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Posts posted by Sparkyninja


    Numerous times I've had to assassinate someone of some importance, as such I would plan as if I'M the one looking for the murderer. One time as a civvie I had to steal the blueprints and assassinate the CE. The only problem was Security had Logan Ghost as HoS and Jonah Bright as Detective. I knew Logan would be persistant as hell and hella suspective of me when the CE died. And I knew Jonah would pick up on ANY trail I left. So I got my job changed to Engineer, bought a chameleon jumpsuit, changed my gloves to black gloves available in engineering and made sure to not handle any of my tools for murder with my hands. Once I stowed my shit and changed carefully into my traitor gear I bought an emag and changed my jumpsuit to a medical disguise. I then entered Engineering and found the CE near the Secure storage, promptly killed him and then set about emagging every door between the maintainence on the West side of Engineering and the CE's office. Once all was done and I had the plans and the dead CE's head I ran to outside the mech's workshop and bought a smuggler's backpack. I stripped down and stuffed everything, from the head to the emag to the clothes themself, except the black gloves, and I stowed it under the floor tiles. Nearby I had my usual clothes available, turtleneck, beret, insulated gloves and the like, and I used the soap I picked up to clean up most but not ALL of the blood from Engineering. I disgarded the gloves into the washing machine in the locker room and then made it back to Security to report the dead CE.


    Sure enough I was arrested and searched. But with literally nothing on me and nothing at all to tie me to the crime I was released and kept a low profile, despite Logan constantly giving me the suspicion eyes. At shift end I yanked the tile up and simply took the blueprints. All green, all mean. :D



    I like relisting, despite my posting of the video that says otherwise. While unlisted, shit doesn't happen, chaos is what SS13 is built upon, and without it, it becomes little more than a 2d "simulator".


    Being in Command is a lot harder now, but that's why you don't involve yourself in everything when you command. Likewise Security players need to have a degree of "chill and it'll be fine" when dealing with shitcurity and greytide. The last thing that peeps need to realise is that dying can be great fun if you allow it to be;


    I was a Sec officer over the weekend when the admuns did one of their anti-meta rounds. I asked politely to search a scientist in maintainence when on red alert. I knew letting him get close while carrying so many suspicious items would be silly, but heck to it; he promptly cut me down with an e sword when he knew I wasn't going to leave, then he dragged my body to the surgery maintainence door and left. No one found my body in time, yet I had fun dying. Just look on the bright side of dying I guess, and otherwise annoying situations won't be.



    TL;DR Ear Popping.


    Backround: I was on a run early morning and paused for a brief respite on the running path. In the 10-15 seconds I felt a sudden drop in temperature and a noticeable drop in pressure, looked up and saw a heavy as fuck raincloud overhead. Now while I may have been soaked through as expected, it did give me an idea:


    -That crewmembers, perhaps only humans (as I wouldn't even fathom as to the anatomy of other alien species) would be able to sense the change in pressure by either their ears popping (Simulating a drop) or their ears hurting (Simulating a raise in pressure). This wouldn't be a massive change in terms of gameplay, and would create a little bit of flavour that could help a player be more aware of their surroundings. Such sensations would be delivered using small notifications in the text box, similar in size as say text, perhaps in red to make it a little noticeable.


    In terms of code I wouldn't have the foggiest notion as to how it'd work however, I'd imagine it wouldn't be too complex or overbearing on the server, as I'm sure there is an interaction between mobs and pressure already, just having a few designated pressures where this might kick in would be all that is required.



    Those Combat gloves are a far better option. Means you can have all access with a bit of foresight and a toolkit.


    Much better way to protect heads is to be able to get to them. And hacking might be the only way for you to do that at times.



    *Internal Affairs Central Branch clearance confirmed*

    - Nanotrasen Navy Records Request Approved




    Nanotrasen Navy Military Vessal Icarus - Patrol 078 - Assault Option 3 - Incident 008 Recovered

    Incident Report is marked REDACTED from all Public records.



