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Grey Tider

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  1. How do i setup the scungularity? What is, for you personally, the most stressful part about being an admin? What's the best part about being an admin for you?
  2. Name of Event: Robotic Bogaloo One Sentence Description: The station has been infected with a very infectious nanovirus that turns crew into borgs, robots and... other things. Map Changes: No, maybe minor ones as the round progresses (to show nanovirus spread) Code Changes: Yes (but maybe just minor ones?) The virus should/could work somewhat similar to the already existing nanovirus you get from eating roburgers, but with a few differences. Suggested Number of Players: Probably not absolute lowpop, anything above 40 or so should be fine (as long as there are some doctors/a cmo/a virologist/a roboticist onboard). Full Description of Event: Basically there's a new nanovirus spreading from an unknown source, maybe not just a normal virus that spreads like normal viruses do but with a few (somewhat hidden) germ sources and a different way to cure it. The virus would work somewhat similar to the already existing roburger virus, but instead of turning people into borgs after some time has passed it can randomly do some other things, such as: turning limbs/organs robotic (and keeping the host infected until the robotic limb/organ is removed), turning people into bots (cleanbots, beepskys, medbots etc.), turning people into swarmers (and maybe ones that cannot replicate so it won't be as bad maybe?), turning people into borgs but with all laws being made up of ion laws or, if you really wanna go all out, turning them into some sort of robotic abomination (think goon clings but robotic) that just want someone to end their pain... and accidently chopping anyone willing to "help" apart. I feel like this could be a cool event, only problem being that there would need to be some changes in the code to change what the virus turns people into.
  3. So, I don't know how the rest of the community feels, but to me it feels like slaughter demons being able to instantly abduct downed (not just dead people or people in crit, even just unconscious) people standing on blood is kind of overpowered. I've seen two rounds with slaughter demons in medbay the past few days, where they literally just nabbed almost every patient, because - just like almost every patient - they are bleeding and the doc treating them can't patch their bleeding immideately and isn't using their space cleaner minigun and even if they would, there's still a good chance the demon would still just nab the patient. So, my suggestions to rebalance slaughter demons would be either: 1) When the demon is retreating into blood it should take it a few seconds to be able to actually retreat (if that's too unbalanced only when dragging a person) and, if it makes them too weak give them some damage resistance while they're retreating. 2) Make it so the demon can only retreat back into blood after it's been out for atleast a few seconds (when it is or isn't dragging a person depending on how balanced it'd be). 3) Let demons only abduct people that are actually dead. Either of these would probably help, as you wouldn't have to worry as much about the demon literally abducting everyone in medbay, but even if those suggestions aren't that good, there should still be some sort of rebalance. If this would make demons too underpowered you could for example give them powers the more crew they absorb, or just more maximum health or damage, something like that. Just to put this into context, in it's current form it's almost impossible for doctors to fix anyone that needs surgery, as any surgery WILL produce blood, even after applying a hemostat and patients need to lay down to be able to get surgery (and I'm pretty sure laying down also lets demons abduct you) and unless you're lucky or the demon is busy elsewhere you're basically screwed... or atleast your patient is.
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