your head. The only people who really get into 'The shit'(A term used to explain when you get into a serious fire fight) are REALLY lucky marines who are stationed in high conflict zones, Army/Naval Commandos and special forces. It's a problem you have, because you enlist SO FUCKING many people into your military, most of them never see combat - or they do see combat and it's just not really that impressive.


    5. You will be expected to be patriotic, you will be expected to be predatory, to be a killer. Personally I have no problem with that, if I could go back to Medieval times I'd kill, fuck and pillage my way through history - because that's just human nature. But if you aren't someone who can act as a violent person and be animalistic, that'll be a conflict for you to deal with - because they teach you to be a killer. On the outside, what they tell Civilians is that joining a military force - just in any country really, is serving and protecting. The reality is what they feed their troops is "You are here to kill fucking Arabs.". Not even joking, you guys have even termed some racist slang that's used now to describe Middle Eastern people.


    I'm not saying that joining the Army or the Marines is bad, I am saying there are things they do not tell you about joining and things they probably still won't tell you. You'll just find out - or you can find out from my comment, take a look at some videos if you want. There's a lot that's hidden and I know a lot of people who've enlisted and they did not like it. Most who join love it and they love the comradery, but some people join and it ruins their life, mainly because there's about a quarter group of those who join who spend their four to five years doing basically jack shit(The most common thing a Rifleman does is literally nothing, you'll often spend hours sitting and waiting for something to do, awaiting orders or simply some kind of command. Cleaning is also another thing you'll be doing a lot, you'll be one of the extra handy men around base.).


    Think carefully on this decision, because it's not too late to back out, choose a different path or at least decide to become an Officer. Working in intelligence is also fulfilling, cavalry is cool too and so would the Navy. You need to look at realistic alternatives and not go for the job that's selling bullshit about you going in guns blazing like it's Black Hawk Down every deployment. There are other jobs, other paths and ranks you can take, that are extremely beneficial to various types of people. Find who you are and what you'd find fulfilling and think about your decision.


    Also, if you are only planning to do it for four years and then drop out, because you want money. Do not fucking do it. The military is a life long bond, it's a change to your mind. In a way, if you do four years and decide to leave - you never really leave. The mentality and attitude that they ingrain into your soul stays with you until you die and it's very, very hard to stop being that person.



    By the way, why can't you guys ever do custom events? When I did administration for Nutscript servers, we did them all the time.


    I remember setting up massive events every single day, as well as small ones - some survival servers had up to seven custom events a day that were admin controlled. I mean fuck, me and like 3-4 other admins would spend 30-40 minutes preparing an event for players, then spend the entire event making sure it was perfect, cinematic and dramatic, constantly making sure people were immersed and taken care of properly so that they had an absolutely thrilling experience.


    All you guys have to do is just spawn Xenomorphs on the derelict instead of the station and tell the Captain to send a team there. Or you could do a death squad round and have someone on station as the VIP the death squad needs to kill. SOMETHING GUYS. It's NOT HARD! It really is not! If people from a different RP platform can put copious amounts of effort into creating events every day, you guys can spend the 5-15 minutes to set up a basic event. People get bored of doing the same stuff every day, we're not all Michael Bay fans who enjoy seeing the same thing every single day - nor are we call of duty fan boys.


    What makes roleplay appealing to people, to most people - is that you have a freedom to do a variety of things. You have the opportunity to be in various situations and to explore concepts that you can't normally explore in games and as you can see from this board. There are a lot of things people want to do, things people want to try - that they can't try anywhere else, so please provide them with the opportunity to have some fun.


    I'd say they could do it on Roll20, but playing a Sci Fi game on Roll20 is about as futile as trying to find gold in your left jean pocket after it gets washed.


  13. Just a warning, for percent of applications for events that come through here, all of them are usually ignored. When I mean ignored, that includes when administration posts one comment and never gets back to it. This is a place where dreams and ideas come to die, so understand that it's really unlikely anyone will actually do jack shit in this board. More likely an admin would just steal your idea then use it for an event, without including you in it.

  14. I get what you are trying to do, but it would most likely require the entire Staff team and the result would probably be fairly mediocre and only really fun for the ONE guy who's the inspector. It's a ridiculous amount of effort for little pay off.


    The point is that people die and this isn't new in SS13. At least people will die from monsters / custom event, as opposed to being murdered by trigger happy security or some random syndicate. The round won't exactly be a long one, so anyone who is dead - won't be dead for terribly long. Hell maybe the admins will decide to send in ERT to allow for some dead folks to have a second chance.


