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Fludd's Species Reworks: Greys


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Hello, wiki/lore-team. I've been in touch through discord, but figured I should compile a list of changes I have made to Greys in my first of many PRs which will make your lives harder (Sorry.) In this PR, not too many changes should affect the wiki or the lore of the Greys, but I'll put the ones that do in bold.

  1. Remote talk can now be used on creatures in a radius of two screens from the grey, removing the line of sight restriction, but not buffing it to its previous capabilities.
  2. Psionic Hivemind (the Grey language) is now Z-level wide, but requires at least one hand to be able to hold an item, justified IC-ly by having them press their finger to their temple.
  3. Greys are once again allergic to water, but not water derivatives, such as Holy Water. Fire extinguishers and showers are now deadly weapons.
  4. Greys treat sulfuric acid as if it were water, taking no damage from it at all.
  5. Remote Talk can now be formatted slightly, allowing for slightly better usability in the consistently blue notification chat.

Notably, there is one final change I'd like to make, but it will not be included in the current Grey Rework PR. I intend to give Greys the ability to create illusions which living humans can see, but not interact with, giving them more mental control over a situation to build upon their lack of physical strength.

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