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Hi. I hope publishing that post doesn't break the rules. Im aware that there is a few Polish people playing on Paradise station, and this post is directed exclusively to them.  That's why the rest of the text will be in Polish. Im just looking for people who would like to play Barotrauma (A game heavly inspired by SS13), but I need to be sure that they speak Polish.

Hej, chciałbym wam przybliżyć przepiękną sprawę jaką jest nieco niszowa gra komputerowa – Barotrauma w której wcielamy się w członka załogi łodzi podwodnej kursującej na wodach księżyca Jowisza – Europy. Rozgrywka mechanicznie jest bardzo ciekawa i pozwala na setki rozwiązań, ale by zabawie dodać głębi – odgrywamy nasze postacie, a pełniący służbę kapitan odpowiada też za bycie game masterem, pewną narrację i ocenę poczynań graczy. Załoga i jej zgranie to bardzo istotny element rozgrywki i każdy jest ważny, niezależnie czy odgrywa mechanika, oficera medycznego, inżyniera, żołnierza, kucharza, nawigatora itd. Kiedy gramy? Spotykamy się wieczorami, czasem gramy bardziej narracyjnie, czasem robimy misje proponowane przez grę (ale wciąż z pełnym odgrywaniem i otoczką fabularną). Regularność nie jest wymagana, misje dobieramy pod obecnych (a tych wystarczy już 3, chociaż im więcej nas, tym ciekawiej), jedna rundka trwa od godziny do kilku. Poza grą, gdy nasza maszyna stoi w doku ;), lubimy odgrywać na discordzie. Jak wygląda rozgrywka? Na początku kapitan robi krótkie wprowadzenie czy to na discordzie, czy już bezpośrednio w grze opowiadając o szczegółach misji. Inżynierowie budzą do życia maszynownie, wojskowi robią obchód, sprawdzają stan dział itd. Misje mogą być całkiem proste i mechaniczne – transport czegoś z A do B, ubicie potwora, ale też całkowicie fabularyzowane (ostatnio eksplorowaliśmy wrak łodzi, specjalnie przygotowany na tę rundę). Czasem łódź ma przeciek, czasem coś ją atakuje, wtedy żołnierze strzelają z dział, mechanicy spawają, medycy próbują utrzymać załogę przytomną – ot, codzienność. Pilnujemy także łańcucha dowodzenia, ale nie jesteśmy przesadnymi militarystami.

To tak z grubsza. Jeśli ktoś z was ma jakieś pytania odnośnie gry lub serwera, dajcie znać w odpowiedziach, lub napiszcie PM.

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@Crossbow7734 just curious...why is this exclusive to Polish speaking only? I translated it and the game sounds interesting...



Hey, I would like to introduce you to the beautiful matter which is a slightly niche computer game - Barotrauma in which we play as a member of the crew of a submarine running on the waters of the moon Jupiter - Europe. The game mechanically is very interesting and allows for hundreds of solutions, but to add depth to the game - we play our characters, and the captain in charge is also responsible for being a game master, a certain narrative and evaluation of players' actions. The crew and its teaming is a very important element of the game and everyone is important, regardless of whether it plays mechanics, medical officer, engineer, soldier, cook, navigator, etc. When do we play? We meet in the evenings, sometimes we play more narrative, sometimes we do missions proposed by the game (but still with full play and storyline). Regularity is not required, we choose missions under the present ones (and these are enough for 3, although the more we are, the more interestingly), one round lasts from one hour to several. In addition to the game, when our machine is in the dock;), we like to play on discord. What does the game look like? At the beginning, the captain makes a short introduction, either on the discard or directly in the game, telling about the details of the mission. Engineers bring life to the engine rooms, the soldiers make rounds, check the guns etc. Missions can be quite simple and mechanical - transporting something from A to B, whipping the monster, but also completely fabularized (recently explored the wreck of the boat, specially prepared for this round). Sometimes the boat has a leak, sometimes something attacks it, then the soldiers shoot guns, the mechanics weld, the medics try to keep the crew conscious - just everyday. We also look after the chain of command, but we are not overly militaristic. It's roughly.

