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Posts posted by Ours


    Name: Jasper Gail Donnelly


    Age: 22


    Gender: Male


    Race: Tajaran


    Blood Type: O-


    General Occupational Role(s): Chef, Nurse (Has not finished med school)


    Biography: Jasper was a collage student on a civilian vessel, a prime example of a student. His grades were

    high but not perfect, but he studied hard and had the willpower to power through nights of cramming.


    Jasper was alone, He had friends but He was alone in the sense that he had no family, no lover. Most of his family had

    died off as he grew older from Illness and natural causes.


    One day he met a man, a strong figure that cared for Jasper, Gabriel Garms. A charismatic Unathi that had the tongue of the devil and the strength of a colossus. The man was about five years Jasper's senior.


    Jasper was persuaded to move out of the cramped dorms in with the man. Not long after that the abuse started, Physical, emotional, sexual. Jasper held out for him. because he knew in his heart that the Unathi was really a sweet man, Just plagued by troubles. Jasper would always defend him when asked about his wounds by his friends.


    Jasper received numerous scars that spanned across his body, His face remained untouched much to Jasper's relief. But perhaps Gabriel wanted to spare him that pain. Jasper had also had many teeth replaced, paid for by Gabriel himself.


    One day Gabriel was raging once again he kept beating Jasper with no sign of letting up, Jasper managed to get away from him and fled to the kitchen where he grabbed a knife. Jasper panicked, bleeding all over and when Gabriel entered the room and rose a fist before Jasper stabbed him in the chest.


    Realizing what he had done he immediately called for help... The ambulance arrived on time and the Unathi was rushed to the hospital. Jasper was questioned by the police, telling them it was a accident. The police noted the wounds that covered his body and immediately recognized it as signs of abuse. Gabriel Garms was imprisoned and charged with attempted murder.


    Jasper was alone again and turned to drugs for solace, Dropping out of collage from the experience. In the years that came, He went through therapy and rehab at the urge from his friends. The therapist urged him to get a job and pointed him to a woman named Kiana Ender who helped pull some strings for him to enter NanoTransen.


    He awaits the day that Gabriel leaves his cell. But as each passing day goes by his mind wanders if he was truly worth the wait.



    • Novice Nurse



    Employment Records:

    • Part time Librarian



    Security Records:

    • None



    Medical Records:

    • Many scars on his skin.

    • Asthma



    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): 5'2, He had long dark eyelashes, carefully groomed claws that were sometimes painted.


    His white fur was well groomed and rather soft looking. He had gold piercings in each ear that connected via a small gold chain that matched his golden pupils, A few golden tail cuffs and a rainbow beaded bracelet on his right wrist.


    He tried his hardest to cover up the numerous scars that trailed his body.






    Other Notes:

    • Excellent cook

    • Pacifist

    Dabbles in the french language




    This reminds me of Headcrab zombies, which screamed phrases backwards, suggesting the person was still alive and awake, which is horrifying, there should be text messages in red telling you of the agonizing pain your in and to scream your loudest. maybe have a few letters in the text jumbled around as there is a giant blob covering the head. I have goosebumps right now.


    I did mention it would be distorted.


  3. I was in Memphis walking down to a convenience store across the hospital when I was mugged, I had the crap beat out of me and broke two ribs, got a punctured lung and likely had more than a few internal bruises. The guy got away with maybe 20 bucks. I don't know whether he was caught or not.

  4. I don't know about you assholes, but I love playing characters with problems. Asthma is a fairly common problem among people as you know and I would love to see this added to the character setup. An asthma attack would Increase heart rate to about 110, Unable to complete sentences with one breath, And of course poor breathing. Cigarettes and welders may cause it to act up more frequently, Maybe certain things in the air as well. The Inhalers would be filled with crushed medications in the form of dry powder and be refilled with such.

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