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Changeling makes love not war (Until security decides to be a bunch of psychopaths)

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In any capacity, when you're doing something, it's best to know when to stop. And if you don't, you just look stupid and overly obsessed. That was me, who decided to stop killing people as a changeling.

I was doing usual ling stuff, where I suddenly saw a vampire under attack. Eventually, I decided to assist the vampire, and we became the dynamic duo who fucked everybody's shit up.

Eventually though, as described earlier, I decided enough was enough, and went on the opposite of a geonocidal rampage, and just be a standup dude. Despite my attempts at peace, the security officers said "I don't want peace, I want problems. Always." And ended up doing more damage to the station attempting to kill us than me and the vampire ever did combined. ERT was called, and I eventually was caught, but I kept resigning a fight every time I revived because, I don't want war, I want peace.

They shot crew, they blew up part of the station, they flashed a bunch of crew, they prevented a fellow security officer from healing because I was his doctor, and was actually helping him. Eventually, they locked me up in the brig medbay, where I kept refusing to escape and just begged the security officers to stop the violence. Thus began a constant attempt to gib me, which was failing everytime, and once again, did more damage to the station than I could ever do. They eventually gibbed me, but then started eating my meat and turned my leather into clothing.

Perhaps the real changelings were the friends they made along the way.

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