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Posts posted by Occultimate



    Here is a rule officers have to follow strait from the wiki


    "Space Law is the name given for the laws that most governments have agreed should apply in the reaches of space outside of any Government's territory. Although they may differ from ship to ship and station to station - eg, a Unathi ship often allows ritual combat.


    The set here are the ones NT has in place on the station, and are approved by all major Governments.


    They apply for all NT employees and authorised visitors of the station. Anyone aboard the station legally is both protected by and expected to follow them."


    >They apply for all NT employees


    This includes all humanoids right? All aliens right? All monkeys right? I don't see where it says that it does not


    Here is the server rule that goes along with what I am getting at.


    3. Avoid Excessive Violence:


    When provoked into extreme anger a punch or two may be realistic but Nanotrasen doesn't hire people who bludgeon someone to death with a crowbar when angry or bored.

    Self-defense only justifies a proportional use of force and only what’s required to save your life.

    Chasing a person down is not self defense, neither is crushing their skull with an oxy tank while they're down.

    If you think murder or extreme violence is justified in response to someone's actions, then admin help for permission. Even if it is justified in an RP context, without admin permission it is not allowable.

    Lethal force should always be a last resort, even for security. Remember as well that what the admins will permit and what security will arrest you for a two completely different things.

    Saying your character is CRAZY LOL is not an excuse for this - that's just bad roleplay.


    Did you get all that. So let me explain my story.


    It was 30 minutes in a round and I had helped kill syndicate members. I died in the battle and was cloned, but, the cloning process didn't go out so well and I became a monkey. Please note that I am still a NT employee. I picked up my stuff and was on my way back to my post. A player named Remontoire decided to shoot me in the head for literally no reason other then the fact I was a monkey. I had ID on me and was still an NT employee. He not only violated space law as a security officer and probably won't get job banned, but, he violated server rule number 3 entirely. I was an NT employee and the rules still apply to me in the game as well as server rules! Nowhere in the rules does it say "becoming a monkey makes it okay for people to break rule 3 on you and space law as well". Nowhere in the rules does it say being a fucking retard is okay because you don't know any better. He told admins that I was an armored monkey, but, monkeys don't fucking wear armor and simply because one admin had an opinion, all the other admins jumped on the band wagon.


    Now I see why your own coders have stolen your servers code and made another server. Hope you enjoy my suggestion. keep note that I still have yet to break any server rule other then harassing an admin by being "honest" apparently. Sorry I don't go to the same synagogue as you guys and am just a stupid goy.


    Basically the head of staff or whatever decided since he is the head of staff he can do what he wants and did and will continue to do so while people like me go looking for a new server. He tried to mix and match server rules to space law by saying he broke a space law, but, not a server rule, yet he did break a server rule, he broke both. The admin only gave attention to the space law. Fuck this server, there is too many other server to put up with this. I'm glad I didn't invest a lot of time here.


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