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Posts posted by WolvesOfWar

  1. 1) CMO

    2) JSON


    {"type":"/mob/living/carbon/human","dir":4,"icon":null,"name":"Schrodinger","limbs":{"chest":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/chest","dir":4,"icon":""},"groin":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/groin","dir":4,"icon":""},"head":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/head","h_grad_style":"Reflected Inverse","h_grad_colour":"#7e644a"},"l_arm":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/arm","dir":4,"icon":""},"l_leg":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/leg","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_leg":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/leg/right","dir":4,"icon":""},"l_hand":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/hand","dir":4,"icon":""},"l_foot":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/foot","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_foot":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/foot/right","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_arm":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/arm/right","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_hand":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/hand/right","dir":4,"icon":""}},"iorgans":{"vulpkanin heart":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/heart/vulpkanin"},"vulpkanin lungs":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/lungs/vulpkanin"},"vulpkanin liver":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/liver/vulpkanin"},"vulpkanin kidneys":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/kidneys/vulpkanin"},"brain":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/brain/vulpkanin"},"appendix":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/appendix"},"vulpkanin eyeballs":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/eyes/vulpkanin"},"ears":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/ears"}},"equip":[{"type":"/obj/item/storage/backpack/satchel","content":[{"type":"/obj/item/storage/box/survival","content":[{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/mask/breath"},{"type":"/obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen"},{"type":"/obj/item/reagent_containers/hypospray/autoinjector"},{"type":"/obj/item/flashlight/flare/glowstick/emergency","color":"#6496fa"}],"slots":7,"max_w_class":2,"max_c_w_class":14},{"type":"/obj/item/melee/classic_baton/telescopic"},{"type":"/obj/item/flashlight/pen"},{"type":"/obj/item/storage/firstaid/doctor","content":[{"type":"/obj/item/reagent_containers/applicator/brute"},{"type":"/obj/item/reagent_containers/applicator/burn"},{"type":"/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill/patch/styptic","pixel_x":-1,"pixel_y":1},{"type":"/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill/patch/silver_sulf","pixel_x":-1,"pixel_y":4},{"type":"/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill/salicylic","pixel_x":3,"pixel_y":-2},{"type":"/obj/item/healthanalyzer/advanced"},{"type":"/obj/item/reagent_containers/hypospray/autoinjector"}],"slots":7,"max_w_class":2,"max_c_w_class":14}],"slots":21,"max_w_class":3,"max_c_w_class":21},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/mask/cigarette/pipe"},null,null,null,{"type":"/obj/item/defibrillator/compact/advanced/loaded"},{"type":"/obj/item/card/id/cmo","name":"Schrodinger's ID Card (Assistant)","sex":"Male","age":30,"btype":"O-","dna_hash":"612ceefc9a515ef43f2887978a8b9e48","fprint_hash":"06280c773cccc65f19e352b83b631c5d","access":[5,6,9,19,33,39,40,45,59,60,63,64,66,76],"job":"Assistant","account":3853018,"owner":"Schrodinger","mining":0},{"type":"/obj/item/radio/headset/heads/cmo"},null,{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/black"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/head/fedora/brownfedora"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/shoes/footwraps"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/labcoat/cmo","pockets":{"type":"/obj/item/storage/internal","name":"chief medical officer's labcoat","content":[],"slots":2,"max_w_class":2,"max_c_w_class":4}},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/under/suit/navy","accessories":[{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/accessory/medal/medical"}]},null,null,null,null,null,null,{"type":"/obj/item/pda/heads/cmo","name":"PDA-Schrodinger (Assistant)"},null,null],"implant_list":[],"dna":{"UE":"612ceefc9a515ef43f2887978a8b9e48","SE":[508,143,163,10,402,779,476,898,652,935,521,984,21,291,986,308,54,513,106,642,898,791,5,719,569,872,949,854,925,612,805,965,311,532,198,38,737,893,997,277,458,870,1014,63,162,60,436,828,198,266,368,588,73,124,524],"UI":[1236,1236,1236,16,16,16,3532,2906,1108,16,16,16,651,1236,1236,1236,16,16,1637,3548,3548,3548,3548,3548,3548,16,16,16,4094,4094,16,2065,3356,4057,3510,1102,1706,3981,2843,3424],"species":"/datum/species/vulpkanin","blood_type":"O-","real_name":"Schrodinger"},"age":37,"ushirt":"Nude","socks":"Nude","uwear":"Nude"}