    MISSION BACKROUND: Recon Drone Sweep - 078-645 reported geographical anomaly on Epsilon Eridani IIIc (Survey Reports indicate 3c s a frozen moon, rotating at half the speed of Earth, with small mineral deposits unsuited for large scale mining operations). In response and with the drone sweep nearing the end of its' patrol, another drone was sent, marked as 078-645a. 645a surveyed the anomaly and discovered a bluespace anomaly blocking advanced sensors, optical sensors relayed back photos and Intelligence determined a small Syndicate base was located at the anomaly.


    Assessments of the recovered intelligence drew conclusions that the base had several defensive measures;

    1. BlueSpace Inhibator fields preventing advanced scans of the facility and also preventing accurate bombardment from BlueSpace Artillery.

    2. Ground Based BlueSpace Artillery aimed at orbital defence, preventing line of sight from Icarus to target.

    3. Autocannon Anti-Air defences capable of countering Combat Drone wings and close ranged Assault Shuttles.


    Conclusion from Intelligence suggested a ground based assault utilising Marine elements onboard the Icarus, Icarus CO Captain [REDACTED] approved mission based on assessments, Major Williams, CO Marine detachment Icarus notified.


    Marine officers ordered to assemble on deck and PoD (Plan of Diplomacy...) was formulated. On approval from Ship CO, Lt Cmmdr Neil A. Wilkinson assigned mission CO, with Major Williams OC.


    Mission original objectives as follows:

    [*] Gain Control of Syndicate facility

    - Disable AA defences.

    - Disable BSA defences.

    - Disable BSI countermeasures.

    - Gain control of Base Command.

    - Disable onsite defence personnel.

    - Detain any and all Syndicate Officers.

    - Recover any and all Syndicate Intelligence.

    - Ascertain the nature and purpose of the Syndicate Base.


    FINAL NOTE: With Intelligence Assessments, it was determined a team of five(5) Specialists and one(1) officer more than adequate to assault and disable any obstacles.


    After Action Report:


    Friendly losses: 25 Combat Drones, 0(zero) marines.

    Enemy losses: 30-90 armed personnel, 40+ (to the realms of unknown) civilian deaths.


    Outcome of Original Objective: FAILED - Syndicate Base destroyed in Nuclear Blast.


    Misson CO Written Report:


    Assault Shuttle left Icarus docks at 0500 Base Time (so 1000 relative Earth rotation) and proceeded with Silent Running Modules engaged; transit to LZ uneventful and is noted for lack of weather cover on approach, so NOE (Nap Of the Earth, really god damned low) approach is taken. Team dismounts with Sergeant James Hughs 2NCOIC +4 specialists of varying specialisations outfitted in Heavy Combat kit.


    During transition from LZ to AO on foot, one unspecified marine trips hidden alarm, robotic and organic sentries engage and squad returns fire, quickly and efficiently ending engagement. Examination of human sentry allows a tap into Enemy Communications, and it is revealed the element of surprise has been lost, with Intelligence analysis of communications suggesting upwards of 50+ Syndicate Combat troops on site. Mission OC suggests withdraw of Marine Squad, as Mission CO I over-ride and alter objectives to exclude primary objective;


    [*] Ascertain the nature and purpose of the Syndicate Base.

    [*] Disable AA defences.

    [*] Disable BSA defences.

    [*] Disable BSI countermeasures.

    [*] Gain control of Base Command.

    [*] Disable onsite defence personnel.

    [*] Detain any and all Syndicate Officers.

    [*] Recover any and all Syndicate Intelligence.

    [*] Destroy Syndicate Base.


    Progressing with the Assault efforts are made to move to a different flank before being engaged by Primary Syndicate forces. These efforts prove successful and the NT Assault Party ambushed and fought off a unit of 20+ Syndicate Operatives with no injuries to friendly forces, and severe casualties to enemy forces prior to withdrawal.


    Assault Party then breached the Syndicate Base from Opposing side from arrival bearing in attempt to catch defenders off-guard. Despite early success this was quickly foiled by civilian personnel onsite and an intense firefight soon took place inside one of the base's main corridors. As a result the defenders were beaten back, again heavily bloodied, however one marine received severe injuries and all others in the assault party carried minor injuries.


    While my own following orders were... Not immediately understood, the party then staged an assault on what appeared to be the base's Medical Bay, with stated orders to allow treatment of the injured specialist. Little resistance was met within the medbay, despite high numbers of injured personnel at the location, and a surgery room was requisitioned for treatment of the marine. During this time, an interrogation of a medical doctor took place and a basic understanding of base structure was gained;

    - The Base was 3 levels deep with only 1 level above ground.

