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A Stitch In Time


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Greetings, reader(s)!

I'm Silver. You could call me Ashpaw as well if you'd like, though that would be mixing up IC and OOC a bit. Been interested in SS13 for quite some time, but so far I only seem to have time every once in a while. Though when that 'while' comes around then I manage to pull off several shifts in a weekend. Maybe I'll be able to change that somewhat going forward.

Still a rookie by most standards, though I would consider myself a reasonably proficient chemist and a not terrible botanist or scientist. Still trying to learn all the time, still trying to ease into new jobs.

Does anything else belong in an introduction? It's been so long since I was last on a forum...I suppose if there is, the viewer(s) can let me know.

Good fun, have luck, don't die!

- Silver

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Hello there space traveler!

Welcome welcome, it's good to see new face on forum, remember if you need any help in game ((mechanics etc.)) Feel free to mhelp it ((click F1 then chose mentorhelp option))

See ya on the server

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5 hours ago, BottomQuark said:

 remember if you need any help in game ((mechanics etc.)) Feel free to mhelp it ((click F1 then chose mentorhelp option))

Don't fall for the mentor's trap, he will curse you with the power of a million suns!!!

But actually do mentor help, I slowed my learning curve by refusing to (for some reason •`•)


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Hey hey, always good to see new people being interested in a game that is so....let's say special.
Well since the mentor already mentioned mhelp I can as well mention ahelp, which is also available under F1. If you have any doubts regarding what is allowed or not, or if you think that someone is breaking the rules don't hesitate to give us a shout!

Hope you'll enjoy your time on the station then, although the "Don't die" part will be hard sometimes ?

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