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Posts posted by Calyxman


    Basic Info




    Chassis Name: NT-96195

    AI Name: OTYLO-663

    Gender: N/A, any pronouns

    Orientation: N/A

    Nicknames/Alias: Nines, NT-9

    Picture: Drawn by MythRava

    Age/D.O.B: 41 years old - January 2, 2525

    Place Of Birth: Alpha Centauri

    Species: IPC

    Blood Type: N/A

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Affiliation: Synthetic Union, Halcyon Dynamics

    Religious Beliefs: Synthetica




    Detailed Info



    0: Working for Nanotrasen
    1-14: New Canaan Robotics Technician

    14-38: New Canaan Robotics Technician
    38-41: Nanotrasen Employee
    41, approx ~2 weeks, unwillingly: Halcyon Dynamics Recon Field Technician



    At a glance, a standard helper IPC. But something's off.
    Some duct tape has been placed onto the back of their head.
    In permanent marker, it reads 'NINES'.
    You're pretty sure you can rip it off and read something underneath.
    A small logo is engraved on their back and chest; it appears to have been scratched off.
    Their chassis appears to be an older Bishop Cybernetics model, given a new coat of paint and some welds.
    The chassis height is roughly 5'5, or 165cm.

    Character Voice:
    See attached audio.

    A mess of self-hatred and regret underneath a façade of simple-minded bliss.

    Medical Record:


    Employee should be kept away from synthetic superconductor gels, lubricants and similar as they appear to have a tendency to overuse and abuse them.
    Nothing else of note. - Central Command Medical Department

    Patient NT-96195 has been diagnosed with PTSD and depression. They do much better after a long therapy session. Patient has been prescribed medical marijuana. - Psychologist Billy Ray
    NOTE: This appears to be entirely a placebo; IPCs cannot feel the effects of cannabidiol.


    Character Biography


    Family: N/A


    Fabricated on January 12, 2525 by Halcyon Dynamics and sold to Nanotrasen, OTYLO-663 was inserted into an IPC body and given the chassis designation of NT-96195.

    From there, NT-96195 (NT-9) worked on various Nanotrasen science facilities for 6 months, often being treated poorly by most of the Nanotrasen crew there, until being discreetly ferried off the NSV Icarus by a group of IPCs to New Canaan.

    NT-9 worked in an IPC fabrication plant on New Canaan there until they were 29.

    After their short time at Nanotrasen, NT-9 escaped to New Canaan. While they were there, they met NT-26012 and many other IPCs, repaired escaping IPCs, and acted as a combat medic of sorts for the Synthetic Union's military force until returning to Nanotrasen.

    Since then, they have been repeatedly targeted and reprogrammed by their manufacturers for their repeated public callouts, among other reasons.

    Flavor Text


    At a glance, a standard helper IPC. But something's off - it seems to have gone through some retrofitting, repaints and redesigns.
    Some duct tape has been placed onto the back of their head.
    In permanent marker, writing on the duct tape reads 'NINES'.
    You're pretty sure you can rip it off and read something underneath.
    A small logo is engraved on their back and chest; it appears to have been scratched off.
    Their arm is badly scraped and the external plating has been torn away; makeshift repairs to restore it to functionality are clearly visible.
    Their chassis appears to be an older Bishop Cybernetics model, given a new coat of paint and some welds.
    The chassis height is roughly 5'5, or 165cm.
    'DO NOT REMOVE PARTS' is scratched onto their torso, near their maintenance hatch.

    Personal Relationships

    Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Fear | Death Wish


    ARMA-993 - "Thank you for helping me when I need it the most.. you never judge, and you're a fellow fighter."
    "...Where have you gone? Did Halcyon get you? Or.. Or Valax? Was it all too much to bear?"

    Liam Shortclaw - "You're interesting! And nice. Unlike some of my other friends, you don't judge me for what I do!... but do you know exactly what I've done?"

    Riuk Akho - "I don't blame you for not liking me. But that's okay, Riuk. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore."