    - The Base had a rudimentary Artificial Intelligence that was hampering our Assault Party.

    - The Base had a larger than originally assessed Defence detail.

    - Many of the civilians in the Base crew had began arming themselves to assist with reeling our attack.


    Unfortunately the subject of the interrogation expired before giving information on the Facility's purpose, possibly through self-medicated Overdose.


    With the injured Marine receiving attention, myself as mission CO and 2 specialists proceeded to location of the Base AI. Despite resistance the AI Core was breached and obliterated. Upon return to the requisitioned surgery, the injured marine has regained combat effectiveness and the mission proceeds. On exiting the medical bay, efforts are made to ensure no more Syndicate personnel can receive attention, knocking those severely injured out of the fighting. (This sentence here is why this ENTIRE Report is Redacted from Public viewing, I am more than certain most of the Space Geneva Laws were broken here...)


    Using localised intel, the Assault Party determined the location of the Autocannon AA to be on the surface level, which was largely abandoned by Syndicate personnel due to Marine Combat Effectiveness. Therefore we proceeded and hacked the AA, disabling the defences against our Combat Drones. Contact was then made with the Icarus, which sent several Combat Drone wings and a supply wing with ammunition for our weapons and medical supplies to treat personnel injuries.


    After assessing Intel gained on site and restocking on mission supplies and providing First Aid to all injuries, the location of the BSA and BSI were ascertained to be on the second level, heavily guarded by remaining Syndicate personnel.


    Combat Drones were dispatched to primary assault vectors, screening the Assault Party, allowing the team to flank immediate defensive positions on the stairs and allowing further assault on the second level. Despite heavy Drone losses primary resistance was broken and the drones were set to patrol on KILL. The Marine Team first located the BSA targeting computers, using explosives to quickly dispatch the defence's effectiveness, with this the Icarus manoeuvred into direct view of the Syndicate base and Drone combat effectiveness increased due to reduced distance to the Icarus.


    Despite meeting continued, yet sporadic resistance, the Assault Party located what appeared to be vital paper printed intel and disabled the safeties preventing theft. Given the nature of the intel I alert on the OC, Ship CO and Intel CO, not allowing other party members a chance to examine the documents. From these documents, I was, however, able to reveal to the party the Base's purpose was to create low yield Nuclear Fission Explosives commonly seen in use by Nuclear Operatives assaulting the NSS Cyberiad. This was done by mining the low amounts of uranium beneath the base, most likely explaining why it escaped detection from our EM detectors for so long.


    With the Ship CO and mission OC satisfied with the findings, combat drones and Assault Party assault the BSI and, despite heavy resistance, managed to disable it. With Base defences fully disabled Recon Drones did an extensive scan and detect radiation throughout the Base, with the highest concentration in an area earlier assessed to be a type of Science division.


    The team assaulted this position and confirms the presence of Plutonium centrafuges and a viable Nuclear Fission Explosive, complete with nuclear codes stapled to it, so the operatives apparently will never forget them. Using advanced hacking techniques, (Read, sticking a coding card) our hacking specialist simulated a nuclear disk and with codes provided, the party armed the Nuclear Fission Explosive.


    With this action the Assault Party and the Combat Drones egressed from the Syndicate Base, and were exfiltrated via an LZ close to the Syndicate Base. Fission Detonation was detected 60 seconds later after extraction.



    -Despite failure of original mission objectives, likelihood of success was reduced regardless of a scenario where the facility would be assaulted by a increased Marine detachment, in my opinion. Despite forces opposing, the Specialist team must be commended for their bravery and discipline under heavy fire, and willingness to follow all orders issued.


    - Lieutenant Commander Neil A. Wilkinson, Commanding.


    Mission OC After Action Assessment: The team sent under the command of Lt Cmmdr Wilkinson performed admirably considering the opposition's strength throughout the engagements. Part of this success should be attributed to the Mission CO's adept handling of an everchanging situation, regardless of the potential bad press that might come from wiping out any civilian crew.




