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Posts posted by adamkad1

  1. as robinfox said, if theres anything thats not a special dedicated chat would suffer from not talking just to people in game but everyone there, thus a lot of irrelevant people. Thats not good.

    Sure, ooc may be hard to track but atleast its an easiest way for people to pull up their ooc chatter

    Also this will obsolete the ooc preference. Why is that here if people luv complaining about how ooc is shit instead of actually using the one preference that lets them not listen to the thing they so hate, ooc does not belong to anyone (theorethically), you cant tell people what they are allowed to say and what they are not, just because you dont find something funny that bunch of other people do.



    Also the vote is rigged by admins lol

  2. 11 hours ago, BiberDark said:

    My oppinion : I realy  think this server is a bunch of silicon hating people.  The tradeoff for beeing a borg is to have no free will. Why should a specifically build borg for a certain task not do a better job then a human. The key is the human is a allrounder. You can do everything, you have free will, you can change your job to more than a dozen types. You are easily healed and revived. And you are even more robost than any borg. (flash stun / ,, disabled and offline )The list goes on forever. As borg you rely on robotics and if nobody is there you are basically fu**. 

    It is time to change the server policy to improve the silicon live not to harass it even more. Make them superiour in the restricted tasks they have.

    If now someone says :

    All access  --> to what to do ?  There is no point to this argument. The AI would open it for a human with a reason to.

    Spaceproof --> Minor, and if you are not an engineering borg you will drift forever lost in space, because you cant throw things.

    Heat / Cold resistance --> No reason to it with current atmos, there anever super cooled or hot aired sectors. Outside a reactor. High damage on EMP too.

    No illness --> Yes but you cant be improved with genetics, too

    Improvement with boards --> Human can use every machine /item the got hands on.

    No food  --> you need energy , dependant on science and a willing roboticist.

    No arms --> a disgracefull misconstruction by silicon hating people, who think you stole their Butter bread

    immortal --> if you think tis is a pro you were never blown apart or disabled in maintainance , where you can watch the ongoing round for an enternity, because nobody looks for you , even sader if there is no other cyborg on board. Who could look after you. Nobody cares.



    This guy is damn right. Humans are universal, why would you handicap cyborgs if they can do only ONE role?

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  3. now, if you ever wanted to add this, you could port it from tg, cause they added this-

    "Added organ storage bags for medical cyborgs. They can hold an organic body part. Use the bag on a carbon during organ manipulation or prosthetic replacement to add the held body part."

  4. On 15.04.2017 at 8:13 AM, EvadableMoxie said:





    Goodness gracious, xcom would be better off hiring stormtroopers, even they dont shoot that badly. Also which one this gif comes from

  5. Add a new traitor item-ablative gloves

    Those gloves allow you to "catch" energy projectiles and store their charge to fire later from the gloves. The gloves have 3 settings- taser, laser and pulse (rifle) bolt or max power bolt, whichever fits. The gloves arent too effective, and requires 2 lasers to be able to fire a laser and 6 to fire a pulse bolt. Also they can overload if they store too much power, exploding in your face

    Its like having carp while still having a chance to get screwed by ranged attacks, if you dont actually catch the beams, or if you do too much.

    Just a random idea i got while playing with sleeping carp.

  6. Medical cyborgs should get grabbers like drones have, but ones that could pick up organs, pills and patches, so that you dont have to rely so much on humans in that accord

    Its really annoying when you ask for help doing surgery and no doctor wants to come. also its not easy to get advanced chems in bottle form too, chemists usually dont make bottles of stuff and medborgs got limited amount of healchems

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