ParadiseStation Wiki:Manual of Style

From Paradise Station Wiki
Revision as of 02:19, 22 May 2016 by Keroman (talk | contribs)
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To coordinate the effort of contributors, a manual of style is required to be discussed and decided upon. All aspects of styling, from table colours, to wording of sections should be consistent.


  1. Clarity. Information should be clear to readers, and presented in the best possible manner.
  2. Consistency. Styling, formatting, etc. should be consistent from article-to-article.
  3. Accuracy and detail. Text and images should be as accurate as possible describing the game, preferring original information and seriousness.

In view of the availability of comprehensive Wikipedia guides, manuals, and references, all details should be deferred there. As detailing the aspects of writing wikicode is cumbersome and the quality of Wikipedia's documentation very high, links to Wikipedia's content will be provided at sections and the manual here will present here information that directly affects Paradise Station Wiki. In addition,

General Guidelines

First of all, our current assortment of templates should be used whenever possible. This allows changes made in the templates to take effect in all articles using it almost immediately. Templates if made, should be made so that it can be used in general

Categorising pages, images, and related items is highly important, as it enables any editor to quickly find and update any relevant articles, create key information portals, and more.



  • Titles (page or section titles, image names, etc.) should be capitalised correctly, e.g. "Introduction to Heroism".


  • Image names of objects should follow the name presented in the game, and capitalised as same as article titles, e.g. "Engineering Radio Headset". See the name shown when you right-click it or hover your mouse over it.
  • Images of objects, tiles, and constructions should be exactly 64x64 pixels. This is because of:
    1. Resizing problems. As browsers resizing e.g. 32x32 images into larger sizes can make it blurry, and since there is no problem downsizing 64x64 images, this is a suitable solution.
    2. Suitably sized images. When displaying an image of an object in-sentence, smaller sized versions are preferred; whereas displaying the image in a framed position, a larger is preferred. In this aspect, using the 64x64 size is a compromise, as the images can be sized down without much issue by using wikicode as follows: [[File:Engineering Radio Headset.png|size=32x32]]
  • Images of objects should not be cropped, for example, screwdrivers. It makes for inconsistently-sized lists of items, and should generally be avoided. Attempt not to crop unless it's more beneficial.
  • Image formats should be either, PNG for still images, and GIF for animated ones. The JPEG format should be avoided due to its lossy nature and its tendency to blur some images.
  • Image extensions should be all in lowercase, and therefore one of the following. Additionally, .jpg should be preferred to .jpeg.

Tables and Lists

Using custom styling should be avoided unless it can clarify the data greatly, e.g. Roles, Guide to Xenobiology.