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Posts posted by Storyteller

  1. I completely understand, thank you for clarifying. many of the fine details are still quite difficult to grasp due to multiple SOP lines that are let's say less than common to see in practice. I appreciate the response and explanation. It helps greatly knowing what I did wrong. in truth it was their agreement that was the most confusing. Had they mentioned said rule regarding SOP I would have understood. The fax and it's wording was concerning was the major concern due to their agreement with my decision and still going forward with the demotion. Once again thank you for the clarification. 

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  2. Admin(s) Key: Meow19
    Your ckey (Byond username): Stortyteller36
    Your Discord name (if applicable): StoryTeller

    Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred):Tuesday may third 2022

    ROUND ID:31177

    Nature of complaint: In character punishment regarding Decisions
    (Select all that apply: EG - misconduct, other)
    Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint: None

    Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): My first round as Magistrate I was confronted with a weird issue. a skrell by the name of Cameron had been caught with S class equipment. the issue came up when he explained what happened. After passing Judgement and preparing a fax report to CC I was demoted for what I feel is doing my job.

    Full description of events: As said before I was confronted with an odd situation, Cameron had been caught with S class contraband. He had however gained it by stealing from an EOC in a fit of vigilantism, I'm not here about that specifically. He had stolen a  piece of mission critical equipment, a kit regarding plutonium cores from nukes. Even then he handed it over willingly, along with a syndicate encryption key. seeing as after a full interrogation of which I sent a transcript back with I saw no reason he would genuinely be affiliated with the syndicate. I couldn't however let him be unmonitored and set him to parole and had him implanted in case my judgment was wrong. As I went to fax CC about this with a  report I noticed I had received a fax from an Alaire wright. It asked me to explain myself about this and that there had better be a good reason. I did indeed fax them back transcript attached and explained to them why I made this ruling. They even said the parole was warranted but because I did not fax them First i was still to be demoted. There in all I read over beforehand was nothing about not faxing first regardless. I was under the impression Magistrates are there to handle complicated issues for CC and report afterwards. While I may have missed some aspects I do believe that this ruling and their response was handled well. Attached is a screenshot of their response. They even agreed it was warranted which was what felt... off color.229219965_Screenshot(201).thumb.png.919ae171ced0446cb3373f88c1b59a78.png

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