Guide for Beginners

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Welcome to the guide for beginners to SS13 or Paradise station!

Congratulations on your employment by Nanotrasen! This guide will help you through starting your career. Space Station 13 is a multiplayer roleplaying game developed using the BYOND engine. In Space Station 13 (from here on to be referred to as SS13), players take the role/job of workers on board a space station. For a more advanced explanation of the lore please checkout the backstory on nanotrasen.

Please be aware that Paradise Station is a medium roleplaying server. Should you be new to roleplay, consult the roleplay guide. Should you still have questions, ask them on the forums at

The Server Rules

Yes, there are rules but while you might think this is a bad thing, they help to create an enjoyable atmosphere for players and punish those who like to release the singularity onto the station every shift. They are actually quite relaxed, for example most things that are breaking space law will be handled by the stations security team. Please take a moment to read the rules it is also recommended that you read Space Law and Standard Operating Procedure

Joining the Server

Assuming you haven't already joined the server before, there are a few steps you will need to do:

  1. Download the BYOND client from [1]. You'll need it to run the game
  2. Register for a BYOND account here.
  3. Add this server to your bookmarks, or just manually using the BYOND client. byond://
  4. OR select our name from the "Space Station 13" list of servers, we are usually at the top.

To manually connect to the BYOND server:

  1. using your client click "open" under the games category.
  2. Type in the IP of the server byond://
  3. Click ok.

If it went well you should be connected, congratulations! You're on the server! Before you charge at the game is is recommended that you setup a character.

Character Setup

The character setup screen.


Cosmetics have no actual effect on gameplay, but we recommend that you take some time to change them to your taste.

  • Name: As stated in the Rules, it Is required that all characters have a believable name {restrictions can be different based on race, consult the relevant lore). You can randomize your character's name, based on gender. Generally your name should be coherent, include a Forename and a Surname, and not be a blatant joke or reference to a real life figure. I am looking at you everyone who wants to be called John Cena!
  • Gender: Self-explanatory; this is purely for roleplay purposes, its either male or female.
  • Age: The only cosmetic setting that is basically useless. It will only appear on in-game security and medical records and won't change your characters appearance.

Look and Feel

  • UI Settings: Your user interface options. You have the choice of Midnight