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Posts posted by TeDGamer


    Instead of making them automatically losing why not have the implant mess with their powers or something, for example if a changeling gets implanted he is no longer able to change form or evolve more powers. meaning he doesn't lose and has no reason to rat out his friends but it does mean that his objectives are ten times harder for him and makes tracking him ten times easier.


    Once they're implanted, they're not even allowed to do objectives. They're loyal to NT so now they can no longer even do their objectives because it will go against the implant. I like the fact that implants can mess with their powers and agree that this should be possible, that there are chemicals in the loyalty implant that disables you from being antag.



    Like the human idea, though it should be a smaller chance so as now to be overpowering, maybe like 10%. Not too sure on the NT favoritism, seems to be an RP idea.


    Don't think the hearing thing makes any sense. Maybe they can hear outside the map but not through walls that are as thick as a human ( They're not thin at all ). Maybe if the person was right next to the wall you can hear them, but nothing further. Also you would have to press your ears against the wall making it obvious. Shouldn't work on reinforced walls.


    Water idea isn't so bad. Allows people to finally use the water cooler other than for holy water on cultist / vampire rounds.


    Like the liquid movement, though as I recommended before, huge delay while reforming/ transforming into liquid form and back so that you can get captured quite easily. Also you leave your stuff as well as a small trail to follow. Shouldn't work for cracks in the wall because the grilles are electrified if I am correct. Membrane idea sounds good but should be ridiculously small. 10% is a lot I would say.


    Feel like budget insulated gloves are OP and should never happen. Maybe more so the feathers are used to make it harder to raise or lower the temperature so that their body tries to maintain temperature better.

    Definitely not on the cybernetic array, they're trying to act dumb. It's way too obvious that you're staring at a screen and eventually, vox secrets will no longer be secret. They're trying to hide their knowledge to other races, not use it blatantly. Most people will use this quite easily to hack things.


    Grey ideas are pretty good though hivemind should be limited to the z-level. So if you're off the station, goodbye hivemind. Also it reveals who you are like for changelings though they use agent names. IF there is hivemind, get rid of telepathy though.


    DIona idea is insane. You're going to have a lot of green tide that come in and block off arrivals and play around, taking over the station. Also how fun is it to have no objective but be a none walking tree maker? Ambassador will be definitely hard, being able to be a core and a movable object. Your idea for this is good but like I stated, it's insane. You can't plant yourself in space but planting in certain areas might block people. Seems like something more of an event or something that happens only when very very good conditions are met like the station being 40% destroyed so that you can help repair but once it's at like 90% "repaired". Also nutrient should be super slow to create and the ambassador can only be created when you're big enough if this is even added.


    I would recommend plant-b-gone not being too toxic to diona because as long as you're on the same tile as plant-b-gone and even wearing internals and full protection, you'll die from 2 sprays. If Fox is really making the other races seem human, plant-b-gone should only work if you do not have full protection against it so that it hits your skin or you breathe it in. As of now, diona are dead the instant they are sprayed twice, wearing anything doesn't make a difference.



    Slimes were forced to have no clothes, implants, or in hand items before they could crawl, but it was still rather OP. And unless the change was very recent, there was no IPC 'health buff'. They always took 50% as much brute when in fact this was a bug and it should of been 25% more from the very beginning. It was a simple bugfix.


    That's why I suggested it take time to turn into gloop form and time to reform into a humanoid shape as a way to balance. I don't have slime unlocked by the way, just a simple suggestion.


    And oh, they still sound pretty robust after the bugfix according to the way Streaky said it. The fact they are anti-antag is making me want to get them since I can pretty much live. It's too bad they can't synthesize chemicals, but with a welder and a wire in the backpack, they are pretty much, I can live forever. For other humanoid chemical synthesizing races, you need to carry all sorts of different chemicals. It's only going to get harder when we switch over to goonchem and the chemicals aren't as obvious or instant heals anymore.


    If Fox is truly normalizing the races, I propose bug spray to be a killer to Kidan as weed killer is to Diona.



    What if? And this is a what if...slimes have to turn to gloop when they vent crawl. That means, like diona nymphs, they cannot take anything or interact with anything as they have no hands. Then it takes them at least a few minutes to return back to slime person form. However, they still have to be naked. And if they wish to ventcrawl out of the captain's office, they have to return to gloop form and that means ,leaving items ( and fingerprints ) behind. In the gloop form they would be vulnerable but this would balance the constant ventcrawling.


    To stop the constant stealing of captain's spare ID, why not just place it at the safe at the very beginning?


    Keep in mind, this isn't slime form as sliems are robust. It's just a new form that can ventcrawl at will but takes time to change into and time to change out of, as a balance.


    I'm slightly unhappy about IPCs being buffed with their health. Part of my smugness when it came to my huge resistances to rads, poisons, changeling stings etc was counterbalanced by knowing that I had to suffer shitty health.


    In addition, part of the humour of my constant IPC Supremacy bullshit was that though I was advanced in more ways, I still fell apart when someone brushed against me too hard.


