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Posts posted by Anxipal

  1. Admin Key: MarsMond was the one who brought it up.

    Your Discord name (if applicable): Doesn't really apply.

    Complaint: So I've been playing a character for about a week and a half now maybe. A generic, hiding in the background, cannon fodder medic who just enjoys to do his job. I chose a name which at the time meant nothing to me: Stephen Harper. I then played without incident until tonight, forming relationships and dabbling in a bit of detective work again. 

    Then an admin messaged me, MarsMond, instructing me to immediately change my name because it was against the current naming rules. I am familiar with the rules and realised that my name must be that of someone famous or a famous character that I must have subconsciously chose. However, instead I found that it was the name of the former PM of Canada, a politician who I have personally never heard of and as far as I could see from a quick is rather unremarkable. 

    I feel like this rule needs a line drawn, who really recognises a former PM of Canada? If you would recognise them, would it be enough to pull you from your immersion?

    Barack Obama? Ban him!

    Han Solo? Change your name, pal.

    Groot? Just leave.

    But Stephen Harper? It was literally the most generic name I could have thought up.


    Where is the line? What if I named myself Edi Rama? Would that have gotten a boink? I doubt it. At least he's still in power.


    What I'm asking here is to be allowed to continue to use this name, or at the very least generate a little more discussion around the naming rules.


    I fixed it up a few times recently and it took quite some time. It is based on luck so you can theoretically have it flying early into the round but in my attempts it took just over 1 hour to fix up.


    I'd like to use it as an emergency shuttle but the ability to travel to derelicts makes it too easy. There would have to be some sort of mechanic implemented so you can only visit them if you were already there IMO, but that seems like too much work for something that won't be used very often if at all. It'd be nice to see a proper airlock on the ship and maybe more lights, but you could make that yourself if you had time and resources. Also, the design of the ship seems a little bugged or unfinished. There are floating space pod barriers outside it where it spawns and seemingly random windoors in the central bedroom.


    It's fun to use it, but I felt like the time it took to repair it was wasted with so little functionality.



    I feel like some tweaking is needed. Make it harder for fish to lay eggs, and perhaps let them require less food? Regardless of the amount of fish, (I used sharks, not really any other kind) they need food every 1-3 seconds. I was basically glued to the fishtank for a solid 1.5 hours before moving the tank to permabrig and ditching that job.


    It's always nice to get more content though, and I'm sure we'd accept caviar or the like with open arms :)



    From Reddit:


    I found the domain in the webs source code. It's Fallout 4 alright.


    Ok, so I did a little more looking.

    There's code for a video embed.


    There's also an age gate (makes you put in your age so you can video the content behind it) which is called "Institute.js" PEGI


    There are also buttons that are scheduled to unlock on the page "Next and Previous" are named.

    Credit to "Sharinghappiness" for this one.

    There is code in the CSS referencing "Preorder" buttons, they are listed as Xbox one, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3 and PC.



    No idea how reliable these are however.



    Well, from the looks of it Fallout 4 is on the way. It could be a different take on the series but I hope they stick to what they are good at. I wasn't a fan personally of ESO so I'm hoping it is indeed FO4 :D


    Only 21 hours to be certain: http://fallout.bethsoft.com/


    Source: https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/sta ... 0006670337


    I checked if a thread existed already but found none, sorry if this is in the wrong section or already exists.


  6. Meh, I personally hated seeing a mob of assistants running out of the boxing ring with no scalp and not getting treated the entire shift. If the damage didn't pop off your scalp and was less pronounced I'd support this though.

  7. I enjoy this feature personally and hope no changes come to it. I have always thought of it to be a preferable/cleaner/more sophisticated form of suicide as opposed to biting off your tongue or jamming your thumbs into your eyesockets.

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