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Posts posted by ro3ger

  1. Admin(s) Key: ItsMarmite
    Your ckey (Byond username): Ro3ger
    Your Discord name (if applicable):

    Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 10:30 AM or 10:30

    ROUND ID:36806

    Nature of complaint: Feedback
    (Select all that apply: EG - clarification required, misapplication of rules, misconduct, abuse of powers, feedback, other)
    Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint:

    Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): Using OP weapons as a Centcomm commander against a blob when it was winning

    Full description of events: In this round a blob had spawned on station and crew had failed to fight it off and were loosing, Gamma, ERT and death-squad were all sent out during this. Instead of letting the blob win the round like they had spent so long trying to do Marmite had came to the station as a centcomm commander using a shotgun pulse rifle to destroy and blob in the way so the single death-squad member still fighting could take the nuke and destroy the station

    While I don't believe this should be a full report coming and needlessly taking the victory from someone who spent so much effort into winning it and beating everything the admins sent at them just to be killed by said admin isn't something that seems fair or fun to anyone playing

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