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Posts posted by TravisAngels

  1. So, I'm thinking pens could have a 'use' function where they do the little 'click' thing they do that people get addicted to sometimes and a pen won't write if it's not clicked?


    I see this as a QoL because it's a little niche thing that people might like the noise of.

    If this is written incorrectly, apologies.

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  2. I was asked to talk about things I like about changelings by mista generaldonuffin cuz I do like them as an antag


    I like changelings because they have interesting gimmicks with the game you don't normally see, and I'm a huge fan of The Thing.

    Things I like about changeling is that they are REALLY good at impersonating people they kill given the proper preparations, like talking to your victim before you kill them, so you know how they talk and act without the last 5 lines for you being ";HELP CLING" and "HELP PLEASE" "PLEASE DONT KILL ME". 

    There's also specific abilities that are rarely seen and sometimes good for RP (changeling hivemind interrogation ability). Along with things like landing a really nice stealth kill, I get satisfaction from changeling by deceiving people. Like impersonating a security officer, and sabotaging security from the inside, and I really like to think of my final goal as a changeling is to impersonate the Captain without being caught out immediately.

    Something else I enjoy as a changeling is the self-resurrection ability, being able to come back from the dead and avenge yourself is really satisfying to get off after losing a fight, often times because I end up getting salty at the loss. 

    I personally think changelings would do pretty well if they worked like tg changelings, from what I've seen tg changelings work in the way that you are killing people to actually impersonate them, instead of just using them to re-roll your abilities or advance your main objective by a singular tally, resulting in a coinflip between the victim staying dead the entire round or actually being found by some random crewmember in maintenance.

    Summing up my previous statements (AKA TL;DR):

    Basically what I'm saying is: I like changelings due to their impersonation abilities and roleplay potential, and kind wish that people used absorbing people as a way to prevent themselves from being caught out, and not just being used to re-roll their abilities. 


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