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Posts posted by nightmareoak

  1. I'm sorry to hear your computer messed up. That's never fun. Unfortunately since you already did the restore it's pretty unlikely, but there are programs out there that let you sift through deleted data (including after a reformat) that may be able to find what you're looking for. You just have to struggle a bit to find a free one sometimes.


    Name: Red Uvarov

    Height: 5'6"

    Uniform: Lab coat over a black jumpsuit or black scrubs with brown leather shoes, white latex gloves, and a cueball helmet.

    Eyes: Brown (In case you want to have the cueball helmet tucked under his arm or off to the side or something. Your call)

    Hair: Medium length brown tied back in a ponytail with some bangs hanging down (Same reason as eyes)

    Facial Hair: All along the jaw and chin, but no mustache. (Again, in case helmet is off)

    Pose: Casually standing with a scalpel in one hand as if poised to begin an incision and either a syringe in the other or his helmet tucked under his arm depending on what you'd prefer to draw.

    Expression: If his face is visible, just do your best to make it jovial and non-serious.

    Preferred Location: None



    Hello, everyone! I made this threat earlier today and it vanished out from under my nose due to the rollback!


    That's alright, I just wish I could remember everything exactly as I wrote it. Maybe a second pass will still hit the high notes!


    Hey! A friend told me about this server so I came to check it out and I've been having a lot of fun RPing and playing with you guys! I'm still very much learning SS13 even though I've played it before, but I couldn't master the learning curve. Now that I've more got the hang of it though, it's a lot of fun! Everyone here's been really helpful and nice, and I really appreciate it!


    I've been playing Red Uvarov mostly, especially lately due to the Setup bug, but I've also played other characters such as Gulvar Mahdavi a few times, The King for a little bit at the start, and an unfortunate self-proclaimed warrior named Hard Right that I quickly realized wasn't appropriate for the server.


    I hope to continue getting to know and play with everybody and have a good time learning and playing the game!


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