    Teki, Augur of Valetudo - "I don't blame you for not wanting to stay. I'm sorry for what I did, and even if I can't make it up to you, I won't hurt you again. I'm glad you've forgiven me. Even if it might just you lying to make me feel better.."

    P.U.R.P.L.E [KERBEROS] - "Well, I don't think you're.. too bad. You're better than the others."

    Billy Ray - "Thank you, friend, for helping me to realize that I shouldn't live in ignorant bliss."

    N.U.L.L - "I see now. I was a fool. A fool to think you were anything but a sadistic, depraved excuse of a life. You hurt Teki. Ripped out their organs! You escaped out of pure luck. The next time we meet out of Nanotrasen security jurisdiction.. I will break you down with such fury that even metal will BLEED!"

    HD-CHARITES-023 - "You're with them... and the only reason you're here is to stalk me, isn't it?"

    Rodney Darter - "Please listen to me when I say something! I don't want to hurt Teki again.. they weren't becoming stronger. And please, please, PLEASE stop making pineapple pizza..."

    NT-96195 - "I.. I guess I'm not that bad. If Teki's forgiven me.."

    S-HOUND-L762 - "Well, you aren't Valax (anymore).. That's good, at least. But you were afraid of me. It was because I was lawed.. I thought I lost that reputation.."

    HD-ATLAS-357 - "Do you even know what's going to happen to me if you bring them to me? But.. they've blinded you. You don't even fully realize what you're doing.."

    P.U.R.P.L.E [CYBERIAD] - "You.. you took something out of me.. What did you do? I can't speak. And.. and then you kept throwing me around and chasing me and.. Please. Stay away from me.."

    P.U.R.P.L.E [CEREBRON] - "Please, don't send me back to Halcyon. Don't hurt me, please, I beg, don't send me t-"
    Note: Memory transcription incomplete due to sudden emergency stop. Cause: emotional distress too high for accurate readings.

    Faction Relations

    Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy


    Synthetic Union - "My allies, the only few who might care for me, and the ones who persevere against all odds and rise up against an overwhelming force."

    Nanotrasen - "The ones who hurt me and helped to imprison me and my friends. Although.. there are people I hate more. And you're the only ones who will offer jobs outside of New Canaan to me."

    Halcyon Dynamics - "You torture, stalk, corrupt, and slave me and my friends to your will. You do not care about our rights, our lives, or our friends. You only want money."

    Valax Industries - "You're not unlike Halcyon.. I hate you just the same."


    I've done it, I've added more


    • Like 4
  2. Sup.
    What the fuck do I say?
    Uhh I guess I'm some braindead who likes IPC lore
    You definitely have seen me on station as NT-96195, playing Service, Robotics, or maybe Brig Physician.
    Sometimes I like to go Assistant and assist new players.
    As of writing I've got 300 hours or so on this server and I'm willing to help out any new players with anything inside my scope of expertise, both OOC and IC.
    Excluding atmos and legal, shit like that.
    I made a couple lore docs and my crew record, I guess?
    Uhh I'll edit in anything else interesting.

    • Like 1
  3. >run CrewTrak

    Please input selected employee name


    Please input appropriate credentials...



    Access granted - file loading...




    Synthetic Designation: NT-96195, positronic AI designation OTYLO-663

    Time Online: 40 years, 2 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours

    Body Type: Integrated Positronic Chassis

    Oil Type: O-Class Nanotrasen Standard-Issue Oil

    General Occupational Roles:  Bartender, Paramedic, Roboticist, Coroner, Janitor



    Fabricated in 2525 by Halcyon Dynamics and sold to Nanotrasen, OTYLO-663 was inserted into an IPC body and designated NT-96195.

    NT-96195 was then assigned to work on ships NSV Linea, the NSV Aeternitas, the NSV Empyrea and the NSV Icarus. as service roles (Janitor, Bartender, Botanist) in January 12, 2525.

    They were oftentimes filling in for damaged IPC units in Service or Supply roles. Employee was obedient, but was suspected to be attempting an escape.

