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Virology external shutters button - Carp-defence!


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I often play the Virologist and I've found that carps will spawn in the majority of rounds, and when they do, almost always one turns up outside Virology (which is a lab with a-heck-of-a-lot of windows!). Currently I am playing a round where a carp has broken the monkey pen window. Luckily the HoS was nearby, came in, killed it and left. Whilst I could still work, half the monkeys are dead and another carp has just turned up (this time by the lab equipment), meaning if I go to use the Incubator or Isolator etc, it'll breach the main lab, all to feed it's un-ending hunger for Virologist flesh!


Thing is, I've found security or engineering generally don't bother with coming to virology (no matter how nice I ask) because it's a hassle and other situations are probably taking priority, and whilst a carp breaching Virology was fun to RP once or twice, a lot of the time what a Virologist is left with is a breach in their workplace, and no one to come fix it/kill it, which I think is a bit of a game breaker for Virologists who actually want to do their job.


I'm aware that the Virology lab external window shutters can be opened and closed under medbay quarantine which can be done by the AI or CMO. My suggestion, short of harpoon guns and laser weaponary, is to give the Virologist a button (similar to the internal shutters button already present) that closes the External Shutters, so carp don't try to break in when they see the Virologist or monkeys!


(If already such a thing exists, or if there is a solution anyone can suggest that's better suited than the new button idea, I'd really appreciate hearing it!)




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I +1 this.

Dealing RNG for a decent virus (I remember going through a round where I went through 60 different mutations with no beneficial third strand) is already a hassle for Virologists at times and when a virus breaks out you're pretty much an essential to the station. I think it would make a good deal of sense for them to have some protection against carp without hoping someone has sec pod pilot or anyone can be bothered to help you out.


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Fj, this isnt anywhere, and out of ALL the places where security would go deal with it if they could (because the chances of getting lethals when you are not the warden or HoS or captain is up to those three), Virology is the LEAST likely to get a visit to clear out some pests.


On that note, I kinda miss disabler beams damaging simple mobs, because you felt like you DID something positive for someone's round that didn't involve throwing someone in a box for a few minutes or beating the vampire with harmbaton.


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