    -There, theres a little more to what I perceive Neil would do almost everyday he isn't on the Cyberiad!


    EDIT: Jesus Christ I had to fix so many Grammar errors I wonder if I was drunk writing this (Which I was...)



    One thing I always try to do at the start of an antag round is throw an Ahelp if I'm going to do anything overly destructive, hijack or not, so that I can clear it with the admins. Perhaps it can become more common place for people to clear those bombs with admins, while avoiding anything overly destructive and griefy.


    Just nore I AM drunk when writing this so it may not make sense.



    Player complaints are there for a reason. Or throw an ahelp the way of an admin if there are any online e. Just because they don't answer your ahelp back does not mean they are investigating remember. Sides that, I usually have sympathy for heads, especially the HoS, you can get genuine officers and real shitters, but you get labeled regardless. Of course that being said there are dreadful players in all roles.


    EDIT: Phones suck for posting.



    If only there were such a system that could simulate rapid pressure drop while allowing a proper gas dispersal. But yea. I can appriacite that LINDA actually works, but it mutes much of the danger that comes from Space, notibly the pressure difference and decompression.


    Besides that, I know it was a pain to moderate, but having Revolution in the rotation made for some hectic rounds that could be tempered with some of the slower rounds, giving peeps the thrills and spills they wanted for 1-2 hours then allowing a calmer experience afterwards



    Oh Boy I don't know if I can list the tips I've picked up from Captaining.


    The general purpose of a Captain is to ensure Nanotrasen's Station, the Cyberiad remains mostly intact and at least some attempt at Science or productivity is made. So always take a keener notice of any situation in any department that might thrawt that, from antags, to breaches, to virus and to Admunbus. A lot of people say not to micromanage, but the right way to phrase that is learn how and when to miromanage.


    Scenario: Ops have declared War and Security is full with the usual nerds. Now, while any good HoS is worth their weight in Gold here, you should be concentrating a lot more on Security and focusing the other heads towards helping with Security than otherwise, which can entail ripping up floor tiles and flipping tables if neccesary.


    Scenario: A virus has been released and it has the potential to kill. While a typical CMO and non-murderous virologist might be able to handle the situation, often just being a presence there can help shift things along, stopping people dicking about and getting a cure made.


    The really important thing which is hard to gauge is severity of any crisis, spiders shouldn't warrent direct oversight of Security, but multiple vampires which have been annihalating officers should. I've ended up going to my personal Defcon 1 when some idiot screamed out about Ops and instead it was a skipjack, you just have to learn through round experience when a threat is legit or can be ignored.


    Final thing; while others state a Captain is just an assistant with full access, remember you're the ultimate boss of everyone on the station, which also means you're ultimately responsible too. While the station should be able to run itself you can end up being the guy holding it together when the departments can't.



    I'm not sure the whole "Approval of other heads for promotion/demotion" is a good idea.


    Think of it from this perspective; a Head should be the most knowledgeable of their department and most commonly won't have vast knowledge of other departments. So why should the Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer and Research Director have a say on who the Head of Security is? Not only would there be a major possibility of metafriending or Grudging but also it doesn't really make much sense for this to be Imposed.


    And there also in lies my issues with a "Command SOP". There really shouldn't be any rules surronding how Command functions as you'd almost expect those in Command to be able to function without it, and meta wise, it highly retricts the freedom a Captain would have to do things their own way, which isn't really what should happen, I wouldn't be happy at all if I had some twit NT Rep telling me I had to first get the other heads to vote before I promote a Chief Engineer.


    Another issue is also one of "Too many rules" or "Too much Beauracracy" I already find it difficult enough keeping on top of Space Law and all the various SOPs, to have another SOP added onto the pile and then have it in such a way that if I break it, "lol fuk u i am gittin you fired" comes along and suddenly I have another problem on my plate.


    I personally think a set of Guidelines as opposed to SOP would be far better for Command. Primarily for the reasons I touched on earlier, but Command has a lot of freedom to do your own thing, curtailing that would literally suck dick.



    I've always maintained that lower rank staff should have the ability to answer faxes, such as trialmins or even moderators.


    Its' a whitelist that's already in place, with people who most likely will not fuck it up, because they don't wanna suffer the wrath.


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