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Posts posted by Siserith

  1. the smoke grenades currentley ignore internals and hardsuits and walls. this really shouldant be the case. beacse in a nuke op round where the entire team except for me died. some random through a sarin grenade in the shuttle. while i was bombing the cockpit to prevent the shuttle from launching and get the captain who had the disc inside the cockpit. the sarin killed me through a wall, space, hardsuit, and internals, while i also was a few tiles away from the actuall smoke effect. is it possible to rework smoke grenades to account for these things


    just a new job. possibly karma or not. musican with access to the bar. and a small storage room next to with with various instruments like guitars violons pianos everything really.


    and new instraments like a drum set and synthesiser.


    it would also be cool to be able to synchronise multiple instraments together to play the same song at the same time



    Name: Vayatar kesh

    Age: 27

    Gender: Male

    Race: Unathi

    Blood Type: A+

    General Occupational Role(s):





    Biography: Born as the sole child to his family on a small outpost on a backwater farming planet to a small ruling family, At the age of nine slavers attacked his home, kidnapping and killing everyone there. his parents hid him from the slavers in the hidden computer room, a few days later he left the basement. and fled into the nearby forests living there for eight years until he was rescued by a team of salvagers. after three years he left the team of salvagers to go in search of his family

    after a year of searching for them he tracked down the original team of slavers. and after contacting the group of salvagers that had rescued him managed to convinced them to help him find this slavers. after another few months of searching they found the slavers at a slave market. and snuck aboard their ship killing the crew and interrogating their captain the captain refused to give information and was eventually killed in anger by kesh. after looking over the ships records hey tracked down his parents to a small colony where they were being used as labor in a mine upon an attempt to spring them both his parents were killed as well as the salvagers who helped him track them down kesh getting shot in the arm managed to escape into nearby jungles where he live for four years attacking the slavers multiple times and killing dozens over the course of time he was trapped and suffering numerous wounds there until eventually stealing a shuttle and escaping to a nearby outlaw station. he sold the shuttle to smugglers who brought him to a nearby nanotrasen outpost where he signed up with nanotrasen to combat pirates and slavers.


    Qualifications: Construction.


    Hand to hand combat.

    Weapons combat.

    Firearms training.

    Singularity Setup.

    Survival training.


    Employment Records:After working with a team of salvegers for a long time he joined nanotrasen to combat pirates and defend innocents.


    Security Records: Is extremely combative and can improves a weapon out of almost anything


    Medical Records: Has numerous scars and improperly healed bones from extensive combat.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):He is a tall and well built unathi at 7"1/2' covered in numerous scars. His scales are cream and bronze with golden horns and plates. he has a watchful gaze that looks at everything with suspicion.



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:



    join game and get selected as botanist. traitor. this was my first time so i was confused and scared, i took a look at my pda and saw what there was. and decided it was a better idea to buy stuff later when i need it and lock the pda up. about three minutes later. a fully armed hos and warden in hard suits with three other officers break down the botany windows and arrest me. and promptly execute me via electric chair and space me. i then proceeded to complain to the admins who banned the hos for three days. they revived me and teleported me to the arrivals shuttle. about one minute later i am on my way to botany. when the warden and three secuirty officers start shooting down the hall with tasers and shouting out CHANGLING CHANGLING the secuirty officers and various other crewmembers proceded to lynch me and incenerate me. i then complained to the admins again. they respawned me at arrivals. while banning the warden for a week. and warning all the other parties involved.

    on my second way back to botany. the one of the officers the chaplan and a greytider. proceded to arrest me infront of botany. and bring me to secuirty. i was then arrested bucklecuffed with a straightjacket leg cuffs a muzzle blindfolds and earmuffs for about twenty minutes before the captain shows up and executes me with his gun. complain again. all parties involved were banned. i get revived a fourth time. by this point the guy whose my objective was to kill had gotten himself gibbed by farting on a bible. and all i had to do was steal the captains gun. i decide fuck it. i'me going to ask the hop to make me captain. wich to my surpise he actually does. i go and get the captains pistol and immediatley call the shuttle. in wich about two minutes later a sec borg the hop cei cmo and the rd all barge in with secuirty gear and gun me to death. more bans and warnings get handed out and i get revived. (suttle arrives) i make my way to the shuttle when a greifer blows up the shuttle with fourteen bombs


  5. an anesthetic that works on one part of the body created in chem and can be injected or sprayed onto a part of the body numbing it. you will remain concious. but you will not be able to use the limb that has the anesthetic. numbs pain for surgery

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