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Posts posted by NoscopeToolbox


    1) Did you see the cloaking in deus ex? That thing eats up all your energy in two seconds!

    2) Same with stuff like Smart Vision, that eats up energy pretty fast too

    3) Again, strength would be some kind of overdrive mode that would eat up energy. Ryetalin doesn't work? Aug on rampage? Open the god darned armory and take ion rifles and emp grenades!

    4) Takedown takes up one energy cell, only your first cell naturally regenerates. You can have max 4(?) energy cells. That means it takes all/one half/one third/one quarter of your precious and slowly regenerating energy. If you use takedown with little energy, you might end up with your hands barely working.

    5) Regenerating your energy by using mech rechargers would be relatively fast, everything else unreliable and slow.

    6) The defibrilator would regenerate only oxygen loss + some brute, it would also only work if you have about -50% health. And would take 50%(or more) of your energy. AKA if you are bleeding - you're fucked. If you are in space without oxygen - you're fucked. Basically it would be like self-cpr that used to be possible.

    7) Free armor? What? Those stuffs would eat up diamonds, gold, silver and iron like a bitch. I know that mining is very fast, but still, diamonds are rare.

    8) I originally wanted to put "LOL NO" for Cyclone. It would use expensive ammo, a lot of energy and would be veeery costly to make. Maybe a kit that you have to insert parts in. It would take all of your telecrystals.

    9) All of those would require surgery to actually use. And without a good surgeon, there is a high chance you will be crippled.



    EDIT: in 4 I was talking about deus ex, explaining that takedown would be pretty energy costly.



    They would be super expensive. Like really. Really expensive. And you'd have to research them. Which is also expensive and time consuming. Nobody ever does it too. BRB adding downside to them


    EDIT: Maybe EMP protection wouldn't exist? EMP is supposed to be like the achiles' heel of augments. Flashes would overload eye augments. Stun baton would sap energy.



    Yah yah! I got Deus Ex: Human Revolution on christmas and it's like the best game ever adasfssasdaggsa

    Yes I know that it's a prequel to normal Deus Ex where nanotechnology with chemicals is used but fuk dat.

    And that it takes place in 202something.


    Imagine how awesome it would be to go to robotics, lay down on the table and get your arms replaced by mechanic augments. Just like those normal robot arms, but waaay more awesome. They would have limited energy, just like borgs. When you run out of energy, all augments you have get disabled/severely limited. AKA if you have all limbs augmented and somehow get stranded, you are screwed. But the augments would have awesome benefits, such as:



    Takedown: Use a portion of energy to instantly stun an opponent. Maybe lethal mode after emag?

    Strength: HUUULK! Toggleable mode, be able to do stuff like pick up scrubbers and throw them at people. Use a big portion of energy to punch through a wall. Break tables. Cause chaos.


    Sprint: Use some energy, be able to run away from a speeding bullet(you can already do that).

    Jump: Again use some energy, jump over tables, scrubbers and stuff like that.


    Cool sunglasses: Upgradeable and toggleable. Uses no/little energy, toggle between sechub and medhub, maybe highlight people armed with weapons.

    Smart Vision: Toggleable. Basically thermals, except you just see yellow outlines of people, borgs ETC.

    Flash Suppressant: Makes ya unflashable.


    Infolink: Basically a PDA. Uses no energy. Maybe even a minimap!

    Mark 'n Track: Put an overlay on target mob. You can see the overlay through walls. Upgradeable: 3-5-7 mobs.

    Hack Jack: Pretty much like the pAI one, except faster. Usable on computers to gain captain level access.


    Regeneration: Built-in defibrilator - Brings you out of crit automatically for a chunk of your energy. Protein therapy - regenerates you over time. Doesn't use energy.

    Reflex enhancment: If you use takedown while next to 2 mobs, you use it on both for the same energy. Slight chance of reverting melee attacks to attacker.

    Cyclon Explosive Mechanism: Shoots bullets/gyrojet rockets 360 noscope quickscope proscope around you. Probably syndicate/traitor or whatever.

    Nanotrasen Mark 13 Radiation Converter: Slowly regains energy. Speeds up greatly when exposed to radiation.


    Dermal armor: Exactly what it says on the tin.

    Crystal-Block Invisibility System: Some kinda cloak. Drains energy. Upgrading decreases energy drain.

    EMP Shielding: Greatly reduces damage done by EMP. Tasers almost don't work, stun batons barely work.



    Something like a mix between Changeling and Ninja. Get objectives, for every objective done you gain [insert a word similar to praxis] to upgade/unlock stuff. Maybe he's on a kinda admin-driven mission!


    As you can see I did a looooot of puns in there. Here is a wiki page with all the augments: http://deusex.wikia.com/wiki/Augmentations_(DX3)


    EDIT: Augmentation rejection!

    Just like in Deus Ex, your augmentations get rejected over time. And without the proper medication, the toxin damage gets higher... And higher... Until you die. Yep. EDIT EDIT: Unless your name is Adam Jensen. Then you are fine.



    What about chemicals? On goon there are reagents like Tongue of Dog, Wool of Bat, Toe of Frog and Eye of Newt. AFAIK they are from Shakespeare's Macbeth (in which are also Adder's Fork, Blind-worm's Sting, Lizard's Leg and Howlet's Wing).




  5. Everytime I used that laser it exploded in my face, I don't get how anyone could think that it's a good weapon. And the super easily breakable into captain's office should definitely be fixed. I understand the mapper tried to make it easier for the antags, but come on. Also about that thing with assistants... No. Just no. Come on, if you are not allowed to murder someone, how can you be allowed to steal the Captain's ID, which is Grand Theft, and I am pretty sure that is even worse than murder in Space Law. Ofcourse I might be wrong, but most of the time it's Fox McCloud who breaks in there as a doctor, chemist or scientist. That's just pure bullshit in my opinion.


    There was already checks for the ritual to make sure that they werent in range of any cameras, and that nobody was controlling either of them. I find it odd that the check for control was already there, it's like the coders wanted to stop any admin-spawned yiffing scenarios.


    Anyways, since Ian/Lisa will be controlled by a player most of the time now, we need a new procedure to make puppies.


    I suggest Ian and Lisa will need a randomly selected food item(s), not only raw, but also cooked. Then you can watch the crew killing somebody and making a brainburger for them.



    Hello and welcome to...


    NoscopeToolbox's Signature Emporium!


    This is the place where you can request signatures from me, absolutely free(obiviously)!

    All you have to do it post here with your request.

    After your request is done, I will PM you the link to it.

    Sometimes, I will make sigs nobody requested and post them here. They will have an overlay on them. To get the actual sig, PM me.


    Request form:

    Item: [item]

    Text: [text]


    Item: Blue Toolbox

    Text: The unseen toolbox is the deadliest.


    That is not so hard, is it?








    People served: 2



    So basically make them be able to do like everything five minutes into the round, then disappear because of boredom, the machine does their work anyways.

    Still better than the current state of chemistry, where the chemists make chloral hydrate napalm polyacid foam smoke grenades. This way they would be atleast a little useful.


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