    The event is horror based, it's an attempt to create fear in both players and their characters, it's a test to see if anarchy will reign over the station - or unity. It's also freedom to allow the players to decide on how to react, as to give them a chance to either unify and fight together, or become survivalists, shooting anyone who dares get in the way of their livelihood.



    I couldn't imagine it being too hard, unless admins have no clue at all how to spawn specific NPC's or to impersonate Central Command then it's fairly easy compared to other events where administration need to bring out custom gear or teleport specific people to a specific location to be specific anagonist characters.


    By the way something to remember is the first attack isn't really meant to kill anyone unless they are being outright stupid. It's just kind of like a "Booh! Monsters! PLOT REVEAL!". Then it gives them time to go to code red and then get sort of ready for the next attack that Central tells them about - which is basically a 50/50 of wiping them out entirely when it comes.


    Expectancy for the following to happen at the end of the round when the last three robust survivors have made it to the end:




    This could have some very interesting roleplay and for once, fear roleplay might happen. Groups of survivors might huddle in corners of a dark damp room, arguing over what action to take - if they should try find weapons or simply just hide and hope that they can survive the attacks. Trying their best to ignore the screams of dying civilians outside of the room as unknown horrors rip them to shreds.


    Or they will just run around with E-Gun's going "BOOM BOOM, DEAD MONSTERS. WOOH.".



    Name of Event: I Will Survive

    One Sentence Description:

    Quite simply put, things do not go well for the Human Race this one particular day.


    Map Changes: No


    Code Changes: No


    Suggested Number of Players:

    Doesn't specifically matter, but above 35 is ideal.


    Full Description of Event:


    Essentially you just have the round start off as normal, you take the role of Central Command and notify the Captain that they should order laser weaponry from cargo to be stored in their armory. You do not tell them specifically why they need to do this and you let the paranoia kind of sink in as to why there's this sudden mandatory need for extra weapons aboard the ship.


    Now through whatever method you think is best, you need to create 'monsters' or essentially horrors aboard the ship, in a sort of dead space themed like attack on the station. Crew will be afraid and they will try their best to deal with these creatures, clambering for knives, forks - whatever they can to keep them from being eaten alive. After the initial attacks it'll be clear as to why CC contacted the station and had them stock up - security will then follow to wipe out any remaining creeps and have the station hold.


    Central then contacts the station again warning them of another impeding attack from the creatures. If they brief the heads all CC will be able to tell them is that they are not a normal race of life forms and are being controlled by something like a hivemind or device as well as that most of the colonies within their sector have gone completely dark. They end their message stating that they cannot call for a shuttle as it would just be destroyed on it's way back to Central Command - which also is dealing with an attack from the unknown life forms.


    Some time later and the Station will have reacted appropriately. They might of decided to continue on their jobs and act like nothings happened even with all the horrible warnings or create their own indestructible fort in which they'll hide in until shit just blows over. But what will follow is a tidal wave of horrors that will either wipe out most of the crew - or all of them. After what could be considered the end of the event(Once you can basically say "Well they've clearly lost.".) you just well... end the event? The idea is simplicity and no serious over complication, it's better to let the players wonder "What the fuck is going on." rather then be fed information about everything. By having administrators spawn in creatures and having them come in two waves, after a series of confusing messages from CentComm you create something unique for players to deal with. But no matter what you do want the players to feel like there's no hope and that everything is bleak, where essentially in their last moments before the wave comes in - they will feel like it's every man for himself.


    It leaves room for interpretation and isn't like most events where it requires the players to specifically act in a certain way for it to turn out the way you want. With this you simply act a series of events, you allow the crew to react accordingly and if they perform poorly they will simply all die - but if they pull their act together they will survive. You can make this clear in OOC if you want to the Captain, if you feel like they'll be too stupid to figure out the "We are about to be destroyed." part of the event. They might find unity and work together to save each others lives, they might go on and become survivalists where it's every man for them self or they might be really stupid and just act like it's a normal round until they realize it isn't when their faces no longer reside on their heads and instead are now on their butts.




    Dead Space 2 Event.


    Lots of confusion, no real clarity for the plot.


    Alien Isolation. Possibly. Depends on if they all go ape shit and decide to become survivalists, in which case it'll be like Isolation. If they decide to use their cool heads and work together, then it probably won't be.


    Players gain freedom and don't need to feel forced into doing anything, they can simply decide if they want to live or not and if they decide to live, what they are willing to do in order to survive.


    Engineers should experience the following at some point;



    Chief Engineer Adams says "Fuck.".


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