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Addition to the Mapping Standards section of contribution guidelines


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Hi all,

Now that we have map rotation and more users are picking up mapping, it has become apparent that our lack of mapping standards and lack of mapping direction has caused issues in the past.

Why make these changes?

Delta and is a spaghetti piped mess, and both delta and meta's standard map practices are all over the place. I've written a suggested addition to the Mapping Standards section of the current paradise contributing guidelines.

I also feel there should be someone who ensures these standards are followed, considering how busy the maints and PRR's currently are, but thats a suggestion for another day.

Here are some examples, illustrated by pipes and wires, of why we need these changes:

Ask yourself, are these pipe and wiring layouts easy to follow or predict? Are they intuitive?



The suggestion:

Regardless, click here to view my suggested changes that are in green.


I welcome any feedback or requests for additions. I wanted to avoid bloating the contrib guidelines too much but I really do feel that we need these.

If there is general support for this change, it is easy for me to open a PR for the changes.


Edited by S34N
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Looks good. Maybe add a short explanation to the the Sanitize Variables and Clean Unused Keys guidelines for those that aren't familiar with them (I'm curious as to what these do myself). Everything else seems logical and straightforward.

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9 minutes ago, SteelSlayer said:

Looks good. Maybe add a short explanation to the the Sanitize Variables and Clean Unused Keys guidelines for those that aren't familiar with them (I'm curious as to what these do myself). Everything else seems logical and straightforward.

Done, thanks.

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Any map edit should be legal, that is it is possible to do it ingame.

Reinforced walls are for secure areas, space is not a secure area.

Secure areas can also use shocked grills, but is not needed if the windows are exposed to space

Grills should be for shocking.

Do not use a full set of quartertile windows.

Avoid running pipes, disposals and wires under walls, and mainly under doors, unless it's to avoid illegal builds.

Avoid building loops, a single pipe should be enough to cut of an area from atmospherics.

Crew Areas that have windows exposed directly to space, i.e HoS office, should have some grills infront as meteor protection, it can also be a broken grill.

Floors should not have a direction

It's better to code the items ingame, then to var edit them on the map, that way the item or object can be reused easily across multiple maps.

Also mentioning something about fastdmm

I know some of these are already mentioned, but these are the

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2 hours ago, PPI said:

Avoid building loops, a single pipe should be enough to cut of an area from atmospherics.

I disagree, somewhat. A loop in any of the utility lines(air, waste, power) would only introduce a redundancy for the loop itself. There will always be single utility lines stemming from that loop that can be isolated with a single action, and any section of a loop can be defeated with 2 cuts, which may comprise many sections of the station.

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15 hours ago, PPI said:

Also mentioning something about fastdmm

This project has been dead for multiple years 

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18 hours ago, PPI said:

Floors should not have a direction


Also mentioning something about fastdmm

So I think most of these are covered already, regarding these two:


Floors do have dirs, mostly seen along the edges and corners of rooms.


FastDMM should not really be used for mapping anymore, the only feature it has that is worthwile is the rotation function that lets you rotate selections in 90* intervals.

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