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Posts posted by VelCryst

  1. Ah another one of my horrible event ideas I hope you enjoy!

    Name of Event: Ragin' Stages

    One Sentence Description: Every single horrible virus imaginable is released onto the station, crew must find a way to survive.


    Map Changes: No

    Code Changes: No

    Suggested Number of Players: 35+


    Full Description of Event: So I don't know maybe the Space Wizard Federation or Syndicate was in a bad mood so they decided to curse the station with every single virus know to man and popped it on a NT station and after NT realizes the biohazard they ain't saving you so you as a station must cure rapidly evolving viruses while some random disasters could happen. Medical has about two to three syndicate bombs planted in it so unless you have an amazing hacker it's screwed one of them is planted in inner medbay another cloning pods and the last in virology. A decent sized army of mice will be spawned carrying all the viruses to transmit it (I don't know if mice can carry viruses in this game if not give it to a few select humans). And about three minutes into the shift NT will confirm the outbreak and put lockdown onto the station stopping anyone from going out and anyone from going in. Command will be notified that failure to remove the outbreak will cause a bluespace artillery firing or something.

  2. Name of Event: Brain Damage Brawl

    One Sentence Description: A hard event where everyone is incredibly debuffed in numerous ways.


    Map Changes: Yes

    A large rage cage map would be required.

    Code Changes: Not to my knowledge anything needing coded can just be scrapped

    Suggested Number of Players: 30+


    Full Description of Event: So Imagine this you have severe brain damage, you vomit a lot randomly, dizziness, have some weird random radiation effects, you're basically deaf and blind plus addicted to drugs and drunk all the time having horrible hallucinations but you're a Rage Cage champion and you're not losing. So you've been put into a giant rage cage with lava lakes, landmines and random holes in it. But it's not just unfair to you cause whoever organised this got people similar to you to fight here for their entertainment they placed a few weapons around the rage cage after that it's up to your fists and hoping you don't OD, have a seizure, fall over, fall over into lava, step on a landmine, somehow get killed by a super high junkie and more!


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