If any of you have any questions about the game or server, let me know in the answers or write PM.


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3 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

@Crossbow7734 just curious...why is this exclusive to Polish speaking only? I translated it and the game sounds interesting...

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Hey, I would like to introduce you to the beautiful matter which is a slightly niche computer game - Barotrauma in which we play as a member of the crew of a submarine running on the waters of the moon Jupiter - Europe. The game mechanically is very interesting and allows for hundreds of solutions, but to add depth to the game - we play our characters, and the captain in charge is also responsible for being a game master, a certain narrative and evaluation of players' actions. The crew and its teaming is a very important element of the game and everyone is important, regardless of whether it plays mechanics, medical officer, engineer, soldier, cook, navigator, etc. When do we play? We meet in the evenings, sometimes we play more narrative, sometimes we do missions proposed by the game (but still with full play and storyline). Regularity is not required, we choose missions under the present ones (and these are enough for 3, although the more we are, the more interestingly), one round lasts from one hour to several. In addition to the game, when our machine is in the dock;), we like to play on discord. What does the game look like? At the beginning, the captain makes a short introduction, either on the discard or directly in the game, telling about the details of the mission. Engineers bring life to the engine rooms, the soldiers make rounds, check the guns etc. Missions can be quite simple and mechanical - transporting something from A to B, whipping the monster, but also completely fabularized (recently explored the wreck of the boat, specially prepared for this round). Sometimes the boat has a leak, sometimes something attacks it, then the soldiers shoot guns, the mechanics weld, the medics try to keep the crew conscious - just everyday. We also look after the chain of command, but we are not overly militaristic. It's roughly.

If any of you have any questions about the game or server, let me know in the answers or write PM.


The game is based on SS13, it isn't as complex but brings more features to the table: E.G parasites that kill your body and then have an NPC take control of it, infecting everyone else, huge freaky ass fish demons that would absolutely demolish your ship, and a variety of medicines that don't seem like they do shit. It's free and in beta I think, isn't that cost effective on your computer. 


EDIT: it's not in polish only, that may be a polish only server however

Edited by Fursamie
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I played barotrauma a couple weeks ago with my friendos

Game has no voice chat, so if you want any RP in it you need  a) people you can trust with VC b) you have to use text chat

Ship is small as hell, and game is uh... lets say, faster than ss13, so it really needs VC, engineering looking for breach for 5 minutes = crashed ship.

Basic ships are just pure trash, one breach ((especially on the top of the ship)) basicly kills you, the movement system is really interesting ((you have a couple of ballast-chambers on the bottom of the ship, if you want to go deeper into the water, you inject there water into the ballast, if you want to go higher, you empty the ballast)) but one breach basicly floods at least one room and you immidietly start loosing height and crash the ship. In order to make basic ships playable you need experienced crew.
You can download custom ships so that's fine I guess.

Let's take a look at the roles.

  1. Captain, there is ALWAYS one captain on the ship, game will not start without captain, or rather it will force-select someone captain
  2. Security Officer, they start with harpoon guns and stunbatons, they mostly operate guns
  3. Medical Doctor that is supposed to help wounded.... supposed to.... cuz if you are in breached area, pressure kills you, so mostly they die before they can reach medbay, but well maybe I just haven't seen good doctor
  4. Engineer, the best role obviously, yellow dressed nerds that run engine that literally requires you to click 2 things, they also make sure electronics is not broken and fix flooded engine.
  5. Mechanic, the second best role obviously. They are supposed to fix breaches and equipment. They also can make equipment like welding tools, syrgines, etc.
  6. Assistant, GREYTIDE SKREEEE

Speaking of gamemodes, you can play single mission, that is good way to learn, then there's campaign that alows you to buy things, earn money etc. it's basicly chain of missions.

You also can set traitor to "Yes" or "Maybe", they literally have to do a single thing> kill X person, there is no other mission for traitor

Wiki says there are 10 types of missions, but in reality there are like 6. 

And talking about making it polish only..... Well I know only 4 polish people thay play/played on the server including me so yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. 

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