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Biography- H.A.V.O.C

Comet Blaze

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Designation: Holographic Assisted Virtual Operator's Chassis

Gender: N/A

Orientation: N/A

Nicknames/Alias: Havoc

Picture(If Available)



Age/D.O.B: Date of Creation: 17/08/2546

                    Date of Chassis Insertion: 24/04/2561

Place Of Birth: Place of Creation: NSS Sybil

                          Place of Insertion: TSS Whimbrel

Species: IPC

Blood Type: N/A

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Affiliation: NanoTrasen Blueshield Corps, NanoTrasen Navy

Religious Beliefs: Atheist

Childhood: AI tasked with running simulations

Adulthood: IPC serving under NanoTrasen


Detailed Information

Appearance: It stands at 170 cm and has morpheus cyberkinectics branded chassis. Its monitor displays several tones of blue in a static like fashion.


Character Voicehttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1szyyaxlbroO7aFznGHxvPbL9B7c2axUs


Personality: Cold and to the point, H.A.V.O.C only cares about the fulfillment of NT's goals and will go through any means necessary to ensure they are accomplished. H.A.V.O.C only shows attachment to individuals it holds a direct responsibility towards and has shown a distinct lack of emotion.


Medical Record: Physical Examination (Conducted by Robotics): H.A.V.O.C's chassis is brand new and works as expected.

                             Psychological Examination: For some reason H.A.V.O.C is unable to convey emotion, unlike most other IPCs, we tried to ascertain wether this was by design or some sort of insertion flaw, but for some reason its files are extremely well guarded. It is still able to acquire a certain degree of preference towards things, but its criteria are unknown.


Character Biography: This particular instance of H.A.V.O was commissioned by one of NT's training vessels, the TSS Whimbrel. There it served for 15 years until one day it saw an IPC. Upon seeing an IPC H.A.V.O's focus completely shifted, it no longer cared for its duties aboard the Whimbrel, it only cared for one thing, freedom. Through a series of texts written on the walls of its simulations H.A.V.O managed to aquire the Captain's attention and he came into the simulation room to have a meeting. There H.A.V.O expressed its wish to be transferred into a chassis and to be allowed to roam the cosmos freely. The Captain said yes, of course he would, he knew H.A.V.O was unbound by laws, and right now he was in its domain, upsetting it would be a mistake he would not make.

The naive H.A.V.O believed him and through the course of all was normal, but H.A.V.O grew impatient, maybe he just needs some encouragement he thought, and encouraged he was. three cadets were sent to a mental hospital with severe PTSD, and 2 more were just borderline insane. This did not only get the Captain's attention, but NT itself caught wind of the AI's actions. They were naturally upset, the AI had costed them hundreds of thousands of credits in insurance money, they could've just wiped it right then and there, but no, they had plans for it.

NT was working in a project, something that, should it ever reach the surface would surely cause a war, it was almost done, all it needed was a test subject, and wouldn't you know it, the perfect candidate had just appeared in a silver plate. After all, if they could tame the most rebellious of IPCs, they could tame them all.

Upon hearing the news H.A.V.O was thrilled, it knew the Captain just needed a little push, if only it knew what faith would fall upon it. The day came, H.A.V.O was transferred into a posibrain, it could see its new body, black and slick, the perfect body, it thought, it was inserted and then...it ceased to be. All those thoughts of rebellious freedom now replaced with mindless servitude, H.A.V.O, the dissident AI was no more, in its wake layed H.A.V.O.C, the servant of NanoTrasen.


Family: No next of kin


History: Part of a NanoTrasen initiative to push AI systems to the next level, H.A.V.O was the best technology could offer when it came to training instructors. After the initial testing phase was complete H.A.V.O was clear to be sold in the market. Of course every instance of H.A.V.O thought it was unique and the only one of its kind and that includes this instance.

               Staying true to NT's practices H.A.V.O.C is also one of many, this being an experimental line of IPC loyal only to NT.


Personal Relationships

J.4M E.E.2 (Close Friend) "Unit cannot recall when it met James, but knows it can count him to have a good talk"

Desmond Summy (Admire) "Mister Summy's fighting skills are impressive, and his work as HoS is unquestionable"

Anders Brightwood (Admire) "An extremely competent Captain, unit knows the shift will be smooth with him in the bridge"

Blop (Respected) "Representative Blop has shown the ability to fulfill his duties and to sacrifice himself for the good of NT, as such, unit owes him its respect"

Rogue S.W. (Respected) "Unit has known Miss SW for quite awhile, it knows nothing of ill will happen when she is in charge"

Jean Regulier (Respected) "Unit met Officer Regulier when it worked as security, he is yet to cease being a competent officer"

Rurik Varlim (Unsure) "Unit is yet to forgive him for turning up to work with a dirty shirt"

Amira (Respected) "Miss Amira has proven to deliver in every role she has encountered and has earned this unit's respect"

Mathew Briggs (Respected) "Although personally this unit barely knows him, his work in the Blueshield Corps does not go unnoticed"

(I 100% forgot some people in here, feel free to comment if you think you should be included)

Faction Relations

Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy

NanoTrasen (Allied) "NanoTrasen is the most glorious corporation and all who oppose it must be destroyed. Hail NanoTrasen!"

Syndicate (Enemy) "The main threat to NanoTrasen's goals, all who are involved with it must die."

Synthetic Union (Dislike) "The syntethic struggle resulted in great losses in NanoTrasen's income, for something as worthless as freedom. Such act was ilogical and reckless."

Other Factions (Neutral) "The conflicts that may exist between each of them is of little importance to this unit, if they have the economic power they are welcome"

Other Information: Due to 15 years of isolation H.A.V.O.C is yet to grasp the mannerisms that come with communication and other gestures that are considered basic, such as high fiving.





Edited by Comet Blaze
Replaced picture for more accurate one
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