ParadiseStation Wiki:Manual of Style/Prose

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This section of the Manual of Style describes Prose rules and standard for our wiki. Prose is a form of written or spoken language that typically exhibits a natural flow of speech and grammatical structure. For all intensive purposes of the Paradise Wiki, this is in reference to the style of rhetoric/text of an article. This includes tone, humor, point of view, sentence structure, pronoun usage, and a few other miscellaneous literary mechanics.


Since SS13 has multiple gender options for player characters, whenever one needs to refer to a mob, they should opt to use "They", "Them", "Their", and "his/her." A gender neutral term must be used or both genders must be included in the same action/reference. When referring to silicon's or genderless objects, "it" or "its" should be the default choice, if the author thinks it would be beneficial to the article to use "they/them" in reference to silicons, that is perfectly acceptable.

For specific lore characters, an assigned gender is acceptable. However, authors should keep in mind to diversify gender so that lore is not dominated by one specific gender.

Point of View

For all game-content articles, third-person point of view is to be used. All use of personal pronouns, "I", "me", "you", "y'all", "mine", "your" , "yours" should be avoided. For articles that deal with technical or OOC issue, "you" pronouns are permitted to better guide players through processes and procedures.


  • Strike-through humor is prohibited
  • Any humor in articles should be in good taste, non-offensive, and constructive to the subject matter. A good rule of thumb is that if the humor in any way violates server rules, it is not permitted on the wiki under any circumstances.
  • Humor pertaining to the article reader should be non-specific and not ostracize any specific group or person.
  • Meme articles or sections are prohibited
    • EXCEPTION: Any articles pertaining to the clown have much more freedom to use humor/humorous terms granted the other humor requirements are followed.
  • Humor should not insinuate the opposite of the intended purpose of a feature or otherwise encourage players to violate server rules.

Grammar and Literary Devices/Structure

Articles on the wiki are expected to be well-written (at the bare minimum SPELL CHECKED) with solid grammar. Here are things that authors needs to watch out for:

  • Avoiding sentence fragments, each sentence should have a SUBJECT and a VERB.
  • Avoid run-on sentences, do not string together 2-3 independent clauses, use periods and semi-colons where needed.
  • The beginning of all sentences should be capitalized.