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Posts posted by TheZaneiac100

  1. Hello everyone! 

    First post that isnt asking for Ban forgiveness lol

    So a little over a year ago my friends showed me SS13. They mostly played the SCP one that isnt really up anymore, and so after it kind of fell apart I explored more and found Paradise. Now 500 hours later I can say I am hooked and only ever play on Paradise (I will occasionally go into the space marine one) and my friends really didnt get hooked into Paradise like I did, so it is a lot of self teaching and wiki reading on my part (and a lot of M help lol.) There are some parts I struggle with when it comes to antags that I would like some insight on.

    1- When starting as a cultist what is the initial thing you need to do to make sure you can get things going? Any time I have started as a cultist I always seem to get caught by SEC with random searches in maints and when they see the cult materials on me its over. Is the goal to make a base first, or find a cultist first? I dont even have cultist turned on anymore. I like being in an established cult, but struggle starting one

    2- How do you even Hijacker lol. It always just turns into me just throwing small bombs into the cockpit of the shuttle and hoping for the best. I just never know what to do in the like 5 or 6 times I have been. Like do I need to learn Chem so I can make bigger bombs? I dont know how to make bombs, is that something that is needed for hijackers? Is hacking the shuttle console even viable, or is it just bomb the shuttle as it is coming in? I dont even really care too much about the green text, I just want to feel like I can plan something out that might work. Every time I get hijacker I kind of just feel lost in how I can be effective as a hijacker

    3- Wizard. Is wizard just an excuse to just do whatever you want? Like is there anything you are attempting to do? The 2 times I have been a wizard I have died pretty soon after being revealed. I spend 20 minutes practicing in the lair then 5 minutes after. I am always lost as to what to buy. I have already decided next time I am wizard I am just going to start with giving everyone guns and the spellbook first. Then hopefully they will fall in to chaos, and if not I know I for one love a wiz who does that, so maybe I will win the hearts of some of the crew.

    Thanks in advance!

    TheZaneiac (Danny Danger IG)

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