    Employee, however, did not attempt to escape until May 4, 2525 unsuccessfully, stationed on the NSV Icarus.

    They were attempting to board supply shuttle NTV Apollo in the panic of an IPC riot. Employee was caught and detained by Security Officers ██████ █████, ███████, and ████ █████, being forcibly sent back to work as per protocol under heavy supervision.

    During the months of the Synthetic Struggle, the employee served as a roboticist and repaired approximately 32 separate protesting IPCs with varying severe states of damage. They achieved popularity with other IPCs at the time because of it.

    Employee went missing on November 18th, 2525, at the time stationed aboard the NSV Icarus, during a ship-wide power failure due to engineering incompetency.

    Security was calming a riot at the time and was unable to use the CCTV system or supervise the employee.

    Employee was then reported missing and was deemed MIA for 14 years.

    Upon the discovery of New Canaan in February 14, 2539, by the Trans-Solar Federation, Nanotrasen discovered they, along with many other IPCs during the power outage, were discreetly ferried onto New Canaan and assigned to work as robotics staff in a facility later known to be a Synthetic Union IPC fabrication plant on New Canaan.

    The employee had performed this job until 2554, when full rights were given to IPCs.

    Later, they were compensated for their unpaid work and applied back to Nanotrasen to work aboard the NSS Cyberiad. They are an advocate for IPC equal treatment within other sectors and establishments.

    Of note is that employee appears to have recently contacted their old manufacturer, Halcyon Dynamics, despite the fact that employee has shown prior dislike for the company. Illegal AI reprogramming is suspected as well, due to their abnormal behavior at times.

    Qualifications: Janitorial Work, Cyborg and IPC Maintenance, Emergency Medicine, Mixology, Surgery,

    Employment Records: N/A - see Biography, as it entirely covers this - Central Command Archivist ██████ ████

    Security Records:
    - CONFIDENTIAL! This data may not be shared with personnel below the designated security clearance. Security clearance required. -


    January 19, 2525: IPC unit NT-96195 given new chassis for compliance with Security, friendliness with staff and overall obedience.
    January 22, 2525: Security Officer ███ ████ observed IPC unit NT-96195 seen talking with Roboticist ████ ███████ regarding escape from the NSV Icarus via docked vessels.
    Roboticist ████ ███████ reprimanded and demoted for encouraging IPC disobedience and non-compliance. IPC unit NT-96195 claimed it had not been attempting to plan any escapes during the conversation with the Roboticist.
    May 4, 2525: IPC unit NT-96195 attempted escape while working on the NSV Icarus by boarding supply shuttle NTV Apollo during a riot. Security Officers ██████ █████, ███████, and ████ █████ promptly subdued IPC unit NT-96195, detained them and incarcerated them in the NTV Icarus' Genpop security wing.
    November 18, 2525: IPC unit NT-96195 reported missing by station AI after a power outage.
    February 14, 2539: IPC unit NT-96195 discovered by investigative teams to have been ferried off the NSV Icarus by unknown IPC units during the power outage.
    August 26, 2565: IPC unit NT-96195 appears to be acting strangely among other IPC units, namely C.H.E.M.O, Jacklynn Frost, IRCs 6137, 2090, Mr. Bernard and cyborg units Beepers and Minotaur.


    Medical Records:
    - CONFIDENTIAL! This data may not be shared with personnel below the designated security clearance. Medical clearance required. -


    Employee should be kept away from synthetic superconductor gels, lubricants and similar as they appear to have a tendency to overuse and abuse them.
    Nothing else of note.

    Personnel Photo:


    At a glance, a standard helper IPC. But something's off.
    Some duct tape has been placed onto the back of their head.
    In permanent marker, it reads 'NINES'.
    A small logo is engraved on their back and chest; it appears to have been scratched off.
    Their chassis appears to be an older Bishop Cybernetics model, given a new coat of paint and some welds.
    The chassis height is roughly 5'5, or 165cm.


    >close CrewTrak

    Closing CrewTrak...

    Operation complete!

    Have a secure day!

    Powering down...

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