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Posts posted by MasterMayhem117

  1. I'm by no means an expert paramedic but almost every shift I've been given one and it is actually pretty GREAT despite the wiki snark. However, it DESPERATELY needs emergency sirens and lights. So many just keep running not knowing what the big mech is specifically and I cannot scoop fast enough. Seems like an easy add. Maybe some cool, "It's ok, I am here to help" phrases you can button click like the sec gas mask to go with the siren. Adding this should be straightforward as they are existing code. 

    Beyond that I am not sure.. But, it is a great mech and deserves at least a siren and lights like the ambulance. Maybe a reloadable reagent tank for the chemists to fill with whatever plague medicine of the day.. I've actually encountered a paramedic trying to do just that and load spaceacillin when we had an outbreak. Loading the syringes could be improved as well.

    What'd be really nice is a built in crew pin pointer. Being able to use the crew monitor still from inside is nice (though I suspect this is accidental as you need to have it open before getting in) but sometimes this would be easier, even necessary. Would be fantastic if you could use your entire inventory still but without external access, ie, you could pull out and fill a syringe in your hand but you'd need to get out to inject it in someone as you are sealed inside. The added benefit of being able to use the pda as well.

    Please give it some love. 

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