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LiberatedWaveMan's AMA

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Yes hello it is I, valued Nanotrasen employee #19345817

Anyway, I've decided to make an ask me anything for reasons including, but not limited to: 
-Riding off the success of a certain double-letter maintainer
-Community interaction or something

I reserve the right to refuse a question, and I'll probably answer it anyway because I'll feel bad otherwise

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Just now, gangelwaefre said:

What's been your favourite in game interaction lately? 

Today actually, a guy called Mark Xonas started organizing a union. I, being a real-life commie gladly joined. I then realized we were all gonna die and also saw an opportunity for big RP, so I arranged a meeting with the NT Rep, giving him union member names in return for 2000 credits and a cigar. Later it escalated to union member names and meeting locations for 100,000 credits. The union members were arrested and NT special ops (admins) came to interrogate them; mark went SSD and another organizer was given the offer to snitch on the union, which he refused before being knifed to death. I broke into the shuttle thinking "ooh funny syndicate shuttle" and instead got arrested by special ops before they realized it was the informant. I arranged things to look like Mark had snitched on the union, and got to go to centcomm with a destruction pulse gun or some shit like that. In other words, I was rewarded with a variety of ripping and tearing

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