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Posts posted by Uyri




    I was the dude that was killed by Innocent FIre, and I created an account just so I could put my ten cents in. I didn't know that there was a problem before searching to see if Gek's adventures had found their way onto these dandy forums, and I actually find it pretty funny that was a controversy created over my antics.


    A few days ago, I was screwing around with limbs in the character setup screen and found that I could remove all of them before the game even started. After this discovery, I created Gek, a somewhat-stupid quadraplegic with a good heart and an open mind. As Gek, I roamed around in a wheelchair with no limbs (propulsion via lungs?) and caused mischief. I was fairly new to the game, as I am now, and I was having fun by cursing at people in the corridor and having to be helped back into my wheelchair by the same people I cursed at. I wheeled into the chapel after a while and started to Pray. I didn't know what the Pray command did, and I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask for limbs in broken English.


    Miraculously, I was bestowed with limbs and was able to walk! I was overjoyed and confused at the same time. Was this a feature or some higher authority screwing with me? Soon enough, however, I was turned into some Clown-ny Pony thing. Gek was confused, as was I, and ran around bleating. Eventually, a certain cyborg walked in, and I pondered,"WHAT IS GEK?!" and the rest is history.


    The whole situation was hilarious, I thought , and it made sense to me why I was exterminated. I was just happy that I had actually made some sort of progress in character, even if it ended in death. I wandered around for awhile as a mouse and then as Commander Clucky, who quickly got slaughtered after showing signs of sentience. I logged off after awhile, satisfied.


    Anyways, I don't blame Flame for destroying me, as I didn't even know what I was. If any of this was my bad judgement in creating Gek and managing to get transformed into a Pony by some bored admin, I am sorry.


    Toodles, Gek.


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