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R and D console - Display the tech requirements of Protolathe items / circuits


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Okay, so my idea goes a little something like this; looking at a guide for R and D / mentally memorizing exactly how to max out R and D is all well and good, but I'd rather see the research requirements for Protolathe items that I've unlocked in some way or another just by looking at the item in the R and D console, since I have unlocked said item, after all. This would save time and resources.

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If you want to know the exact tech levels of an item, the fastest way to find it is searching the Github: e.g: searching for pico manipulator gives you: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/blob/001abb61c44a49883a3b36e70031260c0ac0c63b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/stock_parts.dm#L182

If you want to know which items to put in to increase tech levels, there is a tool for that: https://kyep.github.io/paratools/rndtool/RDT.html

You can see the levels of an item you've printed by putting it into the deconstructor.

Yeah, it would be nice if the lathe showed you the tech levels of in-game items too.

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