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Posts posted by ShiftyVickers

  1. The guy didn't die, ever. I didn't even knock him down I don't think. The first incident resulted in him running away and me not chasing him. The second ended with him hurt and me Dieing in the area the trash chute dumps you. I was attempting to defend myself from the trash chute the second time. Whether the chef was punished for dumping me I of course, do not know. It's true I didn't ask permission, but I really didn't know -me out of play- if the skeleton would attack me and dieing is annoying so I killed it and thought he had actually set the thing against me. The ban has expired but it's still something I wanted addressed, it could in fact be that I assumed the RP was more intense than it is.


    Admin Key:socialsystem


    Complaint: I was banned for role playing too well. I was using the information my character had and reacting to a situation. During a round my character encountered skeletons on the station. I dunno what YOU guys think when you see a skeleton but I killed it with a crowbar. I found a few skeletons throughout the round. I became hungry from my skelly slaying and went to order some food. The chef threw raw food on the counter and said "eat it". When I refused he left into a hallway, came back with a skeleton following him, opened a door and exclaimed "Kill my skeleton minion!" so my character, having seen this guy command a skeleton, killed it then attacked him. He ran away injured and I made myself food. A few minutes later in the round that guy came into a room I was in and started grabbing me. NOTE: he did this before I did anything. So I beat him with an oxygen tank, but he had healed up and he drug me to a garbage disposal and threw me in, nearly killing me. It was at this time I was contacted by this admin. He said I was assaulting the guy for no reason, when I was only using the information my character had gathered and was attempting to survive. He had this to say:


    You have been banned by socialsystem.


    Killed as a non-antag. The cook does not have the power to command skeletons,

    killing him because he said "Kill my skeleton Kill" is not a valid reason. Please Appeal

    if you feel necessary.

    This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 1440 minutes.

    To try to resolve

    this matter head to


    I told the guy he was confusing in-character and out of character information. Why the hell would my doctor character know how skeletons behave?


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