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Posts posted by evilmattyg

  1. Admin(s) Key: Gatchapod
    Your ckey (Byond username:) Evilmattyg

    Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 02/04/24 (DD/MM/YY)

    ROUND ID: 39781

    Nature of complaint: clarification required, misapplication of rules

    Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): Used an arcade ticket exploit to purchase more astral tiles than I should have been able to, permanently banned and no mention of the exploit that I did on my ban reason, also wondering which rule it falls under, since there's no mention on exploits on the advanced rules page. Exploit Report: 


    Full description of events: Before I begin, I do want to preface that the ban was justified for what I did, not the duration and ban reason. I was playing on an extended-lowpop round, there was no admemes occurring or any other significant event at the time. I proceeded to accidently discover an exploit in the arcade machine that allowed me to spend more tickets than I have, creating negative tickets. I proceeded to use this exploit to gather large amounts of astral tiles only, to renovate the hallways. I had no other effect on other people's round than making the hallway tiles a different skin. (I did not report this exploit to anybody both IC and OOC, however after the round I intended to create an exploit report. Unfortunately, I did not mention this to Gatchapod, which was my mistake, and could have potentially made Gatchapod make an incorrect ruling based on the information they have.) When I received an admin-pm from Gatchapod on the subject of the tickets, I was cooperative in mentioning what I did and stopped doing the exploit. I requested my ban length and proceeded to then cryo out of the round. Here's where my problems start. While I understand using exploits is considered against the rules in general, there's no clear outlining on what is and isn't okay in the rules, both regular and advanced. (For example, if I discover a small exploit that doesn't affect anybody's round in any way, is it okay for me to have fun with it during the round and make an exploit report during said round?) Another complaint I have is with the ban reason and duration, mainly because of how vague the reason was and how severe the punishment was. Without any context, my ban reason illustrates me as somebody who used an unfair exploit to gain an advantage and ruin other people's rounds, with full intention to do so.  A permanent ban is also excessive for the minor exploit that I did, for I have had a clean ban record with minimal admin notes and not affected anybody else's round. To summarize, my main three grievances are; 1. The rules and its unknown stance on exploits, 2. How my ban reason misrepresents what I did to receive the ban, and 3. The overall ban length being permanent for an exploit that did not affect other people's rounds. Thank you for reading, and please PM me on discord when you respond to this post. My discord username is also Evilmattyg. Thank you again for your time.

  2. Byond Key: Evilmattyg

    IC Name for Review: Hugh Mann

    Race: IPC

    Gender: Male

    Mime or Clown Name: No

    Hugh Mann was manufactured on 2534 during the Synthetic Struggle, with surplus Zeng-Hu Pharmaceutical parts. His manufacturers and their motives are unknown, but he was raised by his creators that taught him to embrace pretending to be human in nature and ignoring other IPCs. This allowed him many opportunities that were unavailable to other IPCs of the time. Using his advantage, he was able to begin his career, ignoring the strikes of other members of his kind. To this day he still covers up that he is an IPC, and has never spoken a single word in Trinary.

    • fastparrot 1
    • dead 2
  3. Okay, so the clause for Robbery and Theft basically would go like this;

    The offender must pay back all stolen credits. If the offender is unable to their account must be frozen until the debts can be paid back to the account(s) the credits belong to.

    Pretty simple, but it could discourage theft by a lot as currently, you can steal any amount of credits under 1000, spend it all on scratch cards or hide the cash somewhere, serve a 15 minute sentence then be free to reap what they have stolen. Also having an official clause would clean up any ambiguity of whether SOP authorizes this in the first place.

  4. basically the emergency welder but it has a battery instead that can light 10 times before needing to charge and they double up as a torch as well (torch does not use battery)
    check attached photosFullRange.jpg?v=1594930885CamoTacticalDualArcLighterwithLEDFlashlightlanyardFlashlightwater.jpg?v=1594930885

    perhaps a replacement to the emergency welder??? (probably not)
    and perhaps it could have a selection of skins like the enforcer pistol so you can customize your tacticool electric lighter to your personality


    30 minutes ago, LiberatedWaveMan said:

    Security is, as far as I'm aware, very much intended to not have ballistic weapons readily available, as they can just fill their bag with ammo and fight until it runs out, whereas energy weapons have to be recharged; in all aspects, security's use of mid-powered laser guns is intentional so that they don't have overbearing lethal firepower. The 1911 should definitely remain an admin-only weapon.

    Then we should rebalance the M911 with the same principles as the WTT50, which has never seen regular use but is still readily available to security, like making it have less damage than current, and making the mags for the M911 bigger.

    Having a bunch of generic admin guns is just clutter. Remove or rebalance.

  6. This suggestion is quite simple, but I believe bringing the M911 out of admin-only territory and into a viable alternative to the miniature laser gun would be good for the game.

    Here are some reasons why:

    Gives people an easily concealable ballistic weapon as there is a lack of non-syndicate ones

    Utilizes the .45 ammo, which is widely underused

    Alternative to the miniature laser gun, which falls short with a small battery

    Good for any aspiring antagonist that can't buy a stechkin but need a covert gun

     Should be super-dooper easy to implement, just add a crate for it, as all the other code is done.

    • fastparrot 1
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