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Goliath Hide Cloak Buff/Rework


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So as of right now, the goliath cloak is worse in every way than the explorer suit besides fashion, kind of disappointing for an item that's such a hassle to make, how about we change that

My proposal is this, make it ash storm resistant, not storm proof but resistant this would add great utility to a fairly rare item and make it actually worth the effort of creating, think of it like a rain coat, it shields you from the rain, but it doesn't cover all your bits so you still get a little wet.

My other idea is to make it into something you attach to your explorer suit granting the storm resistance but no extra defense, this would still grant great utility and overall probably be even better than just a buff as it reduces the hassle of having to shuffle through your bag each time you want to get it out.

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As somebody whose been through lavaland all of once as miner, I dont have too much experience in it. However the one run through I did, I noticed the explorer suit can only be upgraded with goliath hide a few times. Maybe trade off one goliath hide use for storm resist?

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Yeah actually, that seems like it would make for a great change maybe even make it so you can stack for more resistance up to a point of immunity

Edited by Leanfrog
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Aye the cloak looks great but sadly is shadowed by the Explorer Suit, which can be upgraded 3x chest and head, and doesn't even provide any immunity to ash storms. Its not worth making unless you are a Hermit, but even then you can be better off hunting legions for a better suit.

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