    3) JSON created 24/2/2023

    4) No wagging


  2. So... Why not just strike a balance between #6123 and #8468 instead, and have non-colourblind vulp/taj have see_in_dark of 3-5, and keep colourblind vulp/taj at 8? (Or if you would rather go the nuclear route, just do 3-5 for vulps and tajs in general)


    Another interesting idea is #8688, but it died because the coder couldn't port it. Perhaps someone could have another crack at it? (I know, WYCI, but I do believe that this might be a way to solve the darksight issue.)


    6 hours ago, WingedYordle said:

    if we are removing this then vulp/taj should have something else. They don’t have much else going on

    This is also a problem - If darksight is entirely removed from vulps, then they literally have nothing going on for them in terms of boons/maluses other than +11% hunger and claws. Flash vulnerability is usually pegged as a malus to darksight, so there would need to be more boons/maluses for vulps and tajs.

    • Like 2
  3. Regarding SEK removal, that seems off.

    I feel like if you are removing it from some bundles, you should probably remove it from all of them, since as you mentioned earlier, SEKs are used to promote cooperation between bundle users and it doesn't make sense for some bundles to retain SEKs and some to not get them.

    I do agree that SEKs are quite hit and miss though - they are useful when Syndicate Research Base is manned and you have someone watching your back, but otherwise it is underwhelming. That is kind of outside the purview of this thread though I believe.

    Some other points I would like to raise:

    • Krav Maga on Infilitrator seems a bit weird, considering the intent is to jump right into targets. I would have expected something more lethal to distinguish itself from Thief? (I might be wrong here, but Krav always seemed more of a defensive martial art compared to CQC and Carp)
    • I feel like Hacker should retain the Binary Key - Being able to listen in to AI chatter would fit the 'opposing AI' theme
    • A bit worried about Professional losing their fallback weapon if they lose their sniper rifle/ run out of rounds, and unsure if the sniper rifle will be useful in a chase, but I don't have enough experience with sniper rifles to be sure here.
    2 minutes ago, AzuleUtama said:

    I wouldn't be against it, but I know a lot of people love the implant bundle as-is and would probably not like the implant uplink especially being removed from it. There aren't many other implants that would work in my eyes - mindslave without other gear wouldn't be too amazing and the unused krav maga implant would be alright, but we have another kit in the doc that has the gloves - so would repeat a bit.

    It might work to remove Microbomb and/or Storage and fill it in with some station-made implants? (Or maybe station-made implants, but hardened so that using your EMP implant wouldn't immediate murder you?)

    Not sure if it would work well (Since you would need to supply autosurgeons, which means tots can really snowball with Robotics implant), but giving Bio Chip Bundle CNS Rebooter/SecHUD implant/Upgraded Cyber Heart (Or if the Bundle is too weak, Antidrop) that they can install themselves might work.

  4. While I don't think that is the intention, currently according to this post AMH Selective Chemical could store any chemicals.

    Which is very bad, considering that you normally need a emag or CMO's hypo to be able to store harmful chemicals. (Prion-Capulettium-Meth AMHs anyone?)

    Other than that, despite the fact that I do agree with CinnamonSnowball's sentiment of non-surgeon doctors not having Science upgrades, I usually don't find myself needing more than 2 hyposprays - People generally put hypomixes into the spray anyways, so it isn't a really big QoL buff if AMHs are tweaked to only be able to accept the normal set of Medical chems.

    In short, currently the AMH is a huge antag buff due to being able to accept any chems, and if it was tweaked to not accept all chems it really isn't too useful compared to a normal hypo in my opinion.

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