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Posts posted by Blackmage199

  1. No real reason to remove crewsimov. Any smart AI can justify and turn away unreasonable requests.
    >Let me beat you to death
    "I can't do that, I can't protect the crew if I'm destroyed"
    >you musn't tell anyone i murdered a dude
    "I must, you are dangerous to the crew, as you've murdered one, Law 1 is more important than Law 2"

    • Like 3
  2. 1- RnD, Containment, Cloning, Warden's office (4)

    Destroying cloning puts a huge hamper on things, especially with the Revivability update in the works, and destroying RnD makes it a huge bother to rebuild it, unless they remember the boards in tech storage (I'd say to steal them while you're at it, but if we're limiting ourselves to bombs, then oh well). Warden's office is in a prime spot to hamper security. Breaches the hallways, breaches the Armory, breaches the locker room. And releasing the engine is basically ten shuttle calls on it's own. While you could simply bomb the containment to fulfill that goal, the Tesla/Singu might bugger off into space, and there's the very real possibility of Admins just GOATing it.


    2- RnD, Cloning, the Engine's SMESes, Warden's Office, Tech Storage (5)

    RnD, Cloning and the Warden's Office for the same reasons above, but this time removing Tech Storage too. With no power charging the APCs and the surrounding areas being screwed up, chaos is but assured, especially with mass bombings.


    3- RnD, Cloning, Cargo (Hitting both the cargo computers + mining ORM), Warden's Office, Bridge (5)

    Same as the above, but hitting Cargo to cut off supplies being sent to the station, and the bridge as well to cause more mayhem.



    Wish granted, but it shortly starts hailing Ians instead.


    You take 36 brute damage.


    I wish Kluys and BoneWhite would realize their OTP already.

    Granted, but it broke soon after.


    I wish I could genuinely enjoy SS13 regularly again.



    idk I'd be fine with it as long as they weren't completely no_slip.


    They should be able to walk on water just fine but bananas and all the other slippery stuff should still affect them.

    This used to be, word for word, what slimes had.

    I still don't know/remember why it was removed.



    Then again, it's up to the AI to interpret what "crew" means.

    Ask any admin and you will be told that being a civilian means having the same basic rights as everyone else. They even have maintenance access. Doesn't that scream "CREW" loud enough?


    Now, if someone's ID is TERMINATED then that is probably a different matter...

    I'm still not convinced.

    Few people and even less admins have said that my interpretation was completely wrong and invalid.



    As to your other question, Civies aren't crew, they're not hired by NT.

    They are crew because they are officially listed as crew on the crew manifest.


    They have a legit permit to stay on Cyberiad and are part of it, and their life depends on the station's wellbeing. And vice versa.


    They live there, they're real people. They're crew.

    The fact that they're on the manifest doesn't mean they're crew.

    Then again, it's up to the AI to interpret what "crew" means.



    Alright, I'll get to the point. I have a problem in character creation. Whenever I attempt to select any orange colors for my slime person, I get this horrid pale yellow color. When I try for a darker shade, I get next to no change.


    I don't know if I'm the only one with this problem, nor if it only affect slimes people


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