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Everything posted by CourierAsy

  1. This...*THIS* I love this so much. Looks like its time i rejoin the server.
  2. Leaders should serve the community.

  3. Any Freya is a win! I loved Mayhem Michael so much. <3
  4. I would very much like to see the beach revamped!
  5. Run while you still can, if you manage to steer clear from the forum for 6 years, dont fall into this pit now, ITS A TRAP! Also, Therrel is the best person to get high with.
  6. Not really much to show, but i figured i could do one of these too
  7. TOMMY SLATER FTW, my poor boy ;-; Murder Idunn is one of the foes i'd rather throw myself out of an airlock than fight against. I love the absolute possessed energy from the art, Heather!!! <3
  8. Regular shift for Fiona: > Finds a flash while lurking in the dark >Pass out drunk in the library >Wakes up and tells a drunk that he's the chosen one, then sends him on a magical journey >Profit
  9. Cant say i've ever seen this guy around, but hey, always nice to have people putting in the effort. Really hope to meet him ingame some time.
  10. Sounds interesting enough. Hope to meet this absolute madlad soon. I guess. weird flex with the monkey thing, but ok.
  11. The God of paperwork finally put up his paperwork on the Forum, HELL YEAH!
  12. CourierAsy


    Hope to see you around soon. Just avoid the trolls and you'll be fine. For instance, Fiona Phillips is someone you never interact with
  13. Top Tier. No words can express how pleased i am with this page. Oh i see...You're saying that Bovine is not foward enough. Got it.
  14. Its so great seeing that people in this community care enough to do something beautiful like this, and that we have a safe space to be who we truly are, together in paradise.
  16. Look at that subtle nuance of how crazy Fiona is, that in-depth lore and detailed descriptions on it, OH MY GOD, it even has Interview Logs. (Loved learning that Fiona also lives on her own ship, we're both 'space trailer park trash')
  17. Exploration Journal and Relationships (Decided to remake the post in which i had the relationship's list cause no way in hell i would make a fancy image to everyone i knew, and before you ask, Noooo, of course i didnt stole the layout idea from @angelictactics's page, im offended you could even think that.) (Also putting in here the material i gather from the events im part of.) The Redspace Entities Affair Personal Relations: (I tried to include everyone which i have...somewhat frequent interactions, excluding people like...Arma-993, Rolf Svend(???), S.A.R.A, Zashora, Nika the pAI, Hungry Zaun and Zayatsu, cause i have no idea if those people are still active or plan on being active again. If your character is not in it, is either because i forgot you, dont really like you, or did not had enough interaction to form a opinion about you. Hit me up so we can change that.)
  18. ''Its nice for people who want to roleplay in this roleplaying game'', ''But i dont like it so i want it disabled so i can win''. Thats all i got it from this.
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