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Posts posted by Cress67

  1. Right, I do have a widescreen monitor but this doesn't really involve the resolution. The two generated tiles on the horizontals don't work for the purposes of Borg/AI interaction with machines. I'm not sure if this is something that'd ever get fixed or if it's intended behavior (because hey, that's a massive advantage by giving them 4 more horizontal tiles in total to have dominion over), but it did cause me multiple long seconds of frustration while wondering why Reload UI Resources wasn't working to fix the issue.

  2. It's self-explanatory. Mediborgs have infinite survivability as long as they have access to even a basic cyborg recharger, and that's a bit too much in many circumstances. Syndie mediborgs, for example, can infinitely patch themselves up while also keeping a single Nukie borderline immortal because they have a massive amount of nanopaste and can just use the station's cyborg rechargers at will to refill that stock. Engineering cyborgs used to be able to weld themselves to fix brute damage, but that was removed (likely because it made engiborgs absurdly strong against many threats due to being able to repair so quickly while also having a weapon in hand, as the welder doubled as both). However, engiborgs can still fix other borgs with their welders. This is in the same vein.

    Forcing mediborgs to need another mediborg around to patch them up (or an engiborg, if it was brute damage), would somewhat alleviate the issue of a single Syndie mediborg being all that a Nukie team needs to succeed. It's far less of a nerf to standard mediborgs, because they only have 5 nanopaste by default, but I've still seen them use that to get to surgical saw various beasts to death without any fear of their own death because they can just use their module 1 nanopaste as long as nothing stuns them and they're quick on the trigger. It's meant to be a surgery tool more than anything else, not backup HP for a bullet soaking tank. In short, if you really want to be a cyborg that can repair itself, you should have to get a self-repair module.

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