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SEC Instructor Jobs, A Remedy to Newsec


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A teacher for security officers would be great, I haven't seen much security murder on this station, although during the early days of ssethtide, goon servers were full of officers who smashed most people down with a chair, or prodded people with an off baton on help.

However, this does bring the question of how to prevent abuse of this role, I definitely agree on the karma price, although why would people play this role, let alone buy it. Most rounds wouldn't have a security teacher because of this, they need some kind of incentive.

Apart from that, I support this idea.

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As of now the poll is looking at 5 yays and 3 nays. Even then 8 votes is not necessarily a big enough sample to say this accounts for the voice of the community. If you guys ever have time please encourage your friends to toss their name in! If we can atleast get 50 votes (that’s half a normal shift’s population) then it’ll have enough to influence whether or not the project continues or comes to a halt.


I also ask everyone to take time to read all announcement posts that I’ve sent out there. So to prevent redundancy

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