    Now I can wander around in depressurised areas without even realising it's depressurised until I see humans dying around me.


    Wait, IPCs got buffed health? Starting to sound like a race to play since they are pretty anti-antag/ I can hardly ever die so I can enjoy the round.



    Also it's hard for a changeling to be found since there's absolutely no test to check. The blood test doesn't work on this server.


    So for them to be discovered and captured is pretty bad, so if they avoid doing anything obvious, then they can get away with doing their objectives as they're supposed to. But if they don't and go in stings blazing, then it won't be too bad to loyalty implant them to rat out the people because it would make logical sense.



    People who still want to go on the Gateway missions still can though, yes?


    I believe, Of course, though that would neglect of duty and an IC issue. Civilians can probably come along without any IC repercussions but unless there's a good reason, there shouldn't be too good of a reason for people to leave their jobs to explore, especially if they're a head.



    I support this idea.


    Going to add that the lockers be locked for obvious reasons only accessible to the team and maybe the Captain (cause all-access).


    Would also recommend they start off with tools to open doors and special gloves ( protection against some elements) or at the very least insulated gloves so they don't kill themselves opening doors unless you wish to give them the know how of the wires and purposes.



    Currently, bluespace should be the only invisible slime.


    However, cerulean and sepia are also affected.


    I have not yet tested sepia but so far, cerulean slime does not work at all, tried injecting blood and plasma to get nothing and I can draw it back from the extract. Might be due to invisible sprite of the extract.


    Also gold when injected with blood, does not do anything.


    Bluespace was found by my partner to be useless too.


    EDIT: IT seems I was right about sepia. Neither blood nor plasma injection into the extra causes a reaction. It might be due to invisible sprites.



    Glad to hear your feedback bone.


    However, mass spectrometer doesn't tell you how many units of a medicine is in the unit. Only a scanner does and I have accidentally killed a few people with just 15 units of alkysine ( it went to 12 u when the body is dead)


    So you can tell what's inside the beaker (even with a reagent scanner), won't know how many units.


    Alkysine and ryetalyn seem a bit bugged if you put it in the cryo cells in anyway. Causes toxin damage to their death even if only 3 untis of the combined medicine is inserted.


    Never knew cloning was meant to be time consuming as a balance. I guess this way people don't kill themselves so they get new bodies.


    Didn't know about the EVA suits not stopping bullets but I just meant that you can somehow cut through it and leave no marks while other things it somehow buffs its resilience.


    I have a few other posts and suggestions that I've posted. I would like if you can provide feedback on those too.



    Played more over the past few days and some things I observed.


    With the recent addition of the overdose system, it leads to a lot of problems.


    Not a lot of doctors are "well-informed" and kill patients accidentally. This leads to a lot of unfun and well, accidental killings. Of course they can be cloned....


    Not. Combining ryetalyn or alkysine with clonex or cryox somehow kills them. No idea how considering it injects only a few units but I've accused someone of accidentally being a changeling for putting ryetalyn bottle (30 units) in the cryo beaker when in reality they were just a normal person. The ryetalyn caused toxin damage till he went completely critical and died. Only 16 units was injected the first time and 14 units the second time using the rest of the bottle. The toxin damage started after being in the cryo cell for a while. It seems that there are drugs that act toxically for some strange reason in cryo cells. 15 is the OD limit so the first time would make some sense but the second time makes no sense as it never reaches the OD limit to start taking damage.


    One of my new suggestions from what people have observed and I've heard is that the kit medicine and sleeper medicine need to be removed or raised higher. To a degree that it shouldn't be possible for a real doctor to accidentally kill them. Inaprovaline, Anti-tox, sopoforic, and dexalin. Also kelotane because it can be found in burn kits. I also recommend that they be increased to a greater amount than the amount found in kits which is generally 90 units. (Anti-tox has more because of the syringes so increase situationally. Else every kit can become a killer kit as they are now if you feed them more than a certain amount.


    I understand that not much updates has happened since the new OD update so I'm hoping to see dialysis updates or cryo cells updates soon. They would be really useful to prevent new doctors/ returning doctors that haven't been here since it's implementation from accidentally killing the patients.


    New optionals (Far off ideas somewhat that should only be done when everything else is balanced and working) that I thought up of:


    Well new chemicals if possible. Even if they're hard to make. With the new od system it's hard to make too much of one medicine knowing it can kill someone so more chemicals that do similar things so that we can work around the OD system. One thing I thought up of is RP chemicals. No purpose other than for RP wise such as truth serums. (they get a message like "You feel you must tell the absolute truth and nothing but the truth" or something like when you take anti-depressants or get implanted). I mean that's the purpose of anti-depressants. A few more should be interesting if possible to add.

    Edit: Such as laxatives or something to increase body odor. Adds purpose to bathrooms and showers. Great way to mess with people too.

    A medicine that allows you to deal with pressure but makes you bigger in the process ( has possibility of gibbing you eventually)

    A clone damage medicine that doesn't have hard to use ingredients but much, much weaker so as not to unbalance cryo (gives geneticist a chance to have a resort of powers without having them needing to be completely near cryo all the time without losing purpose to their limbs)

    Pest spray. How the hell would the botanist get more.

    Well napalms gone so maybe a way to make oil instead or something that's flammable that doesn't need to be able to burn through walls like thermite.

    Maybe a med that lowers their body temperature so like a med that puts you into near cryo, unconscious state if you take enough.

    Alien specific drugs. Dex+ wouldn't work on a vox.


    Nitroglycerin doesn't seem to be working according to a partner chemist in one round. Get rid of it I guess.


    A purpose to tungsten. Used to make coolant, now has no purpose.


    Restore hyperzine to speed up people or do something <- useful but needs to be balanced of course. Right now it's just a RP drug (only if addiction is brought back). Tried to see if it actually allowed hardsuiters to walk normally but didn't get a response from engineer that round.

    Also restore the use of potassium chloride and potassium chlorophoride in surgeries. (Add back sterilizine or the thing that sterilizes wounds so that it can help with infections too)


    If addiction is brought back, a way to make fixer or something to help with addiction that isn't low chance. It doesn't need to be easy to make. Water is too low of a chance as well as sleep. There's also the fact that the addiction can develop so that it can have copies of addictions. I think I saw a botanist when the addiction system was in with 5 addictions to space drugs. Giving them space drugs of 50 units didn't lower their stage or lowered only one of them. So that hopefully will be fixed somehow.


    Noticed in code there were two anti-tox. Not sure if intentional but it might be leading to the buggy behavior of not being able to overdose on it (which is great cause it's a basic med).



    Oh yeah, speaking of viro. Let there be a way for them to cure a virus without needing to use radium.....otherwise, what's the point of viro? Radium is meant to be a dangerous way to cure, but you need chemistry dispenser for that.



    Also a quarantine area in viro would be great. Better than bringing to iso where they can expose the entire medbay staff.



    Hi, I'm a relatively new player to this server and seeing as I've played a lot by now and have experience with the medical system, I would like to give some suggestions.


    First off, thanks for the new overdose system. That way it offers us a way to kill our patients new challenge in the medical system ( as though it wasn't challenging enough to keep even half the people alive ).


    However, with this new system, some things have to make way.


    First of all, with this new system, there's no way to detect an overdose of meds for undetectable meds. This leads to complications, though as I said earlier it adds to the assassination/euthanization/killing challenge. If we are able to diagnose it though, that's good because ....


    It finally gives meaning to dialysis. This way we can pump out all the bad chemicals. However, there is currently no way to empty a beaker other than spilling it on the floor ( as if the medbay wasn't bloody enough after an hour ) or if they have access to the chem mixer, go through the task of adding it to the buffer and then to the disposal. One suggestion is to make such a way possible ( like dumping it into the sink )


    Next, with the new overdose system (and the fact that most drugs are the same color), cryo cells should tell you what chemicals are inside the beaker. In this way, you can make sure they do not overdose if they already have a ton of the same medication in their system already.


    Another thing that should be done is medically ID protecting the fridge. After all, there is another way to kill silently harm others when providing medicine. Also, some of my shifts, SOME CIVVIE WALKS RIGHT IN AND STEALS ALL THE MEDS!!! :x But I digress, medically ID protecting the fridge should help somewhat in stopping people from coming right in and walking right out with the medication. That's what the request desk is for.


    Now for other medical suggestions not related to the overdose system:


    First some balancing. I know this is a bit metagamey and powergamey, but gibbing a human probably yields more than 3 meats. To clone someone, it requires 150 biomass ( 3 meats of anything ). This needs to be balanced in that maybe gibbing provides less, different levels of cloning ( malnourished, normal, fat ), some sort of balancing that would lead to the corpses not being gibbed for biomasses.


    Regarding the biomass, just like there is a plant bag that can pick up tons of plants off the floor and put it in the biogenerator, there should be a meat bag. This way, the tedious task of throwing in synmeat to the cloning pod will be much easier.


    Far off sugestions/ improving the medbay:


    A way to make soap. WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE KEEP STEALING THE SOAP AND NOT SAYING THEY HAVE IT? DO WE NEED TO RENDER FAT FROM PEOPLE AND MAKE IT INTO SOAP? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? HUMAN SOAP MADE FOR HUMANS? Right now, operating tables won't take the cleaners anymore ( probably will be fixed soon ) so we can't clean the blood underneat the tables. We also can't get under sleepers or body scanners so soap is very important. Thankfully, there's one UNTIL SOMEONE STEALS IT so if a way is made to make soap, balancing should make it have several uses so more soap needs to be made FROM THE MEAT OF THE THIEVES


    Wheelchairs has been brought up. Crutches too.


    Others that I can't think of at the moment.


    Edit: Like making the patients locker feasible. Don't allow surgery to be done on someone with a hardsuit on or at least nothing other than the patient clothes provided in the lockers to do surgery. It's weird scalpeling someone's chest when there's armor that can stop bullets.


    Edit 2: More so suggestiosn can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2083&sid=03cb9de72397e598b1b762f3fa8518be#p11381


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