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hOI! Oim Elysian. I'm sure I've scarred plenty of you for life, but I'll go ahead and make one of these because... I dunno, it's 4 am and I can't sleep, sue me.


My character list includes:


N'ildrask Vaalkom, my golden ace kitty mrowl. First character in this insane asylum and still running good with four job specialties, three divorces, two loves in life and one roborg arm. Curious about any? Feel free to ask.


Leaflet, the first plasmaman to permanently work on the Cyberiad. He huffs gas and... Well, plasma gas. Science specialist, though can be found in engineering from time to time. He's a conscripted diplomat from the home planet of the plasma people and is slightly detached from reality. Has a crush on a plasmagal on station though!


Krakricha. SKREEEEEEEE! Yaya, voxxy love pods. Pods go pew pew and shoot special sparkles in space! Can be found as a mechanic, security pod pilot, or in security. Is pretty loopy.


Roy Vasiliev, one of three hoomans. My spy, my infiltrator, changeling antag! CIA haircut and flashy style.


Johann Szechepen, Chief Diplomacy Officer of NT. If I make an announcement, 99% it's him reporting. I've forced a marriage as him on some poor vulp, gave some NT rep kinky things (fuzzy handcuffs, whip, ball gag, etc.), saved a few jobs and fired people as well. Married to a wryn hive queen and is a bit of a subtle pervert. Can't be perfect, can we?


Vizier, my last human. If you see him, he's probably not here to help. Special CC DS force (wuts a DS, admun?). Goes in solo or with a team.


Electro M.A.N., the meme bot himself. Wacky, never serious unless he downloads hadass.exe. Usually likes to zap or play pranks on people. Find him in engineering or a head of staff position.


Last but not least,


Anita Jolyce, my only vulp. Timid, surgeon, female, I don't usually play her much, I've not developed a personality too thoroughly for her yet.




Now a bit about me, me. I'm some 20 year old Floridian scrub who's majoring in Astrophysics and minoring in calculus. Fun. Usually laid back, always loves sleep.


Find me on steam, can't miss my name. Well, catch you all onboard, folks.


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