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Allow the robotics to store robotic parts


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Basically, like how the chemists can store different chems in a fridge, robotics should have their own "vending machine" that allows them to easily store robotic spare parts


Should not be directly available to crew, but just for an easier way to print them up and not have them messy up the already messy robotics area


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I like the idea of putting a borg frame/borg pieces in the freezers, hanging them up like shirts with a glass case so you can see 'em.

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Just throw all the parts in a pile, not like they belong to anyone (yet) ;P


More than likely Robotics aren't going to have any parts laying about waiting for an owner. Most of the time they'll make enough for a borg and construct it right away and when someone comes in for an arm or leg they'll make one right off the bat. Doesn't even take that long.

Not a bad idea but not needed either I think


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