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Posts posted by Sexdefender

  1. Admin(s) Key: Unknown
    Your ckey (Byond username): Sexdefender
    Your Discord name (if applicable): Sex Defender

    Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 23rd October, 2021 Around 9:30AM GMT, Round ID: 28908

    Nature of complaint: Clarification needed, potential abuse of powers.

    Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint: N/A

    Brief description: An admin assumed the avatar of a Navy Officer and appeared unprompted on station to order my demotion from the position of acting Head of Personnel

    Full description of events: Near round start I was promoted by the acting captain Woodrow Brindle from clown to the position of acting Head of Personnel. Around half an hour goes by without incident when the Navy Officer in question begins to question the captain on the decision via holopad and command channel. A few minutes later they appear on station to order me demoted, simply stating that SOP and Chain of Command prohibits the clown from becoming acting Head of Personnel under normal circumstances. (I am at this stage yet to find where this is stated). They also state that due to low population an acting Head of Personnel is not needed. These are the only two reasons given for my demotion.
    At the time I only voiced minor argument, thinking that I had simply gotten unlucky and that this was the round that the admins had decided to put a formal end to clown HoPs, and that an announcement would be made elsewhere clarifying this position (similar to the "Engineer gaming" announcement). This has yet to happen. I am unable to provide the admin's key due to me giving them the benefit of the doubt in this manner, and my use of the adminwho verb later into the round showing no admins online.

    If my assumption is correct in that clown being promoted to the position of acting HoP is in fact not forbidden within SOP or Chain of Command as they are written this represents an abuse of power. With the admin just deciding that I was having the wrong kind of fun. Demotion should be a punishment. They specifically stated it was not a punishment.
    If the issue is with the way that I specifically have played in the past I have yet to be informed of any problematic behavior that I did not correct immediately
    If I am wrong and clown is specifically prohibited from being promoted to aHoP then this fact needs to be more apparent.
    If there was an OOC reason for my demotion it has yet to be brought to my attention.
    Because the logs will likely reveal this anyway; I made a backup ID with basic security and ID computer access, which I kept following my demotion. A decision I already regret and will not be repeating. I also opened a single clown slot, to make up for the fact that I was both using it and not technically a clown. Neither of these actions were used as evidence against me at the time.

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