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Posts posted by Abkhaz

  1. Admin(s) Key: FunnyMan3595
    Your ckey (Byond username): Abkhaz
    Your Discord name (if applicable): esnat9589

    Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred):2024-06-03 09:04:50

    ROUND ID:Round 40556

    Nature of complaint: feedback, other

    Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint:

    Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): Banned for doing things that are IC issue

    Full description of events: Hey all, i just want to say before i begin that this admin complaint doesnt really aim towards punishing the admin, but just to get the ban lifted since i dont know how to make a proper ban appeal according to the reason i got banned for.

    Here is the full ban reason: As a non-antagonist assistant during red alert, shoved an officer into a wall repeatedly, broke into R&D, stole tools from Robotics, and destroyed a medbot. You've been given a strong warning before about being a nuisance to security when they have real antagonists to deal with. Take some time to reflect on your behavior and the rules.

    Now lets get straight into each of these reasons.

    First of all, it was round start, me and 2 other players (one of them was a secoff) were just playing around and shoving eachother(all during green alert) It was fun and stuff until traitor with powerfist appeared and started killing the secoff, i was caught in the battle too and got injured. Soon the secoff dnr'ed, and i took the baton that was left just incase. I was still hanging out with other assistant and as i remember it was still green even though an officer was killed, later after the events anomaly was announced somewhere in research, so me and other assistant went to take a look whats up. And a scientist let us in so we can watch the anomaly. After that we were trapped inside sci with nobody to open doors for us. So i decided just to break the window and let us free. And lastly about the medibot and stealing stuff from robo, i dont really know whats so bad at taking tools from mechbay which is literally all access for everyone, and i accidentally missclicked on medibot which one punched him to death, my bad.

    So i dont really understand why i was supposed to be banned for such minor crimes that didint break any rule, which are all IC issues, if i ever plan to do anything severe that i know will get me in trouble i always ahelp, but that round i didint really do much that deserved a full ban. And also i dont know why the admin decided to lie in the ban reason that i was shoving officer during RED alert, which is not true. I obviously dont have any problems with the admin, he is a cool dude and he always responds to my ahelps whenever i was making them.

    Anyways thats all 😺 🤝 🤠

  2. Admin Key: marginalorb
    Your ckey: Abkhaz
    Your Discord name: Esnat#9589

    Date(s) of incident: 2023-09-22 14:53:20

    ROUND ID: 37404

    Nature of complaint: other

    Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint: 

    Brief description: Banned by marginalorb for metafriending(appeal is in the link). Appeal was declined, marginalorb saw no reason to lift the ban and suggested a vouch as option to reappeal. I request a transfer to a jobban, vouching for me is a problem...

    Full description of events: I was playing as HOS, the round been calm, then decided to hand a free judo belt to a friend from the game, i did that without making a weapon permit(since i thought non-lethal weaponry doesnt require a permit). After this warden and captain started going wild at me which i understand, since as HOS i forgot to hand out the weapon permit. I was expecting a jobban from HOS or whole command, but got ban for metafriending. The reason was "As Head of Security, gave an assistant they hang with on the regular a Judo Belt without said assistant even asking for it and without giving them a permit for it until hounded by the Captain and Warden." The reason why i did that was because the guy likes judo belts, so decided to surprise with an actual one for free. There were many times when we were fooling around and just fighting without saying anything(like friends), but the only time i got a metafriending warning, was because of me and daut(my bro) playing together and interacting with eachother too regulary. So i appealed, it was rejected sadly, marginalorb said that i can reappeal with a vouch from the same server as para(mrp-up). I absolutely had no problem with doing a vouch, but there was a big one problem, i had 2 options for vouch, a tg server manuel, and beestation, which both lagged as heck and i have no idea why, the only server that was running smoothly on my region was paradise, sadly i couldnt explain this to marignalorb through forums since the appeal topic was closed, so thats why im here, requesting the ban to be transferred to a simple jobban from either HOS, or whole command. I really not trying to get the admin into trouble by making this post, its really not a complaint to him, just my request for a transfer to something else then a vouch(to a jobban) since vouching for me is very hard because of the lag.

    Update: Tried vouching in colonial marines, but they simply dont